Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 20, 20 May 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]

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Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.

English Column.

Philaiielphia bas ahippeel: 6,āa6,263 g»l;' !ons of petfoieji<n to fpre|go por(s qjnco January lst.

New Cedford is uneasy about the How!and betjuest, and is askirfg tfie city cbuticll why the ordiriance, or soime ordihances,'in relanoa *to the bequest of &I06*t)00 by the latfe Sylvia Ann Howla~hd, for edtocati'ohal piirposes, is not pa«sed. For half o dozen' years t»eedless and grotmdless liti£ation f pteVē?īted j its poWx schools from en]oyingthb'benfefits of this gift. —•< /' : - i .ii John Boossom, who-died f aTew diry ago near Pottsrii!e, Penn.,' some 500 i poands, he weigh only 140 pounds twenty ' years bpfore his dccense. His excessive! flrsh—he w«s the 2argest mnn in the State, is singularly ēnough, nscribed By his neighf tx>ra to an explosion, while blasting rocks, whieh htirled him fifty feet into the air without caosing serious injury. Some of the papers are seeir|g what they ean do in the way of turkey ,stor f ies. One ter»s of «i farmer in Scipiō, N. X., who has a turkey th»t has laid ohe hundred eggrs ip one huot3red cooso<rutive days, never missing a day om account of sickops or .a cirq,us in town ; ainother gives an accōunt of a ftock of sixty tuikeys in Vermont, ithat flew so |iigh that they becnine dirzy, nnd eame down so heavily that them Wfe kilWd ;'but both of theSe are eclipsed b"ya corresporideni of the Cincinatti Camerdial, who writē&'frbni Texsa that a soiall datachment of Dnited Stateg cavalry,a few miles northwest of Victoria Peak, fciHed in one n>ght fifty seven tnrkeys% and Sam Keeehie Kosh, Big ChieFof ihe Keeehie lndians. lt Ī6 ?orprising to noie the extent to whieh life insurance has heeome of late a means of inrestment, and very largely nmong the weahhy ( for whase beneSt the systert wns nc»t in the first plaee meant. AIl the promi■ent New York merchānts are insured for amonnts ranging from 850,000 to $300,000 k The iisi: named is Jim Fisk's figore, ntid Wīllam E Dodge has 5500,000, whieh is all assi!gned for tbe benefit of various chnrilable as!Sociations. A few otlier noted coses are Francis Skiddy, 8220,000; F. B. Roberts and Asiexander Barrett, S200.000; Hornce Greeley, $150.000 ; Aogosti Belknnp, A. B. Cornell, J. W. Durvear. S125,000; Henry W»rd Beecher, Cyrus W. Field, Alonzo Taylor, A. T. Stewart, Maynr Kalbfleisch of Brooklyn, Dr. Brandreth, S 100,000; Congressman Ben Wood, $65,000; W. M. Tweed, and C. Delmanico, 550,000. Morb Ocean Steamebs.—Six immense sseamers are being constructed at Belfast, whieh will constitute a new line between New Yorkand Liverpool. The pioneerof the lot. the Oeeanie, is nearly finished. She is 440 feen in.length, and built mainly of iron, with of 3,000 horse-power, and eapacity of (5,000 tons burden. Her length is divided by six iron bulkheads, reaching from the keeli to the main deck, and makiog seven compantmenis whieh are fire-proof and air* tighL She has four masts, they being tubes of hollow iron, and having streng(h to withstand tlie strain of a large area of canvass. Hfr spars are noat accuratel5 T balanced, and ber modei calcu!ated to afford speed, so thnt eveo were sbe deprived of the use of two enguies, «ihe wouid be able to move as rapidly as a ciipper-built ship. Below ber fitings show niany improvements» Xhe main salpon is sepairated from the state-ioom, islarge, well iighted and ventilated.. .A private saloon or parlor jis «et apart for Udies, Every stateroom has a fourteen ineh side lightand fur* cished with water. The rooms «4 mairied people are set apart froro the rest, as also are those iof single women. No passeingers are p!aced below the water-line that space'l)eihg gīven ito the engines and cargo. is of the otmost solidity Ihroughout. The stern.<post nlone weighs oot less theri ; e>ghteeri tcms. The engines are tM most powwfo! ererus«d in a merchant ehip* Her screw t« foat-Uaded awl of steel. r Th®>Oceanie is buflt to carry 200 eahiii' ttnd 1,000 steerag« a numbeptha< in so large« tes. ®el will (bd 'ampW 4-oom.—-iV. Y, ileraU More\ 6tA - ■ - < • < - -