Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXIX, Number 38, 20 Kepakemapa 1890 — Our English Column. [ARTICLE]
Our English Column.
"/♦* rr<*.irf frr Sf l" VNr] h i Hii. - i»K>K Yc»»i J> •>•*> and ru\ *: havc «»attcic<l ar'»un<i ) Ht:\ *c i s:rce v«iit.:.»n as l"r.<.Y rh»i ha* h.;i: !; .t 'ne lettcr fr<<m ar,y(>l \ ■" si.ve *he r; .o' i.e of ias? month An»! htre the ii'.'.cr, just I rti u*c<s Jt, an<s l 'ird anv «ui'iake m i' Ha awa, Moioka: f'/,Y 24?h. Un< le I'hil Hiio. Ha»*ii I)car s?r I read vo<;r kir,<\ anv*er īo iny !cvcr in the "K»iokoi,' and your dc r of HaUwa *h' r >ou *trc s. I <-an aimov: ihink r vt-r,. v rc \ ur housc mi.s! ha\< d. Ihe *ishj.<»n<l is st»:l htrt\ '•••* n< t ~. vcr no*, »t is ?n!cd with nv.:d Wc i.:.\e |,uiit a new w(x><!cfi < h r fur M jīsi-t #■ r near :her«\ and V»• \w\r± '.r, II ne.w, I hcrc i'» nf-w a ni'e »;.lt a< r» * » :hc rivcr ji.st «J><.vc the p(/»d. vi we d.» n<-'t wade thr Uk;h the ri\cr *r>) ni«>rt *her. we 'ou.e t rht:r< h ur s< hool I he truit o! the ohu tr«.o i* *:e-11;r. n;»c no». Thc r.nn 4 i\er\ day in '»howers, >»• a* t<» it ript-. what thc rut.vcs <ail the "l.'a h'o:a!a 01.iu," '(he īal!n arc as cvcr. with the ftrns, kileavesand t.,fncr ntar tlit»r >. ! wcnt thtrc last week. I s.iw a bi_; *.t< ne in ihe u»i<l»!'f <>f tl»e en Han< e <>l an<! m.»n\ * thcr h:i; Mnm- !>y the side. Ihe w,»tt r. f<»o. wjs vt ry stroriu; on that <!.i\. ;»nd it madc tnt vcry urcd ! wantc<l to -t-t w}»trc thc wattr *;«> tiiil>iit I <t. u!d not du it, t!ie watcr was -.(> strontf that i! pnlled ine l>a< k. ! remain \Our Y<»un>; !*ncnd j !Vtcr !'. Kahananui. i
Vour lettcr i.-. vtrv intcrc^rinji % Petcr, and I only wish that ail *hc bi-ys anti girls wht» j4athcr around thc I>k>k. wouM stiul m entuigh si,< h lctttrs as to tVil it Anil that ruakt'!> me think that all thr lettcrs 1 havc rc« ei\C(l havt? l»rrn from thc hoys. Wherc aie the > Are thiy to lct thc lx ys havc a\\ thc sav ? I hat wouUl m-t be fuir. (.'oine, i?»rN, sht>w thc boy> that >.>u «an writc ;»s as t he y
(>f iotirsf, Umle Phil tecls a great interest in Molokai. be< ause he ha.s known that island as l»>ng a* he has known anvthing in this worid. Hc the h vs aml t<f f. rty anil iifty veais ag<\ anti not »ne u! them was tlttissfd m tcTtii;n « $»>thcs l hcv 1 i wore kapa t lothes, ar,d tlurc vtas nt t * stv>re on the whole isl.uul. l i »rt was no fi * !oth t»> he s< M, .«ntl
there was no n»rr»t\ to Iu \ it w»t!i Then, tl e ea: } <\ ht»urs. froin all t>arts tt H..lawa vallcN, ..nd from almost cvetv house from llal.iwa to Kaluakoi antl Kalae, 1011M he h« .»rd the clear sound ot the 'kuku kapa." or kapa Aiul why ? I>et arse if" th* women lid not make the ka; a they wouM havc tv> wear
And your »;randmothc!s wtrc >t.i\ in thf<c- kapas 'l hc y pnntctl rhcm in iliffcrent rol«r», nke c*li( ocs whi< h thoy «uw worn l>v thc wivc* if' thcir niissM.nnnci. And manv o(the mrl*i uf th.it timc learncd to knit And how do y«« think thcv wcnt to work to lt*arn ? 1: w.is h«rd to gct woelen v.irn, sv;< h as stork inss are tnade of. in tho»c days: so the £irl.< pu!led the f'ine rnhcs that £rew in thc kalo j.atchcs, and dricd thcm, anU madc thcm sott, and then tied them nuc!s vjnt\l thcv had quitc a lar4c hall. That w.i> thrir yarn lhen thcy nudc nccdlcs of »tra»ght bamboo. «nd wcre rcad? to leam t« knit
'l hen thcv would gither jmund thc mi*sionary mother who would sit in thc rt'cking i hair wuh hcr knit tm# »tc>cking.s tor hcr ŪM)ilv, and shc woutd show thcm huw to niake the ttitches «ith thdr dticil roshc> un their Uamhoo needlc*. Ur.c!c Thi! has seen nunv ot ihe rush stoc kings knit bv the Molokii gir!s oi K>rty and i)(tv vcam tgo. Uhen thcv t>ctatne «kiiiul with tbeir ban>lxH> neediess then the mi* sionary nu)thcr wouki lct thcm knit Mo«kin#s with real knitting nce<l'en, and jrarn. and pay them for thcir *rork. And do you «nd guis, who go to the Kngti»h S< hix>t at Kaiuaaha, know, that. a great rnany ycari aso, when Unele Phil w*-< a tmati Ik>v, *ātl irg boatJ in the b»g 6th pond m front o( the ot<i house at home» that there waa • liouae ncar nn old home in whieh fortign cloth wa* made ? Yc*, there was a cloth manuUtitry m front of one of the two liule gukhct, ju«l back of m> t>ld home, and a mis> •MN)«ry tady taught »omeof your graodmother» to make cotton cloth, out of tht cotton whkh grew wild tn the ravines. Maay a liine ha« Uneie Phfl font into ihe room where the girla
wcrf «jr.dsr- »: t!-.c ioowv wcav:ng thc « ' and t :Hcr gir!* wpt? ;♦ :hc »: tnr.ir»z whf«.*v. :fce r.:,v.on irto th*ra« 4 . and f h f .r« were a: :he » *ru»r w :r. i tT'r f ;'f-.!i, . ard*r£ 'he <ct ',n<o»> to ; ivt •• t*. 3'l v r thc s nin'. »hec - B." »< n»tr vearv !orc!wr. <■' th to be and -■ -4 i £♦?*' 'ieil ' hc»f/«r than it ••>*?'«ī h; :M'ic :r. that J:'*fC, so :bc ia<tv et -: v :n T;?Kir g r Ard :>r rhe reas '.n •. .\;r rrr..:her- havc nr»t m3<le n,» ' h ar-f. r>voj «an ,'o Hi ! Kaiae. an-j :rcrr Hi.'v M -.ra. Ka ;a:. ant? r. : onrc h-:ar :h-. m.'c:*v ?- r;k. ♦•"V. ''nk, of ?hc Vt;ku ka;.a «£ 1' .v ; a n crry, ar.<i » : e •.'• >t l*-.c'c Phil a>3», ; :o h*.»r īt bt<l i <-hesr* v «j r Ar-.<i ! w.i, *e .•. -'i wh;»t r-c»jin - .e cf <■ th tr. »f .:4< :< r\ a: Une r,ur:. i.'un* :hrre *as a *rca* K'-n >; m» ! *irsd in«i ram. a*'i hc*vy ?.••«;* r.{ wa?er eame do*r *h %f r4v:r"<. ai,'t >wcpr a*iv ihe h< w »*'.:• n *r.e r)rxh U>on)S At r e, aii<i (ian ie? »i 'he !oomis v> mei b, tha* *h'-. *'w-:c <.;se>*s A ."-cj *:nre th» n ?hcv h.-i.\"» <ii-vv.>;v