Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 23, 10 Iune 1871 — A Song for the New "Morning Star." [ARTICLE]
A Song for the New "Morning Star."
TaAN«LATiOV. 7—61 Hark ! harl! a leineotatton Con»es frorn L'aiana's co3st. The sl?p 5* wreck*d. i« suik:iDg. The M orning Star 15 loil. A ship. a p*?s»ng s(nngFr liears S3fely oo her deck The friends wbocn Gcd W3tcbed over, And rescaed from the wreck. 2 Sigh3 roll o*er M;cronesij, \ o'er Fatuiw« s vales, ] And o*er our ioved H»\faii • Eeho deep sorrotv's waiiS. | America is weeping, ' Her Sabbath Schoo!s bewail, ( They made the Star a beo«ty, • And b.d her onward saii. j Hark! hark ! a voice is rous;ng, Quench sorrow, b-inUh sighs— j Awake «new fove's kindne£sS, I Ve Sibb.ith Schoo!s arise ; I Bring. bring your free will iifferings, | Fro»n near and from a f*r, j And raise ten thoosand d*»!lars } For u New Mornit>g Star. | 4 H«r'rf! h«rk! s»veet notes are ?oanding, j And cheer us from a far, The g</spel shtp is /inislied, » The beauteous Morning Star—• She's launched—and lo she's sailin£j— j Sv»on will she he;»ve in sight— Be watching, praying, wniting, | She sails ail robed in light. • ° I 0 Slie's sai!ing— suling—s;uiing— ' The stormy Horn is pnst, | Stiil piowing. ocean*s bi!lo\vs, : The cry «s heard at iast. Sail ho t all eyes an^gizwg\— lt is the Moming Star— 1 The suni»en ship \r<>.s risfi>, Returiaing fro»n o A«r. 6 CJafher in joyful number*, Ue Jubiian( to The Morning Star has risen, Behold her hright ;uray. Gather ye hnppy chiidren. 1 Hftwaii's Sabb:»th Schoo!s. Ye friends who lovc the Savior. Praise, biess the King who ruks. * 7 Ye \Vrecked but guarded servai>ts, Kescued from Ocea»'s tomb, Dip»niss ail gioom and snrrow, The Gospel Ship has eome— Tuke pnssuge with your coinrades, On, on\vard to your porta, Beor, benr »g.iin salvation To Micronesia*s hosts. 8 Ye winds, and gaies, nnd bUio»vs, Beat on the Morning Star To Ehon nnd Bonebe, To Islands stiil at war. The Lord of hosts go with vou, Preserve the Gos; ei SJiip, Gui\rd, guide her o'er the Oeean, His servunts safely keep. Hawaii.