Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 14, 8 April 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]

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Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.

English Column.

Tnr. [ re!irninnry treaty of peaee. hurd as '•V' r»* t- r.ns, went thrn»gh the French As-M-Kih y hy a v«>te o{ '>46 !o 107. Fi{f. l'wiieh Asseiiiblv hove, by a unanimo'is voi*. decreed the fnil of the Kinpire nrid ifn»-.t z d \ap.»leon as the author oī t-mi*furtuncs of France. Thk nr<'ul «tion of Harj>er's Weefdy averIi0.()(l0 per week, and it h;»s some!nn» v periods of jrrreat excitement, d thf niormous fii:ure of 2.50,000. The :r«*iji t (iori ol the Month(y is over 130.000. I iie \ <»rk Tribune has been verv the past year. ft? daily edit«on ti ■.< reaohpd « cin:u(fition of over 50 000, and ii -īioi.'k he!d at SlO 000 for a Slo9share! I'k; ,\ce I'KEi)KRicK Chahl"£ : has been appw!utrd romin::nder-jn-chief of the army of 0 ' ipiiion whieh is to hold the fortresses the w.ir indeinni!y is paid. His head--1 iarl( rs are to be at Ktieiins. 1 iii. Germa\ ar.my enfered Pans on V» • iiiH'sd.iy. March 1, ond the jolly landw 'iirii!rn m.irched und»'r tne Arc de Trioinphe ami the Champs Eiysefs \vith twigs oi iauiol in their heimets and were reviewed by thr hmpcTor and Crown Hrince in grand pand» s at Lor:gcham|is and iu the Bois de Boulogi»t\ On Fridav they marched out of tfie city and turned their fnces homeward ! A Dentist, tf\Hng in vain to exfract a denyed tooth from a lady's mouth, x;ive up lh<- task with tfiis Rpnln«rv : " The lact is. m ulam, it is impo»is.hle f<»r anythin<j h,>d to rr»/ne frmii \-our mou[h." A l' uenoh i.auv, on her arriv,il in Amw.»3 caref*il to eat onlv such dishes as siie was pc(]nainted with, nnd be;n£ on 000 ocoasion pressed to partake of a dish new to her she poiite!y replied : " No, I thank you ; 1 eaton«y my acq'iainl.iooi'*." Si)»> thought she had expressed herself in ndmirahie Eogiish. Coi.i.ECrk students h«ve a lrgend of a mrc'i;»hh\»i nnd pcrlnps sleepy p«irson. who praytd at morning prayers that the •* inefli oient. may be uiiidt* et}icient, the intempera;e ieinper»te, nod the iodustriousdusfrious." The man who sat down on n paper ol o.irpet nails, said thev reminded hini of the mo'.me f<ijt Dt*niNG the late seige of Paris the mhabit-

n;ns ot th*«i ouee gj»y city seetn to have leil r.ttiior n rat aiul do£ life. Thk new Americau House of Representnt'.vrs t 3ccordingf t« the roll of clerk McPher* wili eontain »t tts orgnniz*tion 227 nuMnbt»rs. of whom 130 i»re Kepubiicans, M IVtiHH"r:itrc, and 1 l»»dependent. Tbere (wo vacjtncies «nel fourteen tnembers not yet elected. — Kx-.Minister Motlky and his family have arru-cd at ;he Hngue. t»nd seitied inio thc rvs vieoco the Q*»een of HolUnd has placed at their <lisposal. lt is describe<l as a charmmg oid fashioned vdln, with beauti» t«l truden>\ adjo«ning and communicatinj; with the roval p#ij«ce. Tkach your boys some usefui tr«de, if you [ wt>h to keep thetn out of the penitentiary. ;lt Si»id that of seventeen thousdnd crim- [ iuai* in the penitentmries of d»flVrent States Mn ISCS, ninety-seven per cent, had never | f iearned a tr*de. ———- Movabuk horse«sUoes, that c»n be uke* <>!f nt n*ght. or wiien the horse ts not »t work, and as easiiy as a inan pull» oflT his boots, arc the latest Y*nWee notion, and a company in Chicopee, Mass.. are largely engascd in thejr mauufacture. Soke unreconstructed Kentuckiana having BMaotted a colored mait agrnt on the Louis *tlle, Frankfort and Lexingtoo road, »n<! threatened to lynch bim if a ith«te tgem waa not appointed to his plaee. the Post master Geuerai has. wtth eminent gtuui s«nse wtthdrawn the tna»i from that route unti the peopie gei ready to uke tt through tt gular chianels, wfa»tever be their color.