Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 17, 29 ʻApelila 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]
Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.
English Column.
hns a in the shape f'J a [»ri/.e f»t boy. ( hi<;a<;o is lo have another inonster iru!hon-iii»Har hotel. Mormon mi«sionarifs h«ve made one hundred convrrts in Georgia. ()>'E fit T NURE.J> MJLUOi\S of poople Spe«k Kngli»h, or passest'or Eng!ish. Ihb Nashi:a (N. H.) Telegrapk nomin»t « Hon. Scjii vlku CoLKAX*fi>r President in niul has placed the ticket at the head of Jts eiJitorial coluuuks. IjKading citizens San Frnnrssco t ir« respocttve oi pnrly, are making nrntngemeitts for a suitnhle rcception of President Gkant upuu h»s txj)tcted visit their city. A Hoston fhoes-denler hn.s been delighted by the receipt of an or<ler for shoes for the f.uiuiy of a Monnon Bishopnt th*» Snlt Lake — twenty \vives and ahoui fifty chiidren. Somk Chinese iishefnien cnoght on the l">th inst., ot the entrnnce to the Bay of Snn J)ie»ro, (J.i)jfornia, n green sen-!urtle, whieh tnensurpd 4 feet G ii>ches in length and \veighed 335 pounds. Count vort Bismakck has heen elevated lo tlie rank of Phnee of the Gerrnnn Empire. niul (len. Count von Moltkk hns heen pre?entrd with the Grand Cross of the Urder of ln>n (sross. . A Miohigan hoy who gave a eoinpanion a ciyar "londed M wilh gun-powder, nnd as a rfsult deprived him of nbout one-haif of his moustache, an eye-hrow, and a portion of his eheek, has pnid $25.00 and costs for his j littie pnctical joke. | Thk Comml'nist« nre reported to have i achieved a triutnph at the Paris election and i it is thought that the revoiution will spread to aii tlie inrge towns of France in a week. There is a rumnr that the Duc U'aumale will succ«ed M. Thikks. A Mississippt paTer describing the eflects of a recent tornado in a portion of that Stnte. rcports rhat M sotne of Mr. Quinn's he.is were sobst i]uentiy discovered mties away, part of ti em cntirely stripprd of their featherB by the forcn of ihe hurricnn<?." Tiif: oli> bark* Maha, whieh has bufleted ih e waves :'or SS years, hailing from Nantucket and New Bedford, nnd for the last tew yeari under the Chilian fl*g, with her nauie changed to Maria Poehoea. is reported sunk in the harbor of Paila, Peru.
1 Tiie triax. of Gov. Holden. of North Caroiina, closed the 22<i Mar. The Sennte i voted him "guilty '* on six of Che eight nr-1 ticles of impeachment. «ini adopted an order ? removingf him from office nnd disqualilying him from holding olliee of honor or profit in th«» Sute, by 3ti to 13. There were just thirty-aix Democrateand thir(een JRepublioan Senators present ——— j The Kaoink Adccccte an account of j the beet-sugar establishinenl at Black Hawk, j Sauk County. The factory is just complet- j ed, at a cost of $40 000, and is turning out j ten barrels ofsugaraday. Two hundred| acres of sugar-beets were grown last season, [ yeilding from ten to fifteen tons an acre. ft i found that tUe yield of sacc harinc maUer j is from teo to thirteen per cent, in Sauk | County, whUe the aver«ge in illinois iseight ■ per cent. The Company wili have i>oo acres • of beets the coming season, from whieh is; counted a produce of 600.000 pounds of sugar. | Mr. Hek&y Clark, who is a High Chorchman, has caused quite a sensation at Lh*er* pool, bv an able lecture in favor of disesta* blish»ng the Episcopal Church īn Engtand. He says that the St«te Church is u an insunce of the manīfest failure to estab!ish rel»g»on by law; that as nine-tenths of the Übonng population haw foi»akeo tbe ci>urchwership, she hap ceased to be the church of the nation ; that NonconformUy hat no help j or subaidy by law, yet it thri*es, and th«t | the church when she decliaes foreiga aid, I | aud falls back upon the 6n>t pnneipiea of J catholicity mnd her own ies<»ttrces, will J I vive and awake iike a giant refreshed. ,,