Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 16, 22 ʻApelila 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]
Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.
English Column.
9 (Jnlv p:»por« in Kentucky lovor?f B fj(* {.d:iMSb ori ol tifgro iestimonv one yeai B N.,iv, nii tx-zhange «al» 4 », on!y thret B P< i ris {>oies are placed in all ttie pubB U • p!.iccs ami throughf>ires for volunt.iry con< B ;r butiu.'is 1, r the rel»ef of the wounded 4 * ir B < !vil war," and about 4,000 francs a B <i iy are thus obta>ned. B A Mh*. P«tKsoN, of Hudson, Michigan, B liis U-t'n sentencc*d to pay n fine ol seventyB djliars and be imprisoned in the Detroit B House ol Correction for three moniha for B rrui'liy \vhipping a negro giri in her employ. B Tiic Imle gir! s ofTense was making hersetf B. hhiip eooUie*. B I*f.v. Nkwman Hall of London. writes B thit ho usually \valks from tvvelve to thirteen Bl every Sabbath, preachrs three times. B; holds % prayer*meeting. and oftfn addres.«es B; >.«me Suudiiy School into the bargain. In Bj w arrn weather he preaciiej» a fourth $ermon E ioa street audience ! ■ A i;EMTLEMA*rof i\ew Yorlc, who will not ■ ai!o*v his nanie to be pubiished, has; fittea I "p n 44 hospual for strangers" in that cily at ■ ī'-e expense of 8150,000. Patients of oli ■ countries nnd creeds are weicomed and enter- ■ t u(H'd without charge, rtt the expense of the ■ founder. ■ Thf. latest accounts of Rev, Dr. Livin^n ■ stone received in England show that he has H, l>ota maUin£ an extenßtve joomey vvest of ■ Lako Tanganyika. Many people think he ■ h'.is extcndcd hi.s visit to the spirit-land. ■ C-ommani»er Selfridgk, sf the Darien exH p'oring cxj>edition sent out some weeks ■ MD.:e, soi»ds b;ick word thut he has discoverB t d n practiciihle route for a ship eanal across ■ tho Ist:imus. The point on the di* ■ vulo \vas 300 feet. ■ Thk Alahama commission on the purt of B K:u_:l;uid includes ivarl de Grey, Alr. 15erB n — ProlVssor of lnternational Law at OxB { i'i—and Mjiuster Thornton. Those on the B r»rt nf the United States are Secretarv Bl' Minister Schenck, Justice Nelson of B tī:e .S'ipremc Court. ex-Attorney Generai B H«ir, and Senator Williams. The appointB ni:nt on beha)f oi both countries a very B •> ">£ one, and there is good reason to hope B )t t hc.ee vexed questions are at lnst to reach ■ 'Hiemeni. The Comniission is to sit in B W .s!ui:gton immediate}y, the Hritish eomBf havmg aiready sailed, and Gen. B S t,enck wiii, ofeourse, deiay bis departure Bf utilli they reaoh some result. H In carefully studying the s«bject of teinB pt*Mnce iegisiation, with a sincere desire to B i»fr:ve at a co;K'iusion whieh shaii tnitigate ■ ai;d eradicate the evil of drunkenness, withB out endanirering the real rights of any citizen, B \ve have bccome mueh interested in the proB vis!ons and operation of ihe present Ohio ■ l:q .or iaw. It wns enacted in its prvsent H l,nn in Aprii, 1870. lttrenche«on no one's ■ r r ivate r ghts. lt does not, in terms, prevent B the st!e and consumptiou of intoxicating ■ dnniīs. Vei it eoab!es every comiminity, B whieh is blessed with a fe\v resolute men or Hwomen,to absolotely extinguish the rumtnmc. lt prohibits the sale of liquors to ■ persons under age, and to persons accustomed to t>ecome intoxicated. but the back-bone ■ of the statute is that it makes erery rum*nd evety real-estate owner who lurn;shes a roof for a rum-seller, pecuniarily ■ responsib!e for »11 damage or loss occasioned Kbv the intoxication of their joiot vtctims. " £very husband, wiie, chiid. parent« gnardemployer, or other person who shall be )i jurcd īn person, property or means of supBjport. by any intoxic«tion, habitual or othershail h«ve a right of action'" »gatnst the persoo who sold the iiquor aod the who owos the premises on whieh saie was made. And not only actual exemplary damages may be obtained. of the minor provisions of the biil are : Any fioe ieried upon a rum aellei vioiation of the law, acts as a lien, until id, upon the preojises occupied by him, in or io part, aod said preraises $hall be |[Hsoid to pay such fiae, in case of defauit.