Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXIX, Number 30, 26 Iulai 1890 — Our English Column. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Our English Column.

"fn }'"••"< .'7 Pr ' ?rt f..r .%/'< J •'« h >'* > J

L'N< I.K nUi/> I»FSKLr,< l l'Mi hm!» -me >hort *' jn h;, Ji>k. *h fh V c :hink<> h:* \ '--r g tr»en<l- w -\'A l»*c t« r '.<i. H* v<; f/<i u-,n« > ">: >. f . r r w*tcrs *re -.we»:. fr<! f-rc,-.. .r. vff rct »*> j Hc kr,»w ,o*. I„a* wcrc urv f r<i r,i meit:.s ar<! the hui t< >s rrccj) s!y > into his tj t';on ; at< h ir<! ho<«k . ne ot' !hc <•*!•< i fr-;<t S<» *' r>* as ;.cr»-..r«» vi ! i:row n e'- r>. j. ••*■ »; < w>» <-t J :,r.<i t ' t-> : ū . n, «iti '-i-t : -kir !he <.*r.<rv It >; < »! s a». tht t n < I w<t« hj; jf ? th<- :.< "<. «i-.-: r:f c i'Vrī.rf \ «'3r;ē. v* K1 -^t Cjt!f J thc *»ri / r;J r ,< i: is animi i'-r bi :(-rchar r!. >'.i 1, ;t t;'<i fe f" t'<r t.< j ; ? •:. a>.ci y->n w-i.n.i •'>' T *«• ' ,Kc a tutut. thuf wh Nt > wtrr i ;t. H rKv:v :i!wa)s thc h<->: >' *' e tvro !> \> n»:j't 4 'Ttve th.-t.wht a!t;r tht> ha<i r*«i .%«<:: tr.* »r i-v.r >r r;.u t. ; s t in rh: - i V rv • t I ne >'■ 'N n Mi. '' ii s "I /;tur «.in:imttu! .« wf n>i w th> ut f.« i! p;r.!4.t<! t r ,t. ' >-i(i a weil kr. *ii i '<!w ,4 f »r,< e. When I a ! >jt)icr h.;i) « J i* 1 ! t'r e ti;:c>t w.»:ci i:-e;. n {»at« he > in the {''.»ce. One thi\. wii<. : i a v-. r> f,nc «ri ;• w.»s j' >r. U •• >•: ,te i f ri; e he « ai'e»! I'.ia» k l'.ih .in< 1 ine t«> i,un. 'It <>ne « i

nr, 11 .f.' 1 > stoien, -ii«l he, ' l '»'' n .■ f 1 the ?r.'< *■> l hinl ji '!h- h ai a 'hei'. me.v.i;r< feet; ,'u '! th«* <)*!,< r < t ihi* feet th t t:t the , '.|».iii .:.«.t a wh.i; t';r.- he wi!» rll s«./r t 1 iie ri'At t!,ty afU'r th;s krri!»ic th:t .'t, thc n»i'lor.-> !•< oin l<» ten»j t ine. Ii thi'ie ! ..n>tli r - ' hr»t < .»n make .1 S--i.tr im ii l>' <y U r r .ct hi wr, it \* ;« \v,itern.e!<>n. I looked ar«l h P~;ed, }>ut the awful \Aion < f tl'-t >wil< li r< se iij> t>ci'>īe ine. At lvn.;th an ule.i k ine. I J'Ut i'i) l'> li'> sh es, anil K r - <lS i'' l " <)««.»>, I eoulil w.ilk to the u:i ' r n j>atrh. 1 stole a lin<l MneU-n, ate :ss nuieh of it ;is I ;>1 >si!»!y emilel, r.nd ntu r hidirn.' liu- reniain> . t it in s rne bnsht s, I JH'.t |.K k r.i,i's shce> where 1 f< t:nd thcrn.

I hat altcrnoon, whiie Ihii and I wen' toi;ethcr, my father < an.e tij', earr\uv a . I.all stuk. His faee h.n! an ;;ni;ry Un k to it. "1 il >n't thir.k that nuah measuring ts netdfd thi> t:ine,' sai<l he, I<h king at the stii k. "Kill, where are v<>ur shocs ?" "In <lc < ahin, s,»h." thcm h.crc " II- hroucht the sh >es. l'he old v;ctuleiv.an ;»v:t the trca>ute oti them, atnl s.ud, "Kresli tlirt <>n tlutp, I see." Htll's f« e heeame vcry j<ale. "Hoan know hnw it < <'Uie on d.ir, mastt r. I amt wore 'em sen.se !.>st Sunday. ' No iuorc <iucsti''ns wcre askcd, but thc swit(h was use<l vcry s»nartly, an<l HiU hcg.Ht to dan<c. l'<»nsricncestnkcn as I was, I eoulil not hei}> . hu< khrx as K.il! danred all around. He looked at me as miieh a> to s<y, i know who i;ot uie int<> t<u> serape.' Ihe iu \t day he and 1 were in the yard, when my father entered ihe k; »tc, < artying anotlu'r switch. "lohn," >.nl he, as he eame near, "wheie are >A>t.r shoes ?" "In the luuisc, sir " "Ihin;.; thcm hete." 'i l>rou»iht my shees. I herc was froh dirt on thcm ! My fathcr nicasuKd one, and right t flf to l,vv the s\vitch on to me.

"Oh, please ilon't whip me!" I aml "1 ai'U done nuihin 1 ." Oh !-- U was my tvirn to dance, and UiU's turn to Uu^h. Mv £u»lty plavmate ke\»t out of my way for scrveral hours, but l met hiin in the evening, an*.i askt ii, "Bill how ilid you wt'ar n>\ shoe» "How viul ycr w'ar nune '•l»ut 'eni." Wall, I t«rk cr p"ar er short stihs, an' put yer shocs on <le ends o' em. Keek'n wc'se about et>en r,ow Thosc two boys actcd iike cowards, l>ecauce thev wcre not brave cnv>ush to ask for a melon. The second story tells how a br »ve young man Conquered a >sv?i;c BuH, A young man b> thc name oi Wi'el »n£ was t'onii of a gocil h*. rse, an«i was a very skiiful ridcr. He eālleil at an inn onee to stay over night. He asketl that hi» young aml spirited horse he turned out to pasturc, instead ot l»cinjs fcd in the birn.

When mominn eame he was ready to go on his journty. He t< iU the landlord he would go and catch his honie himself, as he m>uld not ltt a »tranger eome near him. The Undlord said he had better not go, as there was t sav»ge bull in the p«sture. Noth)cg could keep the young mao (rom trying to catch hts own horse. He Uughed «t the Undlord s f«ars, and said, u lf the bull comes oear me, 111 Ktvt him a Utson he will oot forget. w

iie: »r.t., *»hc ht :ri<ev. hs tc:*. a ;>a r•• i : ar to e I 'l r.c V. rse ar u t*ju *i*c jr, % - r.csr cirh o?htr» ar«i Mr. Ws c2:»-. s ; -j n..t <• ,v.« '"; i •«. h' :>■;■ « ;hiii.. t ..e t- ■ t't-i > ,f.!s! he a* a a; ; r «hen bc n ;-rr.cd. !• *t.:c :i "> hei'i. in»i, h+i he a «:«- v at thc \ rnar. Mr. V.i r.jj :e>«'iy (:hm = . H. <i' f. - trcnn 3r.<: <•; S : h:n- ;r > eh- a *«> 3-1 > ) ni: . , ?;:» bi' k 'I'he y• ••«:.; m-n f»tr. •:*.'< ! v e rs J«c; jr'o :V C » S , .!rs ln :hc !VJ.?cntii an :. a» r-r. a: <1 loj mi»;'y t. i r.c h«u Ui'.. y. ir.ri n to? ; trtti i nr* trepsT' •: j Mr \V, di- &t r. yt:ied'! *n : : v v i,r.,ur.d, '• « :t« ei !fe -r.rra. - *:t!c ai d »*;sd, '•<» ««i!c • *'' <»o <: ' Y i.\c iwn ?»<» a }.arv: ruic." , 'i he Ur<i. ul *.i> snn.><\\ j wiih tk y rrir i. T u%e (ieui tha: f.c *o a! taicc t.o {-y I r hii r.;_: la n.c~ar.u cvcr jūt.r :ha: r "svc hau :hr K- ( ,: k, <{ ;s ho .-e, *h-.r'.-ur he • u' -v.JV.