Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 29, 22 Iulai 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.

English Column.

A ' r-:r.v i re līrm in New Uavf»n have just i 1 an iiiiiStratt-d c»«tāloj7ue ot thcir pro* d : owineh Co>t theni &$0 000 tf»r 2 000 e «s. Tne cngraving alone m«t S10,0fj0» m : p»per lur the pdition of-2.000 ro»t !r ' 'i.iiU {««f,.re the type touche<l it. The i v IKH) pape voluino, the piQfPS l . ! y e'gUteen inches m si7.e. i :<;• l' \ r..\R. — Dr. St«ne. of Sjn--1 r» i-. o, in a reccnt lccturc. truthfully said: * 1 .• hr:-t y« ar ol nvirritfl life is not usually ! ,0 ».T| h takes limo to >idjust two 1, > 11 ont* a?ioth?r ?o that thoy will run s : . ■ ī ji 1 >*- Eaeh noed-j lo l«arn how to n i •>•< !; lo rho other, how to avoi(J dange-r-'i- £,roiuid. how to shun tho slmrp points t.Mf ;iroJ'ioo irritolion, how to bear and for- !>• !r. iini! 'lii-ep the penee.* Thnt is not a i--"i loarncd in the honcymoon. ft is I' : n J in th»> disturbed harmomes that leave 0 v.:;;,'in«r mcmory behind them, and ?how t:; --Ui' and plensant path. And the longer 1 i ! iu l and wife live together, iu a true l». ; «1. the more unintorrupted is their peaee." The rurious ralculn(ions of Mr. Ruggles, d■•!■_vite to ihe Interiiational Congress whieh iii'M at tlin Hague in credit tho United S;:irt's with a popnlation of seventyfive milli .>:« iti 1900. This eoleulaiion ison a basis, lu»w.-vcr, of only per ceut yearly increase, t!im the actual rate including the incr. ise from marriage and iininipration. Tu-re ii no good re«son appnrent \vhy the ra:io witii us should at present decrea>e ns it •/« doing iti Europc, for, outside of New ! Eiiu T !aud, thc birth rate is not materially dimin. while the United States is still, and M i I lv» for centurys to eome, the chicf resort o! Kuropean imn»iprants. But even at the lo v rue upon whieh Mr. Rii£gles ba?cs his īeak <i!:»tion we shall nearly doublc ourpopulaiion in the next thirty years. Mi*g.ar is Al.ads \Vhite. —The way |1m wiiieh siivrar is in iue pvrfectly white, it is !, w.,s found out iu a curious manncr. A ji*'h that had gone through a clay mudpudjd! •. wont wuh her muddy feet iuto a sugar |hoa-e. U \vas discovered by some one that pv:»crever ihe tmck \vas there the sugar \vas i\hn» uod. This led to some experiments. BT.ip rt-nih \vas that \vet clay eome to be (U 4 --' ! in rcfining sugnr. The sugar is pluced in eaniiem jnrs, shnped ns the loaves are. p i;e large ends are up\vard. while in ihe l:viiW cnd is? left a hole, Thejar is filled sug»r, ihe clny put ovcr the t<>p «nd j t wot. The inoisture goes do\va through r und drop from thc hole in the end H i' e i i. This imke' the sujj.ir perfectly : WllPKt; OUR Uour> AND SILVBK GoKS.— tiu sales of silver m New York, for eon"•up.p'.io'.i hy tnnnufacturers of silver \vare, n 1 nJ:iiir Kirs of refined. and Mcxican dolar<, aio said to nggprvgate 55,00U,000 annufciiy. lncluding the cousumption of pretir i5 mctals by manufacturing je\vellers of ill sorts, this aggregate is incrensed s«veml in (I. the estim#te of New York betnga!one ? i ō,ooo.ooo—that is to say $5,000.000 in silrer nnd $10.000,000 in gol<l—and this is exduj»iw ol \vhat is known as t4 rolled stock" >r iibbons. The fact is asserted that there s niore siiver used for domestic purposes in he l'nited Stat«s than auy other counterv jD the \vorld. Si-ccßss Maccs Enemim —They who are BninetitSv successful ih businēss, ©r who aeiieve gneatness, oreven notoriety f in any pur Butt, must expect to make enemiw. So ■rene to selfishness, to petty jeatousy and B»rd\d envy it poor human nature, that whoKever becomet dittinguished is sure to be a KarW for the malieiou» spite of thos« who, m>\ deserving success ibemselves, are goaded * the merited triumph the more worthy. K|>posit>on, Xit H hone«t and manly. is not WL it*elf unde«rable. The eompetitor in life*j ■niggles, who is of true oot ftposnion of any honomWe character, but Kther rejoices in it. It is only \njusttce aod Hkanne» whieh he deprerates and desptses; Hd it >s jlūs whieh the suceessful must raeet: Boportio&ed in bītiemess, oft-times to the jHpa&ure of succcss whieh excitei it.<»«-5. f,