Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXIX, Number 18, 3 May 1890 — Our English Column. [ARTICLE]

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Our English Column.

11 /n Vcuth Prrf>irt ff>r Manhood.


Une'e Phil is giad to «re h s o?d pupili arr*urd his d<*k. Some t (ihem are tcarhirii the ' young >deas" of thcir own nationi. ?y how t > *hcot wilh an Kngl §h l>ow and arr< w*. Ard the> tea*h well, to". Othtrs »rc tarn»nj; * vcry go<xi livirg a% poheemen. Ja»yer\ cierks A-c. Thcy arc ail we'eome around th»s Hk.-K Ar.d Unc!c l'hi* will tmd sonjtth» g lo inuie*t and ihem, «s wtH 9% thc M:hooī chiidrcn 'Phen, again, thcre arc mar.v \<»ung Hawa»ians whoh-ve f!n'shtd :hcir t»me 11. govcrnrrent vhoolsar.d h.»ve tt tircd thc grcater stho.fl (1 iife, whcre they are f)U:ng thcrr mir.ds with ali u rt* of knc,wl<<lgc from all v rts U teacheVs. Thcse, too, are *e'< ' n.e 10 g ther ar<'un<l Untle I'hil, ar <1! t himin* stn:<t thcir jrour.gt*r <• untry h.lks. AH ol you ><>urg Mawanans no doubt keep up an "aloha" fcr y ur mclher tvngur, wh at the same timc you arc d:gg»r.g f r thc r<'m s lyir g hidden in tbc Knglish language.

This is as i( sh«'V.Ul Ncvcr dcspiH' y. tr mrth«r V nguc. \Vhtn you luse ihdt you wili lose yuur n:tiona!ity, and the wise i>cr>j»le will losc the»r in ti ri :n yu. S> whi'.st yoti cu!tivatc yui.r KngUsh n, (ultivate also your Hawaiian kst a!! cf its c hoiee p pnts W)thtr and dic.

l >m1 any of you young Hawaiians cvtr st»)p ur.d ihink what a wond. rful thirg an "A!phabtt" is ? 'l h. H .waiian langa;>gc has m<'re than thirty th >iis.ind wopel'i, hy wh eh almost any thoi;ght that r.in >rise in the mind rf m.in c.»n l>c iiiade known and cjr»f'illy kcpt in ljooks, !ikc moncy in a s fe, f>r y >ur children and gr.ind ehi drt n tn r *ad. And yet a1! of thesc m». y dif!Vrcnt wi»rds, the kccpers (f many (1 l(Vrcnt ihoiiKhlH, itc n»adc up or toruH<! fram on y twclvc d ftVie >t chara< ( rs, ur s\£rs, !ctters.

Your f<rcfaihtrs, of not so vcry lorj; aj;o, knew »u thirg of thtsc »igns. Thty were as mueh surpriscd to scc what u pitcc (f paptr with somt strangc marks on it eouki do#s w;<s the Apaehe lndian in this StO!)\ told t>y an Ain<ru Mn utticcr (t"| th« Aru.y, otit \\>at. He s..ys, M I w rt s sitt(ront ot my tent writing a lttt *r, whon an Apaehe eame up near, and, for s">inc ru*son, waichcd me closely. "Whai arc you d<»tng ?" he askcd at last. "Talking to my fric» ds ai home," I answcrcd. "But how ean you talk to them sofarof[?" I cxplainct! to him thc usc of lettt rs, in stead t*f s'gns and p : cturcs, s.ich as the Ind<.m% 1 std. He stotd th.nkirg awhile and Uun said,'i do not bclicvp you. Those !cttcrs all look alike. Yt»u are tryirg to fool me, and make me l>elitvc you are a great mcdicine man." "liuluin," 1 answercd, "I will givt you prm)f. You see man ovcr thcre ? Hc ts thc sutkr, or storei kccpcr. I will gve you an»te to him,' asking him t«> give you a pieee of to bacco. He is f»»ur hundrcd yards away. and 1 *nnot hear us as we tulk. If he givis you the übacc\ y u must belitvo." M Veiy g.Hnl; n.y ; t 'cyed brother spcaks well, I will s>c i ne saystruth.'

The note was writttn, and Uelivcred to my cv>pj>er-oolored friend He started off at a br sk trot, and d< I vertd the note lo the *\»tler. The sut!er riad the note, and i?ave him a pi. ee of lohoeeo. This aston : shcd the Indiar vcry mueh. He )ooktd at the werd (toh.)cco), thcn scratehed his head as he eame hiek to the tcnt, looking very inueh j»crplextfd U'hen he was withtn twenty yards, ! saw his eyes spar kle with a ne« thovght Comirgup quick!y he satd, hcre, white man, you try to make a fool of poor Apaehe. You and the other man mak» up this thing b fure hand. Now, if you want me to believe you, j jst writr another ncte for anoth«r pieee of tobacc >. If he g ves it to ne then I wil believe. M

IX) any oL you, around th» oesk guess wh t the tho*>g>t m ihe mind of the Apaehe «a ? YVhat made h»s eyts aparkle as he w»s g ibg haek to the ten». Make your gues& write tt out cartf«Hy, and send it to Unc T e Phil Not vcry many of you know what a t, Medicine w man ia. I will tell you. A **MedK:ine H man, to the Ind«ans ot North Amertca ( ts what a t% kahum anaana" is to the Hawaiian. Both of them are sorceren, not real d«tort o( »tdicine $ome future time Unde Phil will hatre mcre to say ahoui tbts| sort of people. | Whtl«t we are talking »hout lndians,| I will tdl you anothrr shcrt m ry whkh'

»t!i ihow yo»i bow thcr iry to prurc wh; t th< jr bdkve to be truc. Same IndisAs «crc «. nee d »poljng «mor)gthemse!erfs«bovt thef rm oftbe nnh, tt e r wi »t rjood.' Ooe Indian decbred it t; be bc cause roen had travcUed m a stnight line, and eome back to tbeir surting \>oint So«nc one answcred btm *that roen cfien trarel in e rc!es when tbey jtet k*t in ihe wocds, or on the great Anothcr Indian then sa»d, •that wkiu men eall tbe *c rW round, and thcy knov mcre tban the Ind>ans/ But the an*wer eame very t ekl/ from 3-1 sidw '!hat wh»te men <ttrn tell f «cs r A w»se old Indian, he wis a Mmedidne roan" pernaps, drore a stakeinto thc ground and plactd an appte upon it at nighi. In the morning tbe apple *as still thtre "Now," said this wise ld fcllow, if the wor!d had tumed >round like a rart wheel in tKc night y the apple would surc'y have faUcn off." And s > he proved to the other Indians that the wcr!d wts not round.

% This procf of the Ir.d»ans, or this their way of reascmng. is no better than the reasoning vf some of the black inhab tants cf Africa. Tbey ean pr»>ve to their own mir.ds that white men live at the bottom of the sea, and this is their way to prove it

They say that when a forcign ship ♦ p{cars ofF the roast, thc iopsofher\ masts first eome in sight, tben hcrj iiils, and last of all her hull. But when the ship sai!s away, hcrhull dis | ippears first. then her sails, and last cf all thetops of hcr masts. It is plain, thercfore, thcse negrots think Europ-l em ships eome up froro the brttom of the sea. and rcturn there. I

lt »5 true, as these Africans sny, about the sh«p nearirg thc co«st, orar»y othcr p >int, and sailing away from it. \Vhat was there wrong then in thcirprocf that thc ship eame up out tf the sca, and sank into it again / Help the poor African out cf his false reasoning if you ean.