Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXIX, Number 33, 16 ʻAukake 1890 — Our English Column. [ARTICLE]
Our English Column.
“In Youth Prepare for Manhood”
Here a *tory whieh Unele Fhil wi*hes all you oldcr l>oys and girls. and vou young men whc> wUh to start m business would read rarefulU The <tory i* 1 r-|N» I- 1 V -INK 1 "-- In the * it> of New \ ork there lives a man who has made a great deal of mone) hy ad>ising people what to do. A youn# man had »aved up Sicoo and wa< un< ertain whether he -hould buy a candy shop, or lend out the money on a mortijage. The las? way was the securc wav, but he he could make more money the nrst way. WhiHt he was thus un< crtain, he saw a noti<e, "Advice given to thr<se i^in.;
into bt:-inc*v" Atrer te!lini; wh> he ramc. the < oun scllor sai<i, "M> fec is $5 in a<ivan<e. W hen this was paid he askc<l, 'i'" you understand the < an<iy busines-? •'No; I did not think that W3s ne< es sary. I on!y cx;»ect •/> mana*c the business. M "Thcn you will 10-e all vour money in thrce months." "Vou think I had bett«L-r lend rny mr)ney on rnortuage, then." 'i do nr»t say that. What is vour business? That is, what <lo >ou un<lerstan<l pertc< tly ?" •i know all about the pie kle busi ness. 1< an make pi< kles of all kinds, biit I <lo n<;t like it. "Ncvcr min<l what you like. (»0 and get a s:na!l pla< e and make pickles (|f> from hoiei t<> holel, and from restaurant to restaurant an<i sell them, In ten ycars < ome l>a< k and sce me. Vou will havc 5i0,0'.0 at least." As the rnan was eoin;,; away he wa* < alk<l ba< k. "Herc is a < ar<l. I want you t<> put it whcre you < an sce it a hundred times a day.' l'hese wcre the \vords on the < at<l, 'i>usiness is [>u>iness Men don't do what they like, they <io what thev < an." ihe young man rca<l the < ard with < are as he walkt<! along the street. As he studie<l it a new seemed to cnter his mirui. He t"ound a small pla< e, and made rcady lor his business. He vinegar, several barrels ol it. Some offered at 10 < ents a and >omc more was shown at 5 .< ents a "Whieh nhall I take ?" He of the wor<ls on the < ar<l. fle seemed to see people lii- [>i< kles, and not ltking them, awav without buving any. " I hey will know good vincgar f " he, and the honest
In a fcw tlays he h;id scvcral tut>s ot picklcs readv, and hc must tind a market for thcm. Now he ilid not like to late str.wge people and ask thcm to huy his pi* klcs. |tut he thought of the words ol' the » ard, and went into a restaurant. Ihe kcepcr was a hlooming young woman; and the piekle ileal er was more al'raid of women than ot men. Hut "Musiness is l)iisincss" rame to his min-1 The young woman told him she wouUl try his pickl£s, and if they wcrc i;ood she would lmv some.
"t'.lad 1 got that good vincgar" thought the young man, aiul he l>cgan to think therc was powcr in the motto whieh his adviscr had givcn him. He bcgan to be full of i ourage to ask people to buy his pū kles. at a store, one dav, to see if he could sell some picklcs in bottles, the store-kccper vcry rudely said to him, "Pon'i want to see any such stufT." Sceing thc young man looking astonished the storc-keeper said, short and sharp, "Uon'i you know enough of business to put up your ptckles so as to make them look niee?" I . As he went out of thc shop fee)ing very mueh ashamcd, thc motto eame again and again into his mind. with anothcr scntence. "It is business to put up goods nicely." So he had some pretty colored labcls printed. ' % TheV| will buy the bottles just (0r the prcttv picture you have put on thcm," said a friend. | Thc morning ot one Fourth of July eame, and he was uncertain whfthcr to go to his shop pr not All at onee he thought, m>v»le going on picnics will! want So he went. and found a large numbcr of buvers waiting tbr him. The little card was consultcd at all timcs. Ooe day, a cheesc roerchaot eame to ask him to buy his stcck of checse. "l'eopie'' said he, "who buy picklcs always buy checse jro» will do a b»g tradc."
It was a tcmptation. He went and lookeil at the words on the card M Men do what they can, M he read. "I would iiki to sell cheese; but I imew I ean sell pieklei * So he «rent back to ihe cheese man and said, "Business is business. I am in the piekle busine#, if I canno( make moncy tn thts, I will go lnto «omelhing else; but 1 wiU not have two ktnda on my haoda. l> He wa» induatrious; he was honest
and true. ar,.ī, 01 he wa* su<"A'l who put industn. hones;y. and annd into :heir work are *ure ?o \*c $uccessfuL When the :en years ha<i |»asved. the \oung man had a ;:rea! deal more than ten thoi:*and dollarv I here. >oung people of Hawan nei, is an e\amDie for you! There is an oid. and wi«.e >aying about havmg 'noo many irons in the fire." You ranno( use them al! at onee. \*ou ranonfy do one thing at a lime. and not roany of you m this small country will ever be ricb enough to hire miny hamU to usc tho*e *many irons' r»roperly for you So you must do as this young man did, work at tbe work you know, work indu«!ri':-uslv, honest]\, and ; ut your mind in your work, and you will make a - ornt' in this smaīl roun*rv