Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXIX, Number 36, 6 Kepakemapa 1890 — Our English Column. [ARTICLE]
Our English Column.
"/»7 y,"uft7 f. r \ī,l'■<>;■■> J I
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Um'e rVu" <an e *• T - 3 v! " n rooi> thc o'her ili). *KtJ. Kt *a«> - ' V ink' for som«;hir.;: Ki' i• - r * vr c*t you, and hcrt «• It n: a stm ]jkc th?"»c v"i Kave r«<r. :he c;« i.: s«\. ane! >- t »t i- a l ' Y is a tbaf i l * ca< t<2 an "*■<*£ or a "paral.,c, ' an<2 U'.«< h«> > --.e ' '-d !cv*on. whieh y"u r: s '<r<3 out. I he t rcarhcr <■! ±v- >'.īm r» wa< .1 ncgro r. a j.!ar.t.'.i. n «r. one oi thc v ith< rr< Hc < • '< n<'>! rc;.«l r *rit'.\ .is d <!; ' '■ o'. kn'»w h3s k'tur*. hot. s<»rr.cr»' *K' ha(l leiinel a • <i'!fa! ' \ thc I-f i c Its*> smni.n was jī><)o\ . I Mi t 'MN •- an«) he "Hrcdrcn, Ue ?" takc tw<> ttxcs Ihe hr-t * h <!<.-• 'U vt<* »m 'i'.lael i y wh»<h arn to U* to aii j;C-;pie. aru.i t.;.t(,k-r tc\t 'Haliehiiah N'<w, h:n)rcn, wh,it arn 'u\\n±- ;> * 1 hcrc akn s ■in.i throt>h thc strnN m r,!- » hjr»' t, an<! sjx < aii( >.» hi>r»cs, ii«(t* wha* thcy h-ve in thc <ir<u">, \>tar.< ir< alon.; thr .i.'L'h thc strc<.-t Thcrc >:t> thc k iu h>, « haru t. -<lv u»u< hc> 'he kir.;. r t c!>o*!> to thc Hc vt-. ir» his ' harint, an<l the <o'(.inrs s,«y " Hur rah fur thc kinur '' N<^>o<i\ tu< no thc k An<l ;hcrc is u !»>■> star.»!in" on thc < orncr of» <ic -.trcct. an he !■> m <!irty, an' his hair is ,ti< kic,j out ol' <lc h<ilcs in his < an' his t eout oW -h<>cs, 'iookm,; at i\c pro< •;> sion. No!»« ilv < .»tc f«>r him. H< hain'l no f.ulcr, nor no nx«ltr, n»«r no auniie. N<4 ►<>d > < ,»re i.»r hm\ a.i r,i«z*;c(l an' <lirty. 'l he stx thr I>''V, iie s.\> t. one ol> his olhien, ''IWini! <l.tt h-.v t rnc." Hut <lc of/ict*r th<ln't w.mt t«; fct< h a r. S<> he s,»ys t \|.»t f)i<\ is «!! <iirt.' l'hen thc kitu, he su\>,; ' thc l> >y t>ii e ' Hc m;jil. v<ni scc. l hen this ht rc u!!;' cr he w.intc<l to s!iirk. Hc wantc<l to sc;«rc dc an' he s.iys t «li' I hnng <l.it hov to you, y■ •11 will <»fl fi<»m him. 'l'hen thc king so niail. tfiat his f.i« e \vcnt < !r;ir on dc top of> his hcad, an' )>c s.iy>; 'N'oii hnnu <lat lx>y t > me.' An' he him. An' he s.i\s. 4 you tukc dat ho\ awav, wash hiin up, an' < nul» his hair. (livc him a new pa'r of shocs, an' incas\irc hm> for a new suit <>f < lothcs. an' havc him eddi< ,\tc<l.' An' he took (.U- h.>y awav. An' ihe < oine ha< k aftcr a while. an' he had ihe sanic e.iiieo horscs, an' iie ask ed for dc hoy. Kver> f'o<l\ forp)t dc hoy. hut dc kinn did'nt. He saui; ci.it hoy to me " An' thcy dcho\. an' noh<>d\ knew i!e huy hut dc kina Hc knew him. Hc said, 'Now, nn < hi!d, you • omo an' sit herc, oh me. K here. N'ou herc. Sit a!ong «udc oh me in this < hariot. N'ou in it. Why, you know l have .idoj>tt'd you. Vct) are my < hild; you are my son, n»y heir. Sit hcrc ! Thcrc is wlicrc >•(>» bcU ng.' Would n't that he ttviinp t.f joy to dat i>oy ? U hat does 'ie tc\t say, it am to he to ali people ? l»ut, hredrcn, we are a <lcs piscd people. The white people sho\\.' us off from dc side walk, an' they think it (tod's scrviee; hut we are a j>cople. Wc arc an oppressed people, fn;t we arc a -think oh dat, hrcdrcn, oniy ihink of it! hon'i d«t £0 down into yo«r hcaris? Now it is timc l\>r de >eton tc\t. ♦Halleluiah.' )at»>;htcr.> 1 want you to hollcr, just as louti as w>u ean holle?" Therc, that old darkcv slave may not havc known mueh ahv>ut hook>, hut he had a got>d dcal (f what »s eallcd m K«j;li*h, eommon scn*c, Scc it you (an hnd out what ihene twi> words mean in your own larguagc. Anil I wi!i now tcll you a story tor littlc girls, It is ealleil MOI 1 I l.'s t | rTLI- t » SM'X. •*Oh how thc sun »hincs!" sa»d Mol lie as shc got out of be<i on a in *prins. "1 know the wilei rto*trr> arv ing up in ihe woods, t know iust whcrc thcy art too, Oh dcar' 1 want to j;o to school." MoUi«nm»hcd drc*sing, and thfn lvH">ktd ( ver toward* tbc wootlv *'I doo't bclicvc I'rn vcry weH, I wonder i( ! don'i )tH»k pale." Shc weni to thc gUw and was hoit> to scc how rosv her round eheeks wcre. "But I don't feel fery well any way. J She put on a doicfu! ūee »nd kepi tt on untii shc sat down to trakfa»t It waa k*rd work nct to laugh when her httic ran ovtr the Hoor chasing a narbie. "What i« thc mattcr, MolUe?" asked hcr maaama, M I doo't feel my weJi, mamma. I thmk 1 had bettcr not go to aekool to> day. I need a little Ares(k ak,"
I ,' 4■ •" O'C . ' • *' 3". CV • ■' ' -5- '. 'e* n»e 1 ~ j r.#i * £r, • | *T 4 >• m s*c *■ ' *• an on'\ 1« v! : ' i\ rT.v*.,c<r." <i*-i Mdid nr/. » at ra*a'.. but >rc - •>: • •' "-e * t wcr>. cr.«i a:c st 4 i :r .s»k v:-.; had Uuct be d■«." v 3 ;r: :\i-..:n'. tni<r.z Me.he \; <:nt± *• Ar.«: » u wi.: !-e mee • tj.; rut'.t *r.\ ■,? r.-v' •!?<:»> < Ano t-.:orc ' * : 'ime *h r.k t she wa* in , .1 -V,! r».■• :. r . t ri: '< an't I h-w /;,» i» k «,r my :>ain: ! <,i Y ' >' •" -< e <"!. -N \ '.;\ar. r--: \ ; & t: wen." Whjt i ' :: : *«- I r » -'••> rt -r.«ī thc :• r-S sar». ar.<: M "it w ••'■<m! * .". v - .'"■'•r hi.r: īhe vi. >.cr; ».as«r.t : •ct * er»r.: v . W' ir. ': r,\- r < jrrc. \M r ;:nia hr' hir vvr.e l >i<. shc »,j<- hurjry : r r mu:: -n. "( ar.'t iit ? :v ar.d lom < on.e ir.to! nr, r ,<>n< shc when t.\cy rc turnc<! fr <ri* >« ho* "N , >\ v. nv. ■: ue kep; cj siid mamn'.a. liow *\c haud 'he qui<t' A> shc hj'i a fc -rc;«t dca'» < f shc t v ;r;k -.he :ric<i vcr\ i.jrd to fecl <jn >. h\t t wa» n' t īruc >'"'C had hvt:r, .•>'.c l' «i fi< r mam'iia ><» when shr ran e !■) -.n her j rawrs "Whcr.tvcr > i: arc lempu. d t<> say what h r.ot tr e. <:cjr, th;nk \f :his <la> in f»cd,' su;d man.ma, kis> n.: !icr. | As her mainnia wer.t d ;wr, st.urs f -he <u» h-d t<- hcrs;'f rird 'i:d ; I :hir.n .ir .:tt r- :\»s ;tarncci a i<-- n."