Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 4, 28 January 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]

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Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.

English Column.

The Russian Press hns been officially warned to avoid unf;ivorable criticism of Germany «s against France, the interests of Russia being indentified with those of Germanv. - Paper clotliing is made in Uhina and Japan. A coat costs ten cents, and a whole suit a quarter of a dollar. The fact thnt nalional tastes )n drink-pro-voking flu ds are widely different, is rhythmic- • al!y exprtssed in the following: The R ies brandy ; Dutchmaa bcer ; Tli<> linlian, ruin mcMt mijzhty ; TVie s*eet TneXheg\\is , The Irish, *quaviiaj ; Tbe Frt*nch extol rhe OHeina grape : The S t!»uiard tipples s?herry ; | Tbe Y tnkceB noue of these e.«cape — i For they with all inake nierry. A Chicago dentist. recently, by means of; « galvanic baltery, resuscit«ted a child whieh had been npparently strangled to death and whieh severnl physicians g;ive up as beyond human reach. i The *Presbyterian ChuTch of Ireland hns 126,000 members, with an annual ineome i from the British Government of £94 000.! U reports 1,094 Sabbath-schools; 8,050 i teachers, and 16.350 scho!ars. % j A telegram from Versailles, via Berlin' and London, says a settlement on the»basis of a conference and the withdrawal of the Russian note may'be hoped for, and goes as< far as to say that London has been agreedi upon as the plaee where the conferpnce is toj f be held, Another dispatch names Januaryj as the time of nieeting of the conference. j A litt!e six year old girl of New Britain, Conn., was pl;iying with her father's horse a {c\v days ngo, by o(fering the animal an apple whieh she h:«d in her teeth. The horse accept"d and the child lost a part of her nose. The little one bore the pain well,, saying she knew the horse didn't mean tnj do it, because he !oolced very sorry. j Alr. Cowasjee Jehangheer Rendymoney,! one of the Parsee merchant princes of Bombay lndia, hns forwarded to Sir Bartle Frere £1,000, tobe halved between the French I I «nd Gerinans, and applied to the relief of tliose wounded in the war. Since the year 1546 Mr. Cowasjee Jehangheer has spent ' opwards of £127.000 in works of public chanty *nd utility, without respect of caste «r creed. A noblk gift.—Hnn. Horace Huwes for- | merly of Honolulu and now of San Francis' ! eo. r»cently conveyt-d. by a deed of trost, a j lot of land in that city, valued at S150,000,! ( upon whieh to ereot n building-to beknownl | «s the Chamber of lndustry. The object of the institution is to prevent want by promot- j ing industry and protecting lnbor. Strangersl will be furnished with suilable employmenl, and there will be a hall in whieh workmen m«y assemb!e to hear lectures and read ne«spapers. Rendereb Insane by the Lottery,—Can anytbing more forcibly illustrate tl>e injurious tendency of lotteries than the follewing, taben from the Sacramento īlnionl A young man who had been emploved at the cigar store of P. Morlath, on K. street became insane.recently in consequence of exciiereent over the Mercantile Library lattery, and was taken to Stockton last week. He was slight!y ill a few days l>efore being taken to the Asylum, and obtained a prescription from a physician for a remedy whieh was to be taken in moderate do6es; but this not being satisfactory to hina, he ftook the whole l>9ttle full at onee. The result furtunately, wns riot- serious. The la-j bors under the hallucination th-.U. he won! the $100,000 prize, and declnres thatmoney is no object to hiin. j • Eat TFgularly and simply. The «iowaeh, ean «o more work all ttie time night and day, than a- horse; it must have regular work and regular <rest. Good teeth are a help to good looks. Brueh them with a soft brush, espccially at night. 0o to bed with tbe teeth elean. Uf course, <o have white teeth, Jt i« needful to 'lei tobacco alone. Every woman knows that. Andanypowder or wash for the teeth should be very sirnple. Acids may whiten the teeth, but they {ake off tbe enamel or injure it. j