Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 50, 16 Kekemapa 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]
Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.
English Column.
As late as 1790, girls were not permitted to attend public schools iu Boston. The world has moved & little sioce then. A learned Hindoo lady, who is lēcturing in £ngland, says the vice of inteinperance whs unioiown ūa India until the Engllsh introdaced it there. The Nortk <Carolinian is informed that the "W«lter Raleigh vine" on Koanoke islandis nearlv 300 vear« old; that it covers an acre of ground, and that froin it last 53,000 wofth oftrine was made. A big vine-or a big story. We may obtain some idea of the number of stitches now considered necessary to put into garments from the fact that last year , there were over balf a million sewing machines inanufactured in the United States. "Hans Brei(mann's" popularity has crossed ; the water and taben root, and a newly started I eomie journal in Eogland bears his name and . has his figure mounted on a donkey on its titie page. Halls Jourual of HeaHhsays:—"The old •od young delight in warmth; it is to them the greatest luxury. Half the disease of humanity, would be swept from existence if tbe human body were kept comfortab!y warm all ihe time."
There «re no less than seven expeditions now engaged in Artic research—two from Germany, one from Sweden, one from Scotiaad underLamont, one from England under Leigh Smith, one from France nnder PaFy, and the expedition from the United States. j Some ingenious Yankee has invented a ' process by whieh maple sugar ean be made j oat ofcommon New Orleans molasses, flavor- : ing it by steaming maple wood. A contem- ; porary says: u The next thing we are looking : for from that land of prolific ideas is a proi cess whereby they will make honey froin | cod liver oil, A fiavonng it with beeswax. ] Young Wing, a Chinese, who graduated j at Yale College in 1555, has been engaged | by the Cbinese government to take charge of thirty students to this country, and has rej ceived a grant of $1,500,000 to met expenses ; for the ensuingten years. The number of ; stodents will be yeaily increased by installiaents of thirty. | Rio Janeiro &dvices to October Sth, give ' ihe fu!l text of the emaneipaūon bill. It frees! ali chi!dren born of slaves after its date, and j all siaves of the government, and establishes! ' an emancipation fund for the benefit of exist- j ing slaves. The government has been c % on- j gratul&ted by all the foreign ministers, and' | felicitations arepouring in from all parts of j Brazil. There are already evidences of im- ; proveroent among the owners in the dtrection | of converting slaves into free tenants, of freej iog them upon condition of a few years ser- ■ vice. Thk Pope and His Fotdre Residence.— \ The anoouncement is again made that the ; Pope intends leaving Rome. Some three or four months since it was stated that His Holiness had determmed to quit the city, and that the French Government had placed the ■ island of Corsica athis disposal. The au- : thority on this present occasion is a Parisian | Catholic journai, la. France, and this now ; avows that Thiers has offered him the Castle j of Paa fora residence. The French Govern- ; ment continue to have Minister resident at his Court, and Thiers has shown every desire | to assist hira, so far as is consistent with the . nalional courtehies due to the Court of the j ltalian Eing. The spot now said to be seleci ted is one of the most picturesque in the i countiy, and it has long been noted as a . famous resort for tourists. The town of Pau : is the capital of the Department of Basses, : Pyrenees, and is situated on the right bank of Ae Gave de P*au. It possesses a healthy ! ciimate, and is surrounded by charming scenery. The castle was offiginally built in the tenth century, and stakes, oīpaus, were 1 placed aMund it to mark the limits of the I | town, aod from these it took its name. In ] the foarteenth oentury the castle was rebuilt, | ! »nd it was enlarged duringthe sixteenth. It embelihshed and renovated during the reign of Louis Phillipe, tbe citizen King, and «ts one «f*he ia»orite summer reeorts of the I e«-£aape»r.