Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 7, 18 February 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]
Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.
English Column.
Sr,r;Ai. Not,cf..— '1 he reguiar \veekly . #--i.ii. ii ci" tn- Ke.'okoA is now . 4 jooo copies, a.i the pipcr c>rculates cxtens.ve!y on W\Molokiii, O.ihu ntlii K»nai, A>ivfriij-er?, who wish their business not;ces rrn»l :»lt ovcr thc group. will please make a (i- te i i this. — | C-«t-sk»ns in Deiro»t sell for 15c. npieee. I lu P.»r ā a fat cat is s.*id to be \vor(h Si.2o. j l A e 'lt»rf(l nj;tn in Tennessee has been tw:ce lmrgeti, but is s*ill I»vi | Mrs. Momee Greeley, who is an invalul, h t.o winter in the lsle of VV»ght. r»)tton w;is tir?-t phnted in the United Stitp>; in 1709. i Th«» g:ui»blif»g fever is sprending. A millinn of (Jollars' worih of jewels ore to be put uj> nt li>ttery in Now York īn aid of France. One «f the pipers contains as «n ndverlisem< ut : kl Lf»st, n large black >ilk ninbrella, M«ng»ng to o gentleman with ti curiously carved ivory head." By S«ndwich lsland law it is a cap"»tal onu.e for a iunn"s mother-in-Saw to visit his house \vithout his e\prcss invit;>tion. [So i s» w-? an exchang<\ No such thing ; there is i 'ui f law here. Hd.| Mu«i " * iorenzo Chickasavv County, .iss.. having ni:trried Miss Martha Week, >- a loeal poet -comments : 1 " A D»y is made, n Week is lost, Uul time sh««uld not eomplain — TnereMl soou be litt!e Days enough To make the week ngo»n." The late Mehrew Chnrify l ? air, in New \ » r!c was upon n co!ossal scair, nnd with j:reat success, A gr md lotfery contnining one hundred pr zes, amounting in value to 55,000 \v:isa prominent feafure. The receipts el th" t'»ir bef.>re ifs close, \vere jreported at 8110 000. '• Vou h;»vr lnst your baby. 1 hear l ,t sml oiif };.-ntlem:in to another. 14 Ves, poor liftle thi»'ir ;it w.-i* only live months old. We did ail we could for it. W r e had four doctors. hlist<n tl its head and feef, put mustard poult'n s all ovt r it. gave it nino ealomel powiiors. ieeeiu-il its t(M»iples, hnd it bled, gave; u n!l kiti(l>- c»f mrd:cines, nnd yef, nlter n ! week's iilnets, it ditd." j Ci»uld n system of unif«rm internntional : ci»innge be adopted as suggested by Secreta-1 ry l ; ish, th« re c.»n be no doubt of its bei»ig ! eiie <if the greatest promoters of trade, emi- I i;ration, mutunl increase of internatiou;»l ; l»nowledge. nnd consccjuently better state of • leelmg, »ufernat»onnlly. I — 1 I>ismnrck is reported to have said that I '• when l'.in» falls we shall find n de factoj Coverninent ; if it is will»ng to accept peuee | and clcct a Cnnstitutionnl Government to | eoniinn the terms, \ve will not interfere with j the mternal nil'»irs of Kmnee. lf. on the oiher hnnd, the tempor.«ry Government is j inclinrd \vickedly to prolong this wickcd! w;»r, we will be willing to treat \vith the fcimpire. whieh has not yet becn constitutionally set nsi^" Pklssian' Tactics — A \vriter in an Eng" lish papt*r gives sotne interesting details eoncerning the conduct of a rrussian eainp. They nlways form thcir c*mp in the shape ef a squan\ \vhatever tnay be the strength ot the force obliged to bivouac. Their brigades, <liv»sions t and arroy corps are distinguished by electric beacons, or ortlinar}* light? ccrercd with white or manv-colorep glasses, the object of whieh is to mark the abod« of the genewls, and to facilitate the | comn»unication of orders emanating frt>m those in command. The fires are lit in the morning and let out at nightfjkll; no cooking ts done when they arr»ve at the b»rou»c by night They alwavs throw up earth-works, • nd carefully avoid soundiog c!arīons or beating druit»s. either in the«r eamp or in nctioa. Erery ofiicer or soldier has a whistle whieh enib!es the chiefs <o pcrform the ditferent c»Hs and the men to give warni«g of the l approach of the enemy, to eall eaeh otber, and to seek the»r conipany when they ha*e , strayed.