Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXIX, Number 14, 5 ʻApelila 1890 — Our English Column. [ARTICLE]
Our English Column.
"fn Y(mth f*rrpare f>--r Manhooā'
UN< I.K i'HII> I>E>K
LncJe Phil wtshev to talk witb Hawaitan boy* in 1 who «re learniog the Knginh He 1* an o!d scbool-nmter *ho i*Ves 10 lee vourg face* -r<>und him. ar«l who to d* what he <an i> make them happv. So he ha< hr< i>t *k and put it io this e >rnrr oi the Kr<ntc»A, where you bo>s ar>«J gif!> tan ea»»ly find him. From hn Une'e Phil tendt bi* "Aloha" to h»5 young Hawaiian inerds in the achooLv He mvite% them all t« gatber around him in his torner and ask him <jue*tionv Fcr all bop and gtr!s like to a«k <)'ie*t»on4; and manv of their que«tion<are h>rd t«»arvwer. Unele l'hil i* r»r,sic i% like a cupboard. A cupboard n a pla< e whcre ail kinds of g«xxl things are kept, such m bre»d, takts, piev sugar, poi, eu After a while these good ih.n#* are eaten, and then thev strenj;then the bod»e* of tho%e who eit them (»oo»i f<>od from mamaVupboardMrengthensthe bodies of bovi and and help* them grow to be men and wom< n. Un« le Phil will krep in his de*k ail kind* of good f«x>d f.»r the mindi 0f boyi and girh Thin fobd will help their mindi to whiUi their liodies are Kf° w ing So, ali Hawauan boys and girU who know anything oWe Kngli»h I,ang<)age, and who to le »rn more, eome onee a week around Unele Phil'."* i>ksk in this corner of the Kuokoa, and lei us have a gO(jd hme t«lkmg Knglish t<»gether.
Sometimcs you will find iomc r>ki storics herc. Sonict»mes you will find soroe qt)cst : ons wh rh will sct you t' tbinkinK thcir answers arc. l'hen, too, thcrc will he some putzUs f»?r y»>u to work on, 10 sec if you Know er.w»gh English to find thc r answers Aml when you think y iu have found «>ut the truc answers, just sit d >wn ai.u write a letter to Unele Phil in thc hest Engli«h you ran, and tell him your answers; and »f thcy are thc truc answcrs he wi | keq» them in his desk, and show them t othtr boys and girls, and so sct thtm to thinking.
For Unde Phil wants yoti to Uarn to thtnk % and help hiin keep his desk
Jull ot good things. Hc wants you U lcarn to wnte (orrect Engli»h. lt your lcttcrs show that you arc trying t > leam how to writc good E» gtish, thty will be put into Um le Phil's letttr b'».x and kcpt in his dtsk. So write short letttrs to Unele Phil, Hawanan boys and girls, telling abi>ut your home, youT school, your gardcn, your work, or anything else you would like to hate other boys and girls know. Write short sentences with short words in them to begin with.
Now we will open the t>Esit and see what we ran find. Hcre are somc
riONS f'or you tu think al>ouf, and trjr to find thnr true inawew. i — How manv plaeea named "HonoluJu" are there in the«c IMands and where are they ? 3—Wailuku is o!ten called 4% The Kour Watm;" what are the names of the Four Waters, and why were they so rallcd ? V Many of you have secn the statue in front of the Ciovcrnment House in Honolulu: in whose hofH r is it placed there? 4 —Wbit did tK t Kiwaiian do that has made his namt f4mous all over the world ? While we are talking about famous Hawaiians I will hide the name of one whom I have seen many timcs in a Pt//L»\ and you may look for it, and wheo you have found it bring it to Unele Ph»l's desk. Take on*tifth ol the word one fourth of the word one<fourtb of the wi rd smnv, and one>seventh of the word thmter y and you wiU spell out the name of this good and wise Ha waiian, Then uke One fourth of the word ki&h and one-fifth of the word *tsht % and you will have lus oiher name. Who was this Hawaiian ?
Can any of you tell me what country » calkd "Unele Sam*9 Karm," and how large that Farm is ? Here are two letten wntten b> a yirl and a boy, and printed m one of the papen got up for boys and girls liviog 00 "Unele Sam's Kano." Yoo ean tell froro them how to write yoor letters. and what to write about "Elmua, Califuroia. 'i live in the coontry wnh my Auntir. My mama hat bcto detd om threc mootha. K tay my leaaoi» to my Aont 1 «tudy arithmetk, gengnphy, spelltng. h«tocy, reading and wnting. I thall be 10 yean old the iath day of March. I htvt two pet kittie«. B. R w Unele Phil thinks that Um liuie io> yeareUdgirl has too many »tudics to
trouN< hcr bram with. Sh€ *hookJ hāte nK te time to play wr:h h<r pet klttK3L Htre is aletter «ri::en » i»ttse boy from M f>OTcr, Uelā«»re "Seeing 10 mam bors tnd gīrts are «ritmg Jetters, I ihooght it a»<gbt plesse »onie of them to know of our tova It t% the eapiul and chief tovn of thxs State. The fint settler »m Ezekiel Needham. «ho rcvetved the land frotn Wol Fcnn in 1684. Oo*er contttm the sute house, tbe court hocse, two bank% a ne« po«-oflf?rc. and aboot #ifty itorev There are also seveo churches and oine graded schools. The populaiioo of Dorer k about 3200 and w still grovtng. *'Ros4:oe N* .D." Boys, please get >our dictiooane« aod find oot «hat a 'Settler n is, and then tell Unele Phil what there are in oar ts!ands. Tell him, too, in what g r adt you are at school, bfcause yot;r vhooi w also a graded school. When vou write» direct your letters to H R. Hitchcock, Hii'ō, ffwau, and Unele Thil will gft them. and put the niee ones in his desk htre in thi?» rorner r>f the Kuoko\.