Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 25, 24 Iune 1871 — SUBJECTS FOR PRAYER FOR EVERY DAY IN THE MONTH. [ARTICLE]
i axrxi~sr 1, 187*1- "* | } • •'' - i t 1. That the Kingdom of God may speedily come throughout the world. (j 2. For the Hawaiian Kingdom, its King, chiefs and people. y 3. For all pastors anrl miiiisters of the Gospel. (| 4. For all the Hawaiian churches. jj 5. For all foreign churches, pastors, anil people. i 6. For tlie Hawaiian Evangelieal Assoeiation, its, Board, and its r v island associations. * f 7. For tlie Hawaiian Sabbath Schools. ] 8. For all tlie sehools r hotl\ day anrt boarding schools. Jl & 9. For the lepers and all sick people. i 10. For the Mission. ] ) 11. For the ifanjuesas Mission. f[ \ 12. For all Hawaiian convicts. . | p 13. For all opposed.to war,,thafc it niay eeaae. v ) 14. For Tempei*anfie So?ieties, and all who labor to put an end to in- l f temperance. : i ? , ] 15. For Bible Societie.s. * 16.- For Freedmen. * . |* t • *.{ f 17. For all who are living in bondage. - i * - - j ? 18. For the ; Foreign Missionary Board in Boston. - jj ) 19. For all missionary associations. f - - - — J 20. For all missionaries. { ) 2l)®>r tlie Holy Spirit to visit9.ll the churciies. V , t I 22. For Mahomatans. ' J & 23. For the Jews. [ i..;. ; ' i,,-, -24. ForPapists. >( i< r . J; „ | 25. For families, parents and children. J ? r 26. Forlove and union among all Christians. Jbliti 17. f ' ' '/ 3 27. For all tHeological seuilnaries. < M ' j r 28. To the Ix>rd of tlie liarvest, that He will send forth laborers. ? ) 29. For the Chinese here and elBewliere. k ' ( * 30. For all seamen. , . ; ; 31. That tho name of Jesus may soon triumph in all and every knee bow to Him. (