Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 11, 18 March 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]

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Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.

English Column.

A f*«rrcs{vifi(i(-nt *,ys ther<? i.< no n»-ws-r i>i ins lowu. {iut (here ;s a {adif-s' ' viviu > that »oswer< the s.mie purpose. J'«sfi B?liings c h«f-rves ; "Sekretsure kusp "-r prnp< rty €«M>y how ; if yu rircoiate \ ;Vfi> vi>u }»z'i ihem, nm} if yu keep the») ya iuze the mtere.«r on the Uivvstmeti(." The Maine House of Kepresentatives is r»iui{»osetl of 151 nifii>h'Ts. Therc nre 49 ! inm r.s. !>0 hiuyers. i23 f>>orchnni9, 5 doctcrs. l J cU'iiiyu»i'n :n>ti 1 editor. Politicj|lv the lioi»se s (itvid»'d ns follows; Kepublicans, 1 1:2 ; Dt'mocruts, 3S. ln(lependent, 1. \V» l>>ter's Spel!er, «nore th»n fifty million ropies have heen soid. The pr«cnt rf production 13 1 000 000 annually. L)r V\'tbster received ttne e.ent upon every cupy. lt is st .ted as n proof of the eflects of the \\ ir upon Germnny thnt of nearly I.JJOO st u!rn!s who were ntteuding the Untversitv (t Mumeh l.\st summer there ure nt present ooiy »l).)Ut 6UO. '1 thous»nd ancient Koman coins, <\at'n><: from the t>me of the Euiperors Undn.in. Anronios, nnd Coiumadus, were re•♦■iitiy diKCovered by a l.Niw.nnn peasant in i a nttle Villa<je on !he D.inube. Arci rdiog; to the stntistics of the u Year 1'oU" f<l the New YorU Observer the Methodi?»ts iii the 0. S.. hnve S S3O ministers ; eiie (iats^B,^4l luie.iud» l kunelu. rs); the nsf. «<!$S; tne Con)|reiMt!onaii?ts. 16S ; the Epi?cop»»|ians, 2.710; tn" Uoited Hrethren in Christ, 1.0-17; the lu tonned ((.iennun.) 520; the Keiormed (Dutch). 493 ; the Urntcd Brethren. 63. Tmk M t-:Tii<>i»ST Tkojjbles.—-The Kev I Dr Lumhan !s reinst»ted in lns oiliee ; the \ cu irp,rs ag-»iust him nre wtthdrawn ; his ow.i ;H-cns.utons of niisman:igement in the H >ok e'.'ooem are ordered to be iovestigated ; and tiHis ttiis tr ai ends, honoraUy to D<;ctor Lanahan, nnd creditably to the JMetliodist rhurcii, wh«se good fnne beg:m to sutTer ii'o-n iri.in tlie fooiish attempt of a few men to punish n zeaiuus idlicer for doing: his duty. Dr. L:iuahuu gmned by the biut>der of h s o{ (K)ocots, tiie opportunity he hws so long sou£ht to prove his char«jfes. He deserves t!n* th:inks of ins church for the persts4eiv;e with \vhicti iie has muiutained the ri£ht, — *Vfc Vor4- Erening Post. In li' s>!it the Circ(i]atiou of the H b!e is ripuiiy ii.creasin£. Not long ago n hand« so:nelv houn'i coijy of the New Testament. qn »rti) size. was presented to one of the iCmprrorV chiJdren «s n b;rtiubiy gift. Ttie Hmprcs> coiupuiued of its Siz*, and asked : • Why is not n smaiier edition printed ?" " II ii ts your lmperiaj Mnjesty's pieasure. »t eau soon be doue/' \vas tiie nnswer. Her ALijesty ut ouee gjve orders icr 10.000 copus, nnd the number w.»s soon inereased to 50.000. Since IS(>3 over 55,000 copies of tiie New Trsumrni have been circulated in the Kussian language. Wheu King Wilham was prociaimed Emperor the ottier day at Versailles, divioe servk;e was pcrformed, several clecgyinea beiug present in fuil c«oontcais. On tbeir was a «iiilienry lwnd. Tbe ser?ice iv«s mude i«ore than usuaily impres»ive. we nie toid. by son»e excelleut singing »nd music. A short but able ser«oon was pre»ched, in whieh» if we uiay trust ceport, " the poluic«l Miuanou wcs boldly tuuched upon." A fkw Sundays ago, as Mr. Beech» r waa al>out como»eociog his sermoo,» stout, fatherly looking tntn w\»s endc&Yoring to uiiWe. his wav tbroogh the crow«i to get wUhin * bet> ter hearing dista<»ce o! the 4istingutshe<3 owtor. At that «»oment Mr. voic< rang out the words of the text: u Who ari thou ?" »• Who art thou ?" »gain cned ou' the dramatic preacher, The stout part) thiok»ng himself in the wrong |>erh*ps. bj pressiog forward, and beliering himself to b» per4iually add ressed» startled the brethrei and nonplus«tfd their revereod chiefiaio bj •edat«ly replyiog : 44 l'm * p«g merchao from Chic»go. sir; l hope you aio'i m*d there »10*1 oary ch»ir, or else l'd m sot down.