Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 8, 25 Pepeluali 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]
Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.
English Column.
Sprc;al Not;ce.—'l ne rt'gu!ar weeUly e«iiiiōn of th Kuokoa is now 3000 eopie?, acd the p:ipt>r circulates extensiveiy on H.iuaii. Mulokai, Onhu «nd K»u;u. Adv cri!?crs, who wish th<*ir busiiuss not!co read a|j over the group, will please maWe a n'»te «f thss. ī Tne daily cnst of the war to ihe Ger>baits; durmg its first four inonths w«ts §750.000 m; £-)kI. But that tloes not rival the w«r cxper>sts tn the rebellion, whieh reached; 52.000.000 a day, in currency.— 1 C4lifornia adds or>othercontnbution to heri !ist of wonders. Several live li2nrds huvei recently been found embedded in fir di!>cuvered in a lorest near Calistnga. They | nre unhke anv species now known. ! A gentleman purchased a quantity of sup-' posed miik at a Boston rest.»urunt few days u£ru, anei a few hours afterward foundhis ; puratase had » SBftled t " the tnp br>ing r!ear wnter and the bot*om a poor quality of fl >ur. Two young men in Troy, » masu>r mechanics," built n boat in their cellar to let on «hares during the nexf season. It was finīsh.' ed a day lately, when, to their-chagrin, they ! found the " boat" too larue for the dcor. ! A De(roiter who tnok a fl«isk of whisky wiih him on a shooting trip, struck a race track iii thesuburbson his return,and walkf d i ronrid it all night, wonderinig why he didn*ti get to town. A f.trmer's boy. on Muscatine lsUtui, has, a verv large rat, whieh he h»s 4omesticatf d and trained to do various amusmg things—j nmong them, the getting upon its hind fcet| and,iita signal from its little innster, aitemp-1 ting to ctow like a rooster. The rat will; follow the boy as a puppy does its master. ■ Hippoph»gy is intrudnced in Lonilon. Aj man has been tirrsted and heid for trī«ii oti n clmrge of having, by his own confessinn, been in the h»bit of staughtering l«rge uum-ī bers of horses to be manuf.jctured iuto sausa-; ges. He has in opt'mtion one boiler eapnhle ; of boiliog elown two vr three borses <it onee. Trochu ha« ordered the Prussian oflicers' whom he held as pi*isoners c»f w»»r, to be sent haek to Vors-ulles. He previously had them ' conducted through the ienmewe sfores o(' provision§ and munitions of war whieh are collected in Paris, in order that the enemy! might be disabusi*d of ihe idea <ha:t further ■ resistance was impossible. { A San Francisco undertaker claims to' have discov?red a new tnethod oi the dead human body. By his processhe; petriftes it. He exhibits a body that he| petrified in July, 1569, nnd it e«feibits no| ?»gns of decay. When struck, says the editor ol the Morning C«U, it giveB out " a ringing, i tnet»llic sound." The color of the fle?h is| not chat>ged. All this is very wonderful, if true, but it is of qtiestionable uti!ity so.faras the human body is concerned. | j Kat-hunting is now vigorously c«rried on! in Puris to meet the demands of the restau- j rants. A sirople pian has U*en devised for i the capture on these now valuable rodents.' Holes nre mnde in the bed of the sewers. : and 6lled in with soup de giucott % a thick and sweet liquid. The rats, attracted by the fl«ror, rush greedtly to feed, and immediatcly fall into the holes, from whieh. they are un»ble to escape on aceount of rhe glutinous nature of the soup, and thus fhey are daily captured by thousands. A apeeial despatch from London. of the 14th January saysa treaty between Prusssia.; Kussia and tbe French £uipire, is taiked of upoii the following tenns : First—tnodifica« <ioo of the cotomercial treaty of 1860. Sec-. ood—The Oriental question to be henceforth : reg*rded as a secondary matter by France.; Tbird—That ihe portion of Be%iuin known i Q5 Fr»nch £landets is to be annexed to ; France in iieu of A»sace, and Als«ce LurI embourgtoie aanexed to Germ*nv. It is; aupposed tbat the iattor pcoposition wili sat-j >sfy the am<mr propre of Fr*nce and recon-j eile the peopie to restor*tioo«