Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 12, 25 Malaki 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]
Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.
English Column.
Ki.\c V jct«r Gmma?īL'kl h«s given » banq in honorof Oenenil $beridiar». 1 to!lnwing nre tne ag»*s of sever»l pro'"""l ew \ *»rk milli(»nBries : Wiliiam B AstoTisne;»T.y 78; Alt»x«nder J. Stpwart <W; C.>melius Varid»rbiU, 76; D«»iflDrew 71 ; l J eter Cooper. 79; Geo Law, 73. \ ouNr, swei.l.~" l »ay t>oy. whnt d» yno d'i witli y«»nr clothes vvl»er» you've worr» t\tem oif ? Hoy—•' \\ear'em home «gin !" (t W,.s i» wise negro who. in speaking nf f'i'> h;ippiness of »n»»rried people. snid: "l)tt:»r pen«js alt»»gi > dder on how dey*joy d> VN.>ivrv." Sij( Tii Carolina hns a ne£jro Lieutennnt (jr(ivrcn»r. three negro Co»igres.sinei», eleve<» n» jL,no Slate benators, eight nejrro Kepreseii(Mivt'sf and one npgro Judge of the Supren»e Court. Kev. I)r. John Cumming ha<* ftg.«in rev?sed lns (»roptiHjic cujculations. and »»d ipted then» ti» tfie l)ist Europenn telegranis, in a book e.ii-ed " Ti»e Seventh Vial, or The Time of Troubie Begun." The £r<»nt l!|innis furmer, J. T. Aiexandrr. h:»s Bnid his 27.000 ucre Champaipn f"untv frtr»n, ll!inois. Jn snme E»ster»» gen Hemen for the stun §650.000. Mr. Aiex«nd«*r i"till has « farm in Alorg)in county of 8,000 »»cres, whiei), w»th the stoqk on it, is wurth iialt a miilion ofdoi(ars. On New Ve»rB D»y fhe Pope had reigned 24 yenrs. 6 months, nn> 15 d*vs—}ost one di»y lonir»T than Fius VI. His pontirlcate hns heen ln n,«jtT ihiin that nf»»ny other Pope, :uid bitis f.»ir to re.tch tlif years of St. PettT. Ijik A.ml'kioan IicMHD is pushinu on ifs '»frnrs with vijor. Secrchry Ci »rk is nbmit ro vim{ the rnissions of the Bnard in \Vest-'-m Asm. Ile ,s;*iied from New York the ttl». lhn, and expect* to take a steamer tron» Lt\vrpool for ihe Mediterranean. Thr Krv. or. G. \V. \Vood, so long thc Secret»»rv o! ti»f l>o;»rd here, ts «}so to retum unmedi* fo his old He!d of l»»bor at Constantino- ; !o. where ?everal unportnnt questions of ado inistr;»tit>n are waiting to be adjosted, Dr. C!.»rk expects to bejoiued by Or. Woud, who ie »vts two weelis !ater. T»» Tr.mn a Il»rsr To STAND.—Take your iuTse on the barn floor and throw a str.»p 'v, r h»5 b«»rk «nd fasten it to his right for* lej»d hiui n lor>gandsay *whoa.' at the s>me t»n»e pull down thestrap. whieh throws hiu» pii three feet and makes h»m sfop ,suddeuiv. Thts is the t»est way known to teach i whoa, though yo« ean put on the war bridle, »od say whoa, and jjive him a sharp jerk tuat wii! stop hun about n? soon ns the strap r>n h?s foot. Then put him in hamess, with ; the f.>ot strip, ond dr»ve him up u» tbe door. : The moment he undertakes to inove, takes l his foot and say, whoa. Get in your c#rr»ag« 1 j and get out agaio ; rattle the thills, make all I the noise gett»o£r in and out vou c»n ; jrive hun to uuderstand. by sn«tcbing his foot *-«u» ume ne moves 4 that be must stand un*d vou te 1 him to go; and after a few times Vou ean put the whole fdmily into the carn« 8 ?e and he won'tstirout of hm track.— r <<"an Stvck Joumal. KkPOKTKD nKATR OF bIVI.VGSTOKE.
The death of ihe *brtrc great «nd \vorld- 1 fenowned African travellrr J5 onee n»ore re» : f*>ned ; ihi!» time frnm Polchefstmoro. and | *pparently oo £ood aojhor»ty. Mr. E. Pavey, j *bo arrived here oo Satunlay from the I »bt>re town, infor(os us that * regtil«r poat { receutly bee« established by the Portu- i purs« governor now at Potchefstroom, to j Qu)!iiinane (Moxambīque). «nd th«t by this ' post ietters have been re<eived »t«ting fer • t#ct that Liv»ngstone t« no more; that o«ws of his de»th h*e re»ched Ztnxibar. Sir Rod> ♦rtck Morchi*oo w»H prob«bly refuse to £tve <redence to tbe report; but f«r our own p»rt, *e beliere »t i« too true. The doctor ln»s now been too Jong mtssing «mong the fever «nd »iv«ge tr»bes of Ontral Atr>ea to leave moeh hope of his rwppe*r»oce *wong Uving men. —Tht AWa/ Frimd-