Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXIX, Number 21, 24 May 1890 — Our English Column. [ARTICLE]

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Our English Column.

Yo*ih Prff>art f*>r Mnnko&i' l:s( l K PIUi> (»».>K Htre a* «a»t ■ >na« < < thc » r>{ a»v.*wer in Krti;'ifkh b* a Uj»rjnan t> »v ro wme of tr,< »e I'hiU ' 4 ncstion in *eofcraiiby inei ari?hmrrt'f. Thr 'ettrr i* writ:en vrr\ nca?'v ard »n 4 }*aL:<fu! h»nd I wiii j»vt :hc «r.to thi«; « uiumn. . «ri:tcn, and ] boj* ihe j>rir,:er» »iii !akc grc*t care to put in ali the maū* oi punnnation ja<>t a> I *m:e :hen.. I*vir.iers >ome iimei g< t aboM the*e thirg*. I hiA >i:rr is written :r.»»n Kailua. Hawaii, whtrc the first from 15 m <and<*(l s miethir g like sevcrt> \ran a A * r r At Kail'-a, the ur<\ vh'*>) wa» openeii Jor Hawaiiar -. bui it !a« in their own lan: f an<) rriojhers and h>esiden ihe • hi'dren, ?earned their "p a pa'' whi< h wa% their A, B, < And now a «;reat ,<rand>on of »omc one of thosc oM folks has written -» ?er> ] lcttfr lo Un«le Pnil, in tht-| mothcr :'jngfe of < irand pa and (irand I ma 1 hursron. Here is the letter Kailua S< hoo! t Ma> s:h. 1890. I >ear L'n' )e Phil I havc *ecn >»>ur notir»- f i ihe 26 ot Aprtl, that >ou are wait'nj£ iome ol our llawiian and u«rN toans«er \our ;'jrstioni that you havc given in t1e N j|'Cpa Kuokoa S<» I s f -t to work and I tind their answt rs Arithmeti( iJiicstioris 1 I wo h..ys wcnt (o huy some m»r hle?*. "1 have b>ught 30 marhle$," said Hen "How many have vou hought, Kul»*' "iwothirds of y.»ur marbles, Hen, are e<|ual to threc f>urths of mine," H4id Hoh. Ilow many mardid H Hun ? Explanation. — J > ( ( t Ben's marhles or 36 i 4 ot B'»b*5 marblcs. *> of 36 2.\ »4 is 1 i of .S. 4 4 or Hob's mar)>le» -»4 time» 8 - jj marhles. rhereturc Bob b->ught 32 marblrs. — \nswcr. .• "Hui 1 got 9 marb!es for 4 < ints," saul Ben. And I got t m»rbtes> for 3 c cnts," N.»id H )b. Now if eaeh boy had s(>ent :$ < ents for marb!esat those same rates, how man> marb!e«» woulil eai h have bou<;ht? F.xplanation — Kor 4 cents Ben got 9 marb!es; for 1 «ent he tfot 2'4 mar b)es; tor rent» he as many mar()k's as S6,U marb!es For ; « ents Bob got 8 marbles; L>r 1 rent he got i - i marbles for 25 1 ents he g->t as man> marbles as 25x2_■*> -66*:> marb!es. rherefore earh would have l)ought 56'4 and 66*.< marb!es. (kvgrnphical Namea in pi. 1. rmtoapo i» the name of a rivcr on the Western Continent Answer— l'otomac Kiver. 2. ddrnakriao is the name of a ehain of mountains. Answer —Adirondack Moutitains. 3. sntboo is thc name of a gre«t nty. Answcr--Bi»ston. 4. rggioea is the name of a state. An$wer--Ueorgia. 5. ssvieuuv is the name of a volcana Answer—Vesuvius V. Soroe more Namcs in (ieorgraphy, with every other letter left oui, t>eginning with the first. 1. aekl is thc name of a bigh mountain soinewhere in ihe Paeilii (Vean. Answer Haleakala Mountain a. oiin is thc nanae of one ot the United St»tes. Ans.- -1/ ti - *na. 3. og> g is the name of a city in Asia Ans. Hongkong. 4 ueir is the name of a great lake. Ans» l.ake Superior. Now we have eome to the end of your i|uestioM. lt you find any mi$ take in mv writing, please teU me. I rematn, Jo5eph Kealalio. Vour lcttcr is very wel! wntten, |oseph. and your answen are correct. I hav< found Ihii one mistake in your speiUng: the word //auwam *houtd be sj>elicd l/au'ima* The word » the adjective forraed from the name word /ArflfWi. . | And now; where are tbe rcst of you boys and girt$ who gather arouod the | 1>ksk. There are some question$ in the tirst number ot the u English Column° that have not been an swered y4x. See tf you eannoi wrue out Ihe an$wer* of thosc (]uestions and send ihe answers to Unele Phit. And Joseph» will you wntc an Knglish letter to Unele Phil, tcllmg him how otd you are, how many schoot-mates you have, wbat you &tudy, and who your isl Tcll also somtlhtng about your home, and what is raised hi the dtstrict wheie your home ts. Here arc some sentenc:s whieh I wiU wriie dwwn wiihoul any marks of puneiuaiion or eapiial lettere, and g ve to you bovs and girls 10 coi>y o/T covrectly, giving your rct«oi)s ior puiii*g in marks and eapiial letters. 1 mo«her sa«l a boy i heard thej at i»hoot todiy readiog the

*er*-* abeut the riockmg hen what i* a d\i<-kmg hen a hen » r4)'fd a rjurkmj hen »fcil€ »he sits on hcr the name i* iiken frona the nowe s-he makn

2 when :he retche<l the Nw>k altce mi d< *n oo i rock rr y put a wcrm on :be hook ard dropr<d the end of the iine in the stream. Andhere arethfee sent?r.ccs wuh the •rtxd» all nixed up. See if >«>u eannoe *rraighten thera wi and make i'neio mean v>methin2 i —He and the vun was hrijht ami a %er> warm sve mi'ei had to g<x l 2- The flming birds heard and ihe singiri; butterfhe* saw be aUm: in ihe :ree*. 3 !■ was wear> walkine an<l h<* wa* hjr«i