Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXIX, Number 29, 19 July 1890 — Our English Column. [ARTICLE]

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" A /V'/ * /' '• i i \ ' . n: . - ■ h ,\'- *• :•' -i, r'-.i : '• "• *"' 1 - ; • - *1r- 5 :r *£ • v «a'.k JTC*S %■ >■• ' 1-/: *hn .V ? " ■. -.c ' r *'"•<* n «• .'•)»> k • t \\ vv V T'i <. r.. at * "r • >%■■'■ irr t' k . N ••« s'< ' ». I'. 'A :V. a r; >r.:I ! , *»•..; • •'. ••»-! f,*r w<- ■;'<! r'V<:r;' :: } -• 1 "e ». •< r. • •?•'-'•• ! •, r- • . •' • »;> ' «•! #-t i. '•: 'i ' ' ' • • •• • i-eneM. ihe !■•'** ; f i vt*3t • !•. . JJ S','■ <•(, f T t'.'v ' • ( *• Ir .. >:u.r'- th.-.n th-rt> u-.iri vn< e :'.ic \.. r; II 1 ~ , . V' I?r.>''. .» '>•■<) k'r «J ur.<! . *h- :'•'•• ' . : <y •' ' r- f r ! v e c h *'i vv-'.'< ... 11, •. ♦} <; ; . ' h s-. '. i » ; 0"'••'( ■-• cerr.r'! ' > hi r n ii<c *!m' • i,<• •'!h'.-rr,. ' r.fN." wh' • :.f.v i nr ?' e ( .Mr < ! * ♦ '»•!>. «• •' ••.»••. .««• j•■. when ? *as )>(■ '*J.4 f -! •, .' *! i •'»•■ H(. i i 1 1n• I tht n s'cef-.n;; "r,(]r-r s:vr%v. •. - <r. t: «• f !«:< W!t.'.<.'r n n).•'i• ia (\r /en 'I ?ht-m • •■•. »! t . k'•<*{» w.trn. Tn h wjs b.»-•.' .'m •• ;S l, j h.ir«!(-r ;? w;,« to h.«vc t'»*t ■•• \ ! !■■. i!'_• ki« <t<i .ir.<i «>'.a?cn l \ ; r ! •*• -»•:-. ? » -• ' -.f(l 1 t «•>* •' '• ;,H«\ :.«•(( '■) '•?.!:vl, iv nr,<i .;•■!' >o\'U. !)•.«: r .»n\ K;t»»l o? nJicīt<:r '• 'j, fh».» s«< rii'.v An«l ri•>( : i.; w f > »"h>\s t : ī.»t ni ?.i - 1 *■' ■>r m :»:. 'i» <i w ,!< . w.»* «>{-t n ;>» • • •■'!, .» ' h '!•>»•. \< ' 'hfs«* «*!"»• • - .ve t» «.rr\ ai]s, ;. ( » ih' ir s r« .wa • ;,[,i y f'i«!, n'? , ii'' u" 1 t *c:r I" * s - k i :»!, ?)it ir « 'i»lhts ;irr in ;ir<l •i ■! s, if '.:••( \ h,»w ..r.\. ;.re i' il ■• K' .'i ■, 'i -rr»- ;>rv H!.»ny »■ »1 thir , S .••! ti)t".o n» \vsh> v . Ti.ev ;ilwavs ir *! !>:> t , ' , t'rns^ , .vc s I •>. v r > n; •! i< riitan to se!l |>ijcrs (>n • \ "}<e:if." .\ u !>ral'' iiie.»r.s ?■■»■• v'r «•' » wbir'n «>n" r>:»rti<"i!.. r 1» V •■ v h.•- ji; ' ilt- »s h..| | V for lv fw . ,i»> < irn ine!)' \ - rvi» >: i ? :» <: t > >ci {• ir'. ;»'.<; s Mi'e'ii,' ''f. t ten\' t,»?i(. n r . :\ro t-.» e »t,»\ l. ;»,• '! : .i' \lt. l'.r.»'-e ī"»r*-* U.ipue'. aH ab'.)i:t ' !»• \\ atvl l'u'i ' r "«e'. * M uv r'< t.> <i ( !(..•!> t-> 'i'emni' »>ettir. Mut he "'.»<! '•> !>(• . .ir<'!''' r.( ? * > <!«' c tr"\' the r i'i .»s <»l !ii.(i!ori) He i '' 1 ' th;<t th?v h. I •! S',nii»\ >'< he >is. Tn> v ? • ;h'sc nnd 1 ?<.!\.("C, .»n-\ s<v(n' -ns, m s,»n\e wav <. r «t!ur wn"!<l ! thc'" m'o ).ris":>, > r t!»«; reforn< .< h«>. i. He a'so : \:n l th:»t he n»ti< r ■? ;;■.•■ thcrn .uvthir\\ 'nrv ' t v\r'vt:iiry,. S \ i»» his S< citry « i tv»i ne r«» »*.n ir. wh »lit • * >•_;'» n tl'-c w.>rk 't I thcse br vs. \\'e!l, thc ! ::'c vMmin.s wcrt* ver\ s}>\ th:* ' !>' tri,»i li»r thur -'Kul, 1 he\ «iteī n»>t i:O«Jt r*»!3i'<! ht»w th< \ cou!<! get a goi d *v*«ī. n > ■; , ; , cr an»i ;» !ut : \ ;iU tor tt-n < cnts. Sī:!!, a tVw r! them •mc\ weiu! h;»\c ,i "i.irk" antl trv it. I h<-\ ii ?rn<lc<! ?o cuf rff thc fron) the rvi<»n\ and h.ne a h'i; r»nv n? !>et! 11. ))' t :i e <t!;>er;ri!eru!rnt wjs t o ;nutt ! * 'l'em. l'hcv <!'tl n. t *ieep nn'» h t : >at ī"<ru heeau*c cverv:!c:\; w\»s -,<> new ir.tl s!r.in.;-\ They t<>',ii\! ont tha: the betN were niee arul s •?:, an<l the :v>»>«i w.is ;, •< d, antl so tln \ sr»on ie.i r ned to i !>vv the tcw ruies ct the room p,. . t »venir\: ihe SMpertntent!ent •■•a;.:, 'i'. ys. a i;cnt!eman w.\s herc to ,;et a h?-t cf?icc, :»t three <!c!!ars v wecV\" A<u -en eru<! ou?, "Let n»e ' "\e , bu! 'ne wa-!< a !\\v wlio < ,m rea<i .\nd writc." liiei» .•onntenAnce«» fe<V Thcv !■ <»ke»: asi\i!ned ' N*ot one of thcm v <mM reatl or writc ' Tncy h.id nevcr !>een to s< :uxil ' ''vVer, n.>w," <.ud thc s\!|)cr!ntenelcnt, "S ippose we have an school. thcn >'ou ean leam to rcatl an<! writc. Whaf do r,iu <iv »x>vh ?' "Ai;rccti,'' thev all shoutcd .tnd in that wav the night «ehool wj* <tutcd. A Sunvla\ wa* ai<o bcj; w. Th< hy< had heen very mueh intere*tcd in the funcral of a :: f eit man, #nd tVe ff.»per in f .cndcnt t'\n ght it tto:\d bc a t»me to rcad t > them from the h b>. l hcY wcre surprised at what t s ey hcard. The "(ioiaen R\!le" wa< a tic« trv.th to of thc»n. S ae of *.hcn\ r.cvcr hcard of Chnst; w rd ,t secmed a comfort to the*e jrawwjr ihi f the S*n oi i'tod had been ho:mlt*< and dcscrtcd hk« them?.«Wes. In thc finrt So*d»y meetingf, the bor* us«d to get re*dy to s ng by t»kirg oflf their eoa» and ro!!irg up their They liked t> s»rg ?'ic iorg l *There's Rest for the We*ry," «od were a!so vtry fond of the $ong *Therc r 8 a Light io the Wiod««r for Thee, Brother. w Thcy thought the wordf bad bceo writtea for thea.

I 'e a ,v »inV **v ;r:<r.e-1 »r h'.-.i'd!ni f--r ! ?h',n; >J«e the s>r»rsc« in H*-'" 1 -j f ' ;j. m «hKh, perh*r<*. *:?d£ of yov j | Vy* *r.<ī Z hflVē p■: vo»jr ō:rrcv )In ?ht« vr> thev wt.rc ta* «f-it !< arcfu', cf therr m >ntv Aft?r the*. Q-«vcd *ip a :ttic ct rnoncr, *. rosdc :>ei hapry. ti«c t»T p«r ' :••> th?nk th*v ow-,e<i "me ' !>• r?v Ar,»J «-o. 'i:t f\ v i'tt'-*\ the*e wi : <i ■ th*»««e rc-A:t!>->y? w<.re tamrd. c»\ : -;-.5>.e c«V'.' 7..d "H.e b« y <•' •• whf < < ki '.sve jr, t're r*i:ldren * :A• •; S r \ H-'.;sc, »*<• • , /••• • , »<• a •-•.'■. = '•»'•• I■* "•