Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 24, 17 Iune 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.

English Column.

The Kingof De»mark drives a team 9/ reindeers The crnmb of comfort for an idle man—is a whole (oaf. Tfce Old and New Magazine says: "A po'weina is a raan who thinks of tlie next elee. iOll, while statesman thinks of the nextgeneraiion." — The Ch'tcago woman barber hos so many customers that she has taken a younger sister into the business, who attends excluslvely to tbe iathering. Switzerland, a country with a smaller popuiaiion than that of Scotland, maintains an efficient army of 200.000 men, at an annual cost of $333,000. Movable or »djustable horseshoes have become a "futed fact," ond a company in Chīcopee, M«ssachusetfs, ore engoged in iheir ma«uf4Cture. Thisshoecan be taken at night, or when the horse is not at work, and put on ag;iin wUen wanted as e«sy as a pair of boots. , Dog Poweh,—ln Philadelphia there is a smal! blacksmith*s shop, the bellows or whieh is operated by dogs. The bellows are eonnected witb a wooden wheei box, whieh is tept revolving by the motion of the dog, so«nthing after the manner of a treadaiill.— lron Age. Two new tests of the reaJity of death have been proposed : the calabar bean applied to tbe eye wili cause the iris to contract, while tbere .s • liie and similarly a bright steel needle inserted under the skin will almost iramediately lose its polish if the tissuefe are Hving, A Fbench chemist nssert that if tea be ground iike coffee before hot water is poured upoo it, It wiil yieid nearly doub!e the amount of its exhiierating quaiities. Another writer s«ys : 4 If you put a pieee of lump sugar, the siae of a wa(nut, into a teapot, you will inake the tea infuse in half the time." This we have tried successfully.—Ex. The eominiuee whieh for some time past b«s been t*sting the merits of various description offire-arms in Eugland has reported in f«vor of the Martini Henry rifle, and it is Si«id that the regular and volunteer torces are to be armed with that weapon as soon as possib!e. A recent writer states that, of the workers in the Sv>uth Aferican diamond fields, about nre in a hundred make a good deai of money. Five more in a bundred make their expensesv while the retnaining ninety do not. The same writer gays that, to bave any ehanee of success in the enterprise, one must iearn to drire cxen, and in the Zulu tongue.

Wohas's wilk is mueh used inedicinnlly China, and Dr. Macgo\vn mentions a rich' man who drew this nourishment from 100 nursirtg women, and lived to extreme Bge, beirg in his 100th year as round and plump as a sqansh. The Chinese authors tell ofa nian who, on this diet, reached the nge of 240 vears, nnd Dr. M.—credits facts.

Prof S. P. La»gley computes the area ot on* of the son-spofs recently visible, atover 2.300,000 square miles, or more than ten. times the eotire area of the earth.

The Chikesd Shoemakers bv Mr. Sanipson at North Adams are rapidly b?coming Americanized in manners, dress and tastes. A number of earnest men and worr»en have devoted themselves to their instroction eveiy Sunday, and so attachedere the popi!s to their teahhers that if one of the latter is unavoidably absent the pupils will Qot Jisten to fhe te«chmgs of any other in?troctor. They seem, generally, to have a great d«-sire to learn tbe English Jangu«ge an <J a number of them ean already speak so be easiiy onderstood. In copying Ati>eridress. also, they show great aptoess, altbough mo«t of them retain the blue cotton | Chi Q ese biouse T and all wear the queue. Mr.! &»tnpsoo «sserts that as workmen they are abscluiely unexceptionai)le. They turn out * s roßch work hs bd fqaal numberof the of the St. Cnspin order, and the s hoes are superior in the qoality of the work | 00 them, owing to the faitbfulness of the | mee.