Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXIX, Number 19, 10 May 1890 — Our English Column. [ARTICLE]
Our English Column.
11 h Ynuifi rr£fat( }rr \f inhnai '
Cn< 'e Plv> war.i» : » >*> a » t > hi* yo'jr.»: aU*Jt V-»u r/ten rcffi "H's Ho«v»r"* thc tbc *Hor,' r«»H(t \l€fnti<r e! the Ixk't*i»'>yre. <tc. T »Vhen tbe *"fd >s w vs?(l M hilor.jz« tf* tHe rft<e. and nct a)w,avs t<» ;1 f nan Meo bive [<en made ; «ke- *h j had no honor jn thcm. \Ur*> m r-: ha*e t>«n < ho!wrn lo !xr »erjftH.rtatA. v ar.(i he'p make Um. Hut the> <»fMrnd vrn.*A <* their tnir ir. brcak»n£ r ■ 'kei* #hi< h the> he':< 10 Tna*t Tt>eTe i* no honor »n h rr»en. Aii thc bor.or 1* in their e TTi« e. P.u! I a<n not lo "f the honor f 1 crtuc. i here jn honor the seed <t whuh <an be plar'.t(i m 'he heaH"» of i-ven )<tt!e b >> anii and grow Jnd ht<ori»e as tne tjoy> h< « orne men. and tne gr'* f>ct ome n I htre arc ot't«.r \*ord> in !hc Kr. H 'iish *h<h «".ean the :>nnc thing.- Hirc art v/ri>e 0f thf:;n. ' I .tr>:rify;" '■{' ' .Nfan'y virt»Je." <h ir.»<ti r; "Mfiral wurrh,"' "A stuT h.ukh ne (»t tr!.jth and n^hl" \ m.m (A nnnor, 0r □ h- v of honor, canret l»e m.<dc to <1 > a mean thing, an\ m>»re than Unrle l'nil <-in make oni- 1 v »u h f )',(l a i / . r >! n h s hand. A h -v 1.! h'.n<>r is one i»i whom hi.s parenis ur i-.-a» hcr - «n ti Hc *il! ilu )-ist a> wt.il vsh- ;. is watchinj; him .»s he wuuM »f a"s jrr,iy < t polieemen werc an<l to < ar ry hirn "tt t>> pris »n. Hc will d » hctter when alonM, l>oa'.se he wjil l>e wt< n-him->elf he his own poii( eman. pf rsons of honor nevtr tcll lits. Kveryh <lv ean hel cvc just what thcy say. Now here is a story whi< h will >how yoti jiist what Urrle Phil wishen you to le«rn, how to g >vern >onrsLivi-s. lt r.lllc(l Ho*tor f (irif. Kit'tecn or twenty yearj aj;<», the Si< • rctiry < f thc Navy ordcred thnt. «hen the prxt<c ship of the nav.il radtts should r..i< h (,'herboi;rg. (g»rl%, g.t yoi.r map* and look up that j>' :re, and tcll me where it is,t thc < a<lets should be per mittcd to v 1 mt raris. The < ommanelant, or < hie t < ffk t r, ot thc N Iv.ll A< adc my, did n»>t a|)j>rovc of this visit Hc was afraul thc youn>; gcntlcmcn would *et into nns< hict, and spend their money toolishly. The y.v n tcrs put themse>vcH on thcir hoiu>r, that the> might sh<»w to thcir rommar<l.\rt hv had no gi>od < ause for his tcars. When thc ptactuc ship ;»rrivul at the l>cn< h naval h.»rbor, the < .dcts sent thne 11 iheir numbcr on ahead to Parin. They wcrc to get everythmg| rcady for thc visit of one hundred and twcntv-ninc young Amcric.ins. 'l'he voyage hnd bccn a storm> <mc. Hard!y anything i ou!<l 1> • cooked for the l;»st einht davs. f>c< .uis-.« of tiic verv heaw sca. So thc appvtitcs uf these > >ung fellows wh<> wcre sent ahcad were very keen. That is, they wer« very hungry. Vt eaeh of thf three stations on the railway wherc thcy could gct things to e.it, eaeh one ordcred a whole ehieken with brca<l and grapcs. The Frci < hmen werc muchsstonish ed at the .<;>; etite of these boys. They were morc astonished stiH, when they heard an order given at e.uh of the three st..tion* to havc ready cooked one hundred ;ind twent;. <:hickens for their companions wh would eome the next day. "Threc hundrcd and srventy cight chickcns, with all the breatl and grapes besidcs ! \>hat appetites these \mcricans have !" cried out the happy res:aurant kcei>crs. But they were astonished ihat not one b ttle of wine was ordercd The eadets were on their honor. Urinking and $nioking were against the rules of thcir schco). Not one of thcrn drank a glas* of wine or smoked a rigar while thev were in Paris. They v«sitvd the tomb of Napoleon, whieh was in a grand building called the "Inti'alides. ,> They arrived just be« fore the gatcs wer< opened. So they stood as on dress parade. When the gates were swung open they lell into ranks, and step;>etl vff as if thcir wcre drilling at $chool. Thc delighted sentries preAentctl arms; and an uflfcer who saw thcm as they eame in ordtred that roomi should be shown them whieh were not «hown oftcn to other visitor*. While cn#ss-ng thc court. or ytrd. tbey uw an old, lame »old»er, who had test 1 leg in batt\e. lnstant.y the boys halted, wKeeled to a t4 front face," and lifted their cap« «a he ptssed before thenL M Kach the manoen of a prißct, M siid the olficer «ho guided them. When the <, middif« M 'eft Paris» ihe Mayor wrote to their coa»aader t)*at 00 hearing they were co«ing, ht had
inaeivd tf*e rf vtfN"£ fo war<h thc yooo#: cf?rccrv. He aae. h-wtvir, the r4eaw:r. : m rer*rtirg ihat n< t oee tiyrturN-nt.e cr break irg rf the law had taken pU<€Yot* young firiends, hew one bundred and t»entynme yo«n« Amcnran fjor'. artmg 00 "bonor,"' sho»ed to the K'em.ha:en how they e uld takc £*x>d carc 0f thcmse!*crs They g<;t great crcd:t io thetr.ve \t<: and no doubt« their parenr«» ard friend% their eoa; nandcr *rd :he .*h< re:*rv of VVjr. and the who'.e Amenean nation wete ; roud of them. There mav *>e somc w. rds in ihis s:ory -A'hieh you <lo not under?und. I will t • :>?ain somc of thfm. A ,4 practice -h:- a man-of war in whioh bcys| *ho «:■» to *rhool at thc "Naval A< ademy" <?trA a part olthcir <rhool di>% and all about sai'*.ng and ing a ship when »t to sea. l hcre they ,'.'arn, also, what their daties as offi»:tr- are "Naval cadcts" arc b» ys who are learning the dut»e* «f omccrs īn the Naval .\radcmy. Thcy have ;o study hard, and obcy quickly tbe w. rd of f.ommand No lazy boy is a!!< wcd at sf hool, bc< ause they woutd never make good ofti< trs. Thc wc.rd "m'ddits" is a short form of the word "mi^^hipmen." Unen thc naval <adet leaves the "A< adem>" t > heeome an c fficcr <n a man-ofwar, he »s sometin»cs ralled a °midshiDman." And now listen to a word of advice. When vou surround Unele Phil's desk, bring your English-Hawaiian I).ct!onaries *ith you; and when you mt*ct wnh a worcl you do nf>t know the meaning of, look for it in the dictionary. If >011 do not find it thcre write to Unele Phil, and he will expiam it to you. Kcmcmbcr ?o write t > 4, Unr!e l'hil, <arcof H. R. Hitrhro« k, Hilo, Hawaii."