Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 17, 29 April 1871 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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; KA NUPEPA KUOKOA, , lIOOPI'KA MAU IA JUA HoNOLl'l.l' i I'oaouo kein l'onono. M » I \o na mahina b«> luiikumanialiia! $1.00 uo ua maliina oono, | ME KA HOOKAA MUA MAI. . N* Olklo lU'OLIHI-*oK« i oi ma»um o \o Uln* hr k» I j.uWfc hootc»ht $1.00 ; »tu& komo au», he $j.fco ; h.*.i kahi mtl»rot,s'i.OO K »4n m«a ia dai ke d«la o liāoKI» , i hooUh» » i»i,u v hoouuki» mai e n*». t Si*iCic—hc 4 k*ntl* ik» k» l»Uot hookahl—i»..ntrl: J.c j l&l&nl, |\.OO *, UUui, *, pri*'ku. ICa vrr ao ma OtlLu Hoouiha—k* oku |»t>p», »me ktt umi o ke K»nik»u. e haiiwii» uo m» ka liiu» o u* l.uiu o Kuokoa, »t olei», e hoouna mai ia Kauka Kollka eno Pkpji a rac k aoo**» mca mai mo—»ole e k*uU i ku iuoi o keknhi haole a kati»k4 ta»otl j m» k» in .n I k» poe U«e pep» ke ole e liookn» e nal numu». K f .;:<o 1 kehiiiwii» k«i» mau rut», no ka uie», h« eoii oo ka ai.l.iu ! do kei» uuj>eji». I 4ia kx Kkk>'a o ka NcfKn Krokoi~m* le kt«n* i n !■: I uiua ia iho nei e J. IV. Aukin». niuluii* *t- o k» llnh- tru O lia hor* han*. m*i k* ri*« o k*k»ti.*k«. * i kk U »• [ kf *hi*hi. II- >1. \VIXI. Lnuii lleopukn ; "KA NUPEPA KUOKOa." i I» )»»bli»hpit lii lloaoluln 1 KVK R Y S.\TU Ki> A Y. i j;2 00 per annnm, or $1.00 per sh | iuon(lis, in advancr. ! j Aotici»tiskmmt3 noi «xceedin}; 10 lir.ei,ia3erte<lcnc« fvr {1 00 j twtct or $1.60 ; »ntl $'4.00 for one noneh »il nUni.»»- I | ment« mut be p*td far i« adtunc*. ' . KlXlKirs will tx? 1. 00 j>cr p*fe, or 4 el». * lin«. j : Patmksts fok Adtkpti9k*ksts, fcub*v-rlptiot<» or Kihibu<, : m»y b« pai* to anj of ihe AwenU «f tt«e Kuoioa, or m»y ; ke eaclo«cd in * tetter U> tht l'ut ti»ti»>r. i All «CB«CRirrioiie ®utt l>« r»*ritD. No na»«r». .-tt!er <f i foreign«r« oru*llr«s. «ttt be in»erted or> th«-*nW-rpti n ( U»t. anttt p*i<t fot. Thi» ro!e wu»t he •triet\y «MUnn.l : . j oo »ocoant of the tow »üb*criptlor, pr!ce S '« 0»noi« or t« Kcokoi ovtr the l'o»t Office. Ofli«-e hoor» frota 9 A. M. to 4 I' M. 11. M Ulirr\KV. l'nbti»h«r rr Bouml Voluuim of the A' L'OA VA y for **tr »t t)ir . ilw * o*er the Bootr»tore— $1 fco «»ch. # SOT Per*on» b*vinjf cOniplete »«U of the *bove, c*o h4r* | hem bound bj pnritijf eaeh.