Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 41, 14 ʻOkakopa 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]
Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.
English Column.
The weather throughout England is fair and faTOTable to the crops. Cholera has appeared in the South of F raoce. Pnnee Arthar will be short)y created Dake of Connaught. Ireland. The English goverament declines to annex or protect Fiji! Mc Mahon reporta the totai casualtiea of riie Versailzists siege at 75.143. Thiers is continued in power by the As»embly for two years with the title of President> The Mount Cenis Tunnel will open for traffic Sept 15, when there will be a formal inauguFation of the Road. The Paris government has given a qualified assent to the schetne for the emigration cf Communists to Arizona. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick pipers tallc strongly in fayor of annexation to the Onited States. Thiers says in six months the Germans will have left all France save Champagne and Lorraine. Another iostallment 0f500,000,000 indemnity bas beea paiā by Fmnce. Tbe German array of occupation is now reduced to 150,000. Point-a-Petri, Guadaloupe, was visited by a fire July 18th, whieh left 30,000 persons homeless. Tbe town was built in 1843, having been destroyed by earthquake. Tbe Tribune »ys one thousand of the property holders of New York have signed the agreement not to pay any more taxes unlil the showing of the books has been eompelled.
Popdlation of India.—Within the eompaas of 1,900 miles in one direction, and 1,300 in another (taking the diamond-shaped coaatry in its greatest length and breadth,) there are two hundred milliona of people thrown together. The nfost numerous of these are the Hindoos, who compose threefourths of the population, or about 150,000,000. Then eome the Mohammedans, who namber about 25,000,000. The reroaining eighth is itode up of the aboriginal tribes, whose imnfediate descendcmts still number several millions, the PBrsees, the Budhists, the Jews, and the Christians. There is also the same sprinkling of other nations whieh is to be found in almost every part of the world where an exclusive system has not prevailed. Tsb Marqdis of Bote.—Whose defection to the Cburch of Home created no little stir among the British aristocracy a few years ago, has recently eome into an additional ineome of 9200,000 and arrears to the amount of 5500,000. As the proverb says, "Mueh wiU have moie." The MaTquis literally owos the prosperous seaport of Cardiflf in South Wales, with a population of 30,000, •od aiso the mineral and eoal district of whieh it is the eapilal. His trustees (accordingtoa British paper) are~about Tunning a lioe of steamers from Cardiff to New Vork. Mr. Disraeii did not exaggerate, in his last novel of society, the immense weahh of this yoang geatleman, nor its potentiality. At this increasing rate of his property, he will scon be in a neck-aod-neck race with the Mtrqais of Westminster as to actual ineome. What the Micboscope Revbals.—Lewnboeck tells of an insect seen with the microscope of whieh 27,000,000 would equal a mite. Insects of various kmds may be seen in the cavities of a grain of sand. Mould is a forest of beautiful trees, with the branches, leaves and fruit Butterflies aie fully feathered. Hairs are hollow tubes. The surface of our bodies is covered with «ealea like a fish; a single grain of sand would cover 150 of these scales, and yet a aeale covers 200 pores. Through these narnw opeoings the sweat !orces itself like water throogh a sieve. The mite makes 500 steps a second. £ach dropof stagnant water contain a woi)d of animated beings, swimming with as mueh liberty as whalea m the sea. Eaeh leaf has a colony of insects grazing on it, like cows on a meadow.