Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XII, Number 3, 18 January 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
14 KA NUPEPA KUOKOa." Ib pabllalied tn II EVERY SATU RD AY, $1 00 per annam, or $1.00 per six montiis, in ad?anee. . i &I>T»TUBKB*TB BOt MONdiag 10 IIDU,iOMrtadOIM« for Sl-00 ! Mrtw for $1.10 ) md $2.00 for one noeili | ill idnrtiM 1 aoenU mait be $*id Ur i» o4txm«e. liWiKie» wlll be flharged 1.00 per p«ge, or 4 eU. a Hoe. Pi.TMUTB ro* Aiiinumm, Bnbgeripttoßt er HMlk»o* nay be p»id to »njr of tbe AgenU of tbe Ku»k»m, or i*t » «taloaed lo % l«Uer to Om PublUher. 11l iiD*4omrTio«B muit be rurAio. No namea, «!ther ol fcrel(n*T« or natiTe«. win be ln«ert«d on tl»e a liit. until p*ld for. Thi» mle mn>t be itrieUx adb«f*du . oq of the low kabMrtpti»n priee Ornoi or tbb Kumoa over the Foat oaeo. OBce bowr« from » A. M. »o 4 P M. U. M. WHITNKT. PaUliher. cr Bo«cd Volam« oflke MUOEOA, f«r uJc attbe oAee orer the Be»k»to»— $8.60 ti(k, O' PetMst bkTing; oomplele ieU of tbe hkoT«, eaa teve •B» boond bj pajlng 98M «Mh.