Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 28, 15 July 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]
Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.
English Column.
Over one-third of the people in Pitlsburg an» of foreign. There are twenty «even synagogues in Nrw York city. H»ve the courage to sU6w that you reBpect bonesty, by whomsoevrr exhibited. The fimperorand Empress of Brazil will sj>?nd tMro ra tnths i<i the Uoited States next i«M. . Uate the conrage tospeak your mind when u ia necessary-yeo should do so. Have the courage to tell a man why you do not lend him your money. Cocr&ob in Evrry-day Lipe.—Have the coorage to d»Bch«rge « debt while you have j tbe man?y ia your pocket. Banker HiH ruonument. cost $156,276. A 9ettled thing—;i eup of good coffee. There are f»ny different kinds of tobaco. Have the courage to do without that whieh you do not need, however mueh your eyes COVft 11. Gen. Spinner hns b?en Treasurer of the tJnUcd States for ten years,and h«s h>indled in th«t tirae tbe very large aum of 550,000,000000. Tt»e foi(owitg is an epitaph on the death of a young lady engag«d to be married. Tbe diaff-diy appointed wat>, And wedding die«i pro?hied; Bot cre ihe wedding day arriv«d ; 2>he «ckeoed<and ehe diodid. The contest between twocompositors for pnzes off?red by tae propnetors of the Prin- : terf C*rcHlar iot svriftest type setting, is as «oUowa: Geo. Arreusborg set 1,577 ems, and Kichard Mc Lean 1,627ems in an hour. We have now ofscial information that the Crraod Dtike Aiex<s of Musaia will honor with a vīsit, and will be the guest of Gove.rn ; meot. To the ladies we may that the G. D. is only twentyrone, and sinkingly handsome. A »*w wiy of collectiig old d ?bts is re- ; c»rded by the Alemphis (Tenn.) Ledgpr. ,% A few diys ago on Front street a creditor asked « debtor forhiscoat in payment of a debt Tne faonest but impecunioos dehtor took the co«t effand handed it to the and w»lked home in his shirt sleeves." Fikd fiult only when you must, and then in private if possible. The bia<ned are less inciined to r*sist when they chided withoat witnesses ; and the accuBfc?i may be impressed witb the forbenrance of the occuser. It īs not work that kills men, it is worry. Work is healthy; you ean hardly put more upon him than heean bear. Wprry is rust up>nthe btade. lt is not the revolution th»t destroys fbe machinery, but the friction. Fear f»ecreie« acids; but love and trust are sweet jutcrs. . Dcty is a siioiulant that never fails. Be ihe disappointments of life whnt they mny d;ity puts a blue sky over every man. Men have tried all means to drown the heart's bitt«rest d'S4ppointment—the wineeup, the suic»de, the foTgery, the abandonment of ail wor'idy and reUgious restraint. but nooe, has had such a soothing and &timulating power as tiie seose of duty. The estimated expenditore ior military porposes in the East lndies, by the British liovernn>ent, for the fiscal year 1871-'72 ū pi-ced at- 962050.000; deductmg froro 54,<£!5.000 of teceipt»i th"re is left a net estimated expenditure of 958.025,000. The €-xpenditures in Gngland, for the fisQal f e *r 1671-'72, f<iT the East lodia {*evern-: n»ent. less the receipts of $70 000, am/ount to SIS 800,000. Tlie tntal military expenditors for the support ot British rule in the East lodies d«r»ng the comingyear, therefore. «mouni tn 975.825,000, whieh, it is stated, i« Sl 4 155 00 less than the yrar 1860The forces qaaintiioed in British India ia 1870-"71 amounted to 5545 .Britisb offii 60.425 British ofßicers *nd pfivate soldiers, and 322,122 native solj a total of 189 692 offiicers and i men,—with 14,187 goTemmet*t horses, and 424 fieldgons.