Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXIX, Number 24, 14 Iune 1890 — Our English Column. [ARTICLE]
Our English Column.
"/n Yruth Prrpart ft>r Manh&i "
Here I am at m> d«k aga»n week, and f.nd iettcrs frofn Miui »nd Hawin, provin«; tnat vou h -ys and gsr!» like to gather tr m our tyxnex. and read our Kn#li*h eolumn. Our fir*t lctter this week is !r«m the Wailuku ikhwl, »ht»e l*r.de Phil t*ught for a while. Ix>ok in *Oar Knglish Column" in thc Kt okov of May thcre vou will tind the umorre«tcd s«ntenctt, wh«rh Mihtcr Keanu htn rorrefted. U'ailuku ScSoo!. May pth, I>ear Un<ie Thi! I have sccn your nor'€ <■*( the 24th of May, tnat y»>u aie wannn# tht b. and gtrls to an-.wer all yjur ■ ;-:«r«*:io."fhat have becn j»nntet! in the Nupepa Kuokoa I worked them antl f >und their answers If vou will see any rnistaVc in mv u nllin; anii m \he \r )ir,t <>ff the marks of pun« tuation, pleau* tell me. 1. M Mother,'' said a fK»v, "I heanl the (h»ldren at s« hool to-diV, the verses al»out the hen. ! NVhat is a «lu«.kin,i hen?" "A hen i*j < allc<l a clu< king hen while she sits on I her cjigs. 'l'he name is taken from the noise she makes." 2. When we rea< heil the brook, Aliee sat down on a rock. Koy put a worm on the ho>k and dropped the end of the line in thc strcarn MIXM» Vl' «IM F- C ' »KKIA ITA> i 'I'he <un was and very warm and he had to go five nnlt> - He heard the bird> j»i n^'inand saw ihe butterrties afKjut in the
treev 3--it was harrl and he was weary walkini:. Alion IMK < Vl'l I\L l.KlTl'.kv »• Ihe f>rst letters of wortls j n *entcm cs, and aUo the names of persons, shou)r) bc writ:en e.ipilal 1, is alw.iys wntten « apital. kKW>*s f Pl' I I IN' ■ 01 * 1 H'NL ll' \ I ist ai>uut the <]uotatu>n marks. Ist I plareil the quotation marks l>efore ani! after mt>ther, because the boy *ai<J u Mother". itu! I then placed again the |uota tion marks before I and after hen in senten< e. for the < ontinuation ot what he sai<l. 3<l I pla<ed again the cjuotation marks before A in tbe third sentence an<l after makes in the 4th sentence, because it is qiute understood that his mother has to answer to her son's <luesfion. Mioi;i 111 k 101 >s. I'he [>eriods are alwaysat the end of senten< es. We know that the ist verse < ontains four sentences, of whieh, one sentencc is a <iuestion. Therelbre, l plared eaeh period at the end of eaeh senten<e, aiul an point after the <juestion, What is a clucking hen ? The se< ond verse has twu sent. so I placed eaeh period after rwk, and ifter stream.
—Aioui th<- , I'he i ommas are short pauscs in the sentenccs, as in after nu ther, to<lay and alter tx>y, in the ist verse, anil after hrook in the apd verse. Respectl'ully Vours, Mas, J. Keanu. ~"'r — Vou h*ve written a pretty good letter, Master Keanu, and it shows that you *tudy • g'»otl eleal. I see but two mi»sj>ellecl words; 4 Writting', arul 'intterogation'; see if vou t annot spcll them r»ght when you use them again. Your punctuation ami use of rapita!* w gt>od for a school bc»y. >'ou have made goo<l sense of the mixcd up scntenccs, but try the 31! one »gain, you ean improve on tt, that is, make a better sentcnce. And now, write agam and telt the other tx>ys and girls who read 4t Our Knglish l'olumn" about your home; what you study, and what you do out of school. Look, too, at the tint numbcr ot" "Our English Column M and *nswtr thc •bout "'Phe Kour \Vatcrs". Unele Phi! has also a letter from David Kaaina. who goes to school at Hilea, Kau. whkh is a very prcttv plaee, and I have bcen there many times. Some of I>avid , s answers are right, and somc are wrong. N ou did not use quotation tnarks enough, f>avid, in corrtcting the first sentence; but your mark» of pum tuatioo art right. Vou bavc writtcn out thc sccond sentence correcUy and in a neat hand writing. You havc also straightencd out the first mi*ed up sentence very niccly; but ihe secood »entence yo6 did not do so weH with. Birds do but butterflies do not among the trees. Try this •entence, and the next ooe, agaio. Yoo have ooly spcUcd ooe word wroog» (r»caning Unele Phil U glad to iee that the boyt are coniog rtght up» and ttktng tn ioterest io our comer. Herc are ooe or two outa for you to crack, or puulei for
vu: > * itk ovcr I wi'. h' v c you ill liie .ctter* of *">'ne »hcrt *enten«cs, ir»\c<i t ar.d % m mu*t fird <iu* whj! thc *menccs arc. i - i, a, a. o, a. o» b. n, e, w, t. r. i? a »enteore witb £»e words in īl "1 «o o< the «■©ni'» have 3 letters ra* h, *nd ooe has 42 —e, a, e, i, e, o, 1. ». h, 1, I. Uh. n. «1. p. n. v. h. r. u a *<nttiKe rt si\ wcrdv Ihe nr*: w< rd has 5 le!ters in it, the se*">nd word has 5. the third woT'! has 4.. the iast *vT<! ha. 1 » 4, Uuenk \ —e. e, t. 1. d, k, k, m, i. n. r. t, w, is a scntc « e <"»1 threc *or<j>. Ihe £rst and >trond w rds hivt* 5 eaeh. Now st*t your wits to work and -ee h"w =. .u kly you < ar. b .j'd i::> three V<-;,r«. n» ot;t *h- *e icV.r:-