Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 30, 29 July 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]

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Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.

English Column.

\ titj N f t';M'Sr !> , itff-r i> ' •!*. » <»•{ Hf»il carr*»t j • -ri;• ?i-«ii •= to th»« l. S. ioan have : i - .:y !..ur nnMion? :iikl n half. : !' iAy. r ' ?, 700 pt-r-nns a Jay \vore . • \ • .:<»W ! - V»-r. ! ;•• r:- flr- iint the coolics in I>ritish • '< - t rtr- rr-3fe.l m a b:irhiroos HMnner. j I: {{:-.īv r> tis2 everv tlny in their print- j •: u iMHneni 810,000 \vorth of paper. i v t oi«s in Surj Dom-; . ! a thous;tnti 4'nscs arc in hospJtah { V I i-!i «.iitor ites himse!flhat| • !''*« to!;] n!)out him nin't true." j ' :. n hns orjrred specia! prayers ! ?!.♦• £ra>>hoppers thi-< Miiuiner. | ; iiote!s wiil oiiarge llve dol-, i iiy ciuring the season. j i i ■ < Uief cr>ok at «he Park<»r ]]o.<-! I. «- Mti<i toreceiven hiirher.<a!ary than thej ••- .:»■!»( of Harvart! | !f; r i:»' (5,000,000 reai r.>«ta(e o\vners in ! I' ?!•-!» i! States, t\vo t!iirtls of ihein beinufl r «, I A !'tii!rt from a rifle \vi!i not pcnetrnte a of paper to a greater t!epth tiian 30 ■ ; ! i «Mi!ttire is fast a recojrmzed i :i-;ry in t!ie Soutbern States ami iu Culi- • »•' »1 .:1. j A tli<»tisand eooiie? nr*» to (k* l»routr!i( from I Am i io work in the Pnrtland, Me., stone j . tr t n <. ; T !»• Konian l'at!iolic r!iurc!i is reported ■ >au >-")0,000,000 \vorth of prop»*rty in the S: itt* oj" NY\v Vt>rk". Th»> totai ar< u of t!te Unitttd States is 2,(ino.or»o acres ; f!io portion of puhlie t!o :-■ s•»i ī: u«»t yot by raiinuds is 1,30G,- '»!!.! l»0O. Ac!iv«» prepnmtions are made in Ku->ia f«»r war Khiva, the portion ofj Turlvista!i wlneh has commenced waragainstj i; j 1 ht'-hardnoss of l?ismarck's terins i tlie! -;"i iI tr«*atv wit!\ Fnuice created great emo-| v.\ tho l'ieneh AssemMy whenannouneed! V i'aviv. | A New Vorl< paper gives the foreign po-| p j i'ion rf that city 85 fo!lo\vs : French 30,- j 0i»0. italiaiis 10.000, Spnniards 5,000, CJer-1 i")0,000, fr.sh nearfy 300.000. j - Are these rooms to let?" said a politei ' iuleman toa hindsome young lady. ,4 Ves, " And are you to bc iet with themT' ■ .V> sir i'mn to be let alone !" The Japanese hove but one newspaper, i \\!t<ch comes out onee a month, in ihe shnpe | o[ \ stiched pnmphiei of about 100 pnges- ; it has lven establ<shed a little more than a » y-.ir. i nism?»n:k is saiti to hare kept a eompiele ! c.!.uv of alī public events and his personal re- ! ; itkms thereto for the last thirtv vears, and i 'io intends to prepare, as soon a$ the continenI : troubles areover, a history of his own ! } A cotem has the following,wiūch we nrmst ! ;i ir.ii i is somewhat stony : *' Marr»ed, at : l'isutstone. by thc Kev. Mr. Windstone, Mr. ; .Voiiemiali Siindstone to Miss, Wilhemina, ; Whetstonc, both of Limestone." Nuinerou3 • :'.rio pt?trifactions m«v beexpected. \ J, Smythe Jowoes reniarks that "nevwnh i sir.ee he has known ho\v to pawt his hair | ii.\s ihe vwuigah p\vacticc of pvvefohming at j tāb!e with a knoife bw«en swo pwevalenu' 1 J. Smythe has put his u *m his poekei | niid gone to look up anothet hoteL A country poet, after iooking about ovei !iie. has eouie to the toliowingconclusidn: •' O, 1 wouldn't live forever. 1 wouldn't if I could ; But I needn*t fret about it % For l couldn*t if l would. The Spanish governnaent of CuW ha« aireadv borrowed $30,000,000 for its wa funds to suppress the Cuban insurrection, ane ts io«ses in troops, tegular and volunteer, ex ee# 70,000. During the pa?t two year 107,000 troops hare heen employed onthe Is ( I land, of whieh 37,000 remaww > ''vj