Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 10, 11 March 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]

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Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.

English Column.

ī In our ivsje this worW we pn?s*nt a portrnil f of A1 r. Sewnrd, the distingui>ht'd Aniericno [ st.irfrsman. \vhtcn wili be. recc.gnizcd as a f.iitf»ful iikpness. He is now trrtvclinrr m Hiuia. nnd has fatefy bad the r»re houor af n prcseutation to the Eu>peror of Cniuo. C)n our secnnd page is a fourth letter trom our corrrs[>ondent in France, \vhose descnp 0 f the war are so vivid. On the first page we reprint the well trnnslflfed so of Casahiancaj with nn in« troduction, givmg: the incidcnts in the thrillir»tr stc»ry. The Kev. Charles S<tmuel Stewnrt, D D., dic»d Dec. 14. ot Cooperstown, at the nge of l r j yejirs. Dr. Stewart was semor ehaplain ot the Unittd States i\avy,—-and fonnerly resided in these islands. A female lecturer said ; u Get married, young rnen, and be quick about it. Don't wnit lur the millenium, for the girls to beeome angels. You'd look well beside an angel, wouldn't you, you blockhead ?"' A Philadelphia lawyer w»is rebuked by the court for badgcring a witness, diid was told thnt witnesses shou!d be treated in the sanie niiinneras any gentleman \vot»ld treata visitor to his house. Mr. I'alaier's new hotel in Chicngo, on whieh work has been cominenced, i» inien- ( ded ta outshio® niain front will be 206 feet and""il will re.iich throtigh to VVabash Avenue, a dt?tiince of <*M0 feet. it is expected tn s\valltnv t\vo nnllion doll»rs before it iscompleted «nd furnished. The clipper-ships Frolic G/ory of the Sws left San Francisco on the sime day, one tor Liverpool and the other for CorW, were m eaeh other's comp»ny for six weeks, then sep:irated, and reached theirdestinations on the same day. the Frolic arnv»ng but s:x liours before her competitor. Cupt, Tuavers, of Kochester, niade a w«ger of §20 that he eouUl. ot the distance (f thirty-six feet, with a pi«tol, shoot frum !he top of a wine bottle a cork on whieh is plrtced « bullet, dropping the bullet into the bottle and not breaking the bottle. He niade twelve shots, an»l performed the (eat four times, i'nnee Amadbi s, the new King of Spain, made his entry to Madrid on Mond-\y, atid wn» received most enthusiastic<\lly bv the people. lmmedi»tely after his nrrival he paid a visit to the wido\v of Gen. Pnin. and, in n feehng manner expressed his sympathy for her in hcr bereavetnent. He then proceeded to the Chamber of the Cortes and took the oath as King of Spaiu. The enthusiasm is universal. Defenders of tippling are wont to point tnumph»ntly to men who Kave reached a henrty old «ge and taken theirdaily dram through all their life. And Grant's cigar to| some people is a sufiicient i\nsweT to those j who take strongground against tubacco. Butj Captam Larbouche, of New Vork, the \vell-j known centenorinn, is an inveterate opioml eater, taking seventy five grams a day, while a $ingle grain would ktll the most of os. But does #ny one elaim that opium is tberefore a good thing ? —— Give your children tortune without educa« tioo, aod at least ooe-haif of tbe number wili go down to the tomb of oblivion—perhaps to ruin. Give them an educ*tion, and they will be a fortuoe to tbemse]ves »nd their country. It is an inheritance worth m«re than gold, for it bup tnie honor; tbev oever ean spend nor lose it; and through life it ; erer prores a friend—in death a consolation. > The new King of Spain is third ebiid and secood soo of Victor Emmanuel. He was . Uom in May, 1535. His mothcr was an | Austrian Princess. She died in ISSS. All ■ sorts of conserrat»ves and grande«s protested agamst the King's candidicy, but tbes* don't go for mucb in Spain of to*day, The elee- ; tion to the Spanish throoe has been regArded : with the Qtmost indiQerence in Fraoo?. M \Vhat matter tn ua now who shail reign in Spain, w says a Freoch writ«r $ and f indeed, theyVe maUeea more iroportaat to atteod to,