Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXI, Number 1, 7 Ianuali 1882 — KEY BLOCK [ARTICLE]
The aceou>panying Key Block Will help to explain the beautiful picture, representing the Boyal Family of England, whieh the Kuokoa offers to eaeh of its Subscribers for ISS2. 1. Her Majesty Victoria, Qaeen of the United Kirgdom of Great Bntain arid Ireland, and Empress of India, born May 24, 1819; succeeded to the Throne Jane 20, 1837, on the death of her unele, King William IV.; crowned June 26, 1S38; marned February 10, 1840? to his }<ite Koyal Highness Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel, wfio d:ed Dec. 14, 1861. 2. H. R. H. Princess Maud Charlotte Mny Victoria of&Wales, bom November 26, 1869. 3. H. R. H. Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward of Wales, born Janiiary 8, 1864. 4. H. R. H. Prince George Frederjcl< Erneat Albert of VVales, born June 3, 1865. h. H. R. H. Princess Heleoa Aogusta Victoria, Princess Christian of Schle3wigHolstein, bom May 25, 1846; mnrried July 5, 1866, to Prince Frederick Cfiristian Charles Augustus. 6. H. R. H. Princess Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore, born April 14, 1857. 7. H. R. H. Princess Louise Carolina Alberta, Marchioness of Lome, born March 18, 1848; marr»ed March2l, 1871, to John, Mnrquis of Lome. 8. H. R. H. Pnnee Alfred Ernest Albert, Duke of. Edinburgh, born August6,lS44; m«rried January 23, 1874, to the Grand Duchess Marie of Russia. 9. H. R. H. Prince Arthur William Patrick Albert, Duke of Connaught and of Strathearn, born May 1, 1850; mnrried March 13, 1879, to Princess Louise M«rgaret, daughter of Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia. 10. H. R. H. Pnnee Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, bom November9, 1S41; married March 10, 1863, to the Princess Alexandra Caroline Maria Charlotte Louisa Julia, eldest daughter of the King*ofDenmark. 11. H. R. H. Princess Alexandra Carohne Maria Chnrlotte Louisa Julia, Pnncess of Woles. 12. H. K. H. Prince Leopold George Duneon Albert, born April 7, 1853. ]3. H. R. H. Princess Louise Victoria Alexandra Dagmar of Wales, born February 20, 18H7. 14. H. R. H. Princess Victoria Alexandra 01ga Mary of Wales, born July 6, 1868. 15. H. R. H. Princess Victoria Adelaide Maria Louisa, Princcss Royal of England, Cro«»n Princess of Germany, born Noyember 21, 1840; married January 25, 1858, to His Imperia( Highness the Crown Prince of Germany.