Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXIX, Number 34, 23 August 1890 — Our English Column. [ARTICLE]
Our English Column.
'' /« Y/i'ith Prrf.i rr Y'- * M r\( i K nni> df«K. Ome '")r*e aroun<i :hc : r-K. loys and gir's, ar.d learn a new \cs+ n m jirammir. N< u wi)l n' t tjrd sui.h a ;cs*on «n ar.\ < I y ,ur *«.;hooi h - >oks. Somo r.f \ou iiHe t » stu(Jy grammar. md *orr»e <f ti th:r.k it i* .1 very *tupui <,:udv. Tnere u f»r.e gr> !mri; »n ' ITm e NmV ;»g cw\jr.trv rha: mtst lilie :o >U(iy. Shc thmk<» th.it f>rSVl ī. AR E LIKF VFI»!i . "It *eerm to me," *sk! fcdith, - a Nr«i:hi t;ir; v*ho i« m the St' od. •■tha! •!! the ;-eop'e in thc are 1 1;s♦ )ikc an<i that tver\\y <iy beto one <"r an'.thtr ( ( the wtvj; "Why. Kflith, what Jo y.ju nrjean ?' <.ne cf hcr sch<K.l-mate% anked ' l here, MiU-1, you arc an t\imp'e, v a k! i;,l :h. are a verb in the ittf, ? »uh>4. The ;'rarnmar say> 'thc 1 r;<i»( a:ivc mrf-<i e*f rc<»s#"> .iMirm* ;*• K'n rr a simple cr ur.rondi:ijr.ui ;:'!; r :merit, r>r is to ask •i'»n f>oes ?h3t dcstribe rnc ? ' "Vc'v Vovi never at anyihini:. uf? thi>, an<i iuppou- that. \\>u nrr w:r\ p(Aiti\c and sr.rc in what you •i\ and 11 )ou are noi sun, :hcn yuu ,)sk a ['lain i'Jc>tion." 1■ \\ l'i!. what ( ther kind ot vcrh> are thcre people ?" "(>h. ihcre arc plenty ot p»cople in :he >u?:utbtre mc.(/<i.' There h Mr>. whi> ncver knows hcr toind. \"ou know thc sub|'in« tivc ni'" d i \{>resses un(crtainty, 1 ondition.' Isn't that just like Mr>. Inihiu 1 *? 'Oh, denr me" shc sitd t<> inother tbcothcr as thty wcrc at ihe sun>ct ; 'auppo-iin' thc s:m shouldii't ncvtr nne no morc" Why, there arc )ots of people who livc all thcir livt* in the «ut>junctivc ruood, Mi|.posiiv iill kinds ot dreadt~ul fni.;!it hat'};cn to them or t<) uthers. I hcv inake thcmsc!vcs and others vcry
unh.i'»; v." "W h.it people arc thrrc in thc potcnil.ll inoi'nl ?" "(>h. r!icsc [ieople who ;ilwjys 'mnv. > an, rouUl, wonlil or shnuUl tU» s.)im •hmu'. it somcb( dy, (ir son»cthmg, t})dn , k ;tt in tht v ir.wiiy anil hin<ier thcn>. lo hc.ir thcm t;ilk yoii wouU! think thry < oul<l <lo evirythini». fU:t it is .»'1 arul no wrrk. Thf *p< tfntiai' peoi-le nre the porrc"»t kmd i i pc< ple." ' I hen thcrt' is aiv thcr nu oil." I knoA' it, a!ul it seems lo me •he r ;reat trouhlc >vith the w« rld i.\ al m'st evcTyh'x!y wantH to bc in the /w--"Vou mean that cvcrybody wants to > ommand." "Why, yes, in one way or ancther. \Vhcn the rhiklrrn quarrel in their plav, it »s gcner)lly becatise they all wart to bc boss.'" "W'ell, Kdiih, what mooddo you be to ?" "// Oh, I never thought ot that. An\J. ichllv, how eoukl you expcct a vcrt> to know whnt mood it is in?" Hctc is a tunnv story of an old whal < jpt.im nanieel Dul!ivcr, and nu; now am hok. 1 he ( aptain and his wife were sitting it a triend's tab!e at supper one cvcnIhe captain liked cheese. and :oi-k a large pieee o(T trom the cheese i'hitc. " l hcrc, therc,' said Mrs l>ull»vcr, ' wu»'re an' a lot more o thut chccsc ' Vou'd bctter stop rtght whcre you l>e." "Oh, wal Mana," said the eapuin with a grin, gness it wiU bc all right :his timc."
"Wal, eat it, John, eat it' lt's me that has to suftcr, anyway " "How is that. Mrs. l>uHiver?** bcr frienJ asked "Vc see," said the captain, who was the story teller, 4, my wife, »he's afraid I'il fti.ro w out the i>ow anrhor agin. A month or s \ weeks ago we was down to Hoston, visi:in* Tizy Jane, an' ihey hud iist al>out the same kind o' ehee&e on the table 'at you've got here. I eat a linle on'i. Oh, vou necd'nt look. M.uia ! May be I eat a g<n.'d dtal on i. "Wall. that n»cht, after we was gone io bed, I drcamed I was to sea in the sime's I use to be. Scetn's. ;f we was cotning up pa<t eape Haturas. *Twas my watch, an' all to onee there eome on one o' the wtst 1 cvtr see in them parrs. The wmd Wew learful, an' the brtg was nigh o n her beam ends* -'l'heie wa'n't but one thing to da Scem'>< if the mate was the only man near, an l ?ings out to him; " *Mr. Cotßn,' $avs I, 4 heavc that l>ow ancbor o\-erbo«rd!' u So the mate he ketches hold o» the .anchor, an' he pulla, an' tugs, an' he ean'i *urt it. An' all the tto»e the storm grow& " 'Mr. says I, gittm* dcipcr* I, 4 ovtr with tbat anchor now, an'
B : h--' car,': ; •• i: The h ar. :hc ; < ueen*. <:r over or. i'« «•'i- ī «:r.<« -war<i. ar. :o;. s I •' aM'ie, ur !«jbber, an' !e: rt»e heave that b>w archor cr?rr >t.rr we 'i *"> to thc fr<xicm "An, wilh that I pt;: bcth arrr.rourd thc h».; archcr, ar.' I iive a tcrr.b'c an iif:. an tvtr thc suJe «he <fcr!. An' as I am a !;vm' man. n' t'n.»t anrhor didn't «t ur> a >; rcam that n/ f '.er thc *h /:e r->ar o»' the s: r rtr. an' i: ve'ie<i " 'lohn I> ,ii;*er. I>wi!:ver. oh, what Se ycj.i a ' •'An' I *oke ur-. an' i? thcre wa'n t Ma:ii on the or. «/reamir/ an' takin <r.' i'e! too< hcr Ur an ar< hrr. an' ncavrci hcr overr>'»rd, sure enoL'/n." sa:.j Mrs f ver, • you throwci n»e cr.tothc :i<x^r a> it I wi'n't no m<~>rc n *o mueh o'd pnk. An' thcrc >' >1 tha: r.hec-.e a : :t hj i ha}>;ened."