Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 25, 24 Iune 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]
Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.
English Column.
Many iiunufacturies in Gerinany haye suspended work for ihe of fuel. Qcef.it V r icrostA wilt travel next Sumcrier on the Khine and in Swi(zerland :i "' : An oy«rer weighing tbree poonds »is on hihiooo in the window of a Newark saloohi- ■ ' .1 i i > A yoūjsg Cleveland lady ex»sperates men by kissing ber horse in the puhiie strefit.3. lt costs 52,000,000 to buiid and 8375,000 yearlo ruo a first c!ass Amerfcan haVal Yessel. - The annoa} exports nnd imports in' Ger(B«ay «nay be set down in round nombers at 8000,000. — Two beasons why some persons don't isiod their own busmess: One is, they b«ven*t any basiness, and the other, they havea*t any rnind. A sawsull owner in Indiana ce!ebrated his wooden weddiog recei*t!y; His workmeti presented him with 10,000 feet of lumber, and a «eighbor contributed thirteeu large poplar logs. A farmer of Scipio, N. Y„ has a (urkey that has laid one bundred eggs in one dred djys, aever miesing a dayon account vf sickoess, a circus in town, orany other excitemont. At recent firemeo"s celebration in New Bedford, Massachusetls, the follo*ying, toast„. was propos*ed : »The Fifefaep—The ar in y that draws water instead of blood-rthanUs instead of tears." A uttlk Boston g:hl joyful!y assured her ; roother, the other day. that she had fuund oat where fhey made horses—"she !iad seen a tnan in a shop just finishing one oi them, l"or he waa nailing on his Jast foot." According t>oan English journal, tlre greot prob!ero of "what to do with eoal dust" has at last been soived. The owner of sev t tal large furn»ces near Manchester has hit upon, the expedient of blowing the powdered eoal into thefurnacestymultaneously wilh a strpng current of air. The effect is said to be a flame of intense heat withoutany sraoke whateve|\ The valley of the Red River of the North is sa'd to conta\n 60,000 square miles bf the nckesl wheat land in the w o Tld. The six New Eog\and States contain 05,000 squftre ; n»iles, bat a laige portion of this area is taken up by moun(ains. When the Red RiVer raj]eyshall becultivated, it is estimated thAi it wi!i produce 600,000,000 bushels ot wheat annaaily. — Hold your little twinkling ligbt boldiy an'd bon«dyY tben God will pour in the oil; and a>akeita b]axing torch* > • ' • Atw» a n£ Ja4igt when you ean-—it is" a eiieap o>edici<w?. "Mīrtfalness is a philosophy not well understood. It is a sunny side of ex«tence. ' < . Be oot aSronted at * jest. lf one tos& Salt at tbee, thoa wilt ?eceive no barm tihless thou hast sore pLaces.- •< w Woolō a maa frequently calct»iate hi» in«»e »nd«rpenditure, he woUld escape tnkby a bmer TBfiectioa; for he must be lost to eveiy g«aeroas feeling of prid'e and honoraWe pnoeiple who wantonly incoifsdebt whieh he kaowa be ew» aot discharge. Kind 'are blessed thiAg»y Speakd»ein «myodiiy. Sc#ttfer tbefti >toce< beamsevery where. They please othere! *ad ilieo i«tara to bless yoar own ears: £u»d words foreTer. The piicher-plant of Caiifornia grows sometimes to a hight of twenty-four inches. Withthe sarface is sfoootbed for a little way ; i>at beyond that is arnaed w;th stiff, needlel,ke, colorless hairs, pointing doWowafdi Tne tize dimiaisbes from two inehea to 4 9Gthi«g. Fiies aod rarious insects travel road, nefer to return. The jaeedles/ cooverge t «od tbe poor creaturea 6nd theic at tbe bottom withoat the possbility o£. r*ti®aL Cutting mto an old pitcher, < ane; ®«y find a layer from two to tbree ioches af densely*packed iosect - remaina. I Whether the plaot is insecti>erofu« no OilP, B®y. lt it ailied to tbe ,sd eommoa iq our svampj woods.