Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 1, 7 January 1871 — God Save the King. [ARTICLE]
God Save the King.
TRANSLATED EY Il£V. L. LYONS. | 1. Eternal, mighty God, Bless, from thy briglit abode, Our Sovereign King ; • ' May tliy all-powerful arm V Ward from our Sire all hami, Let no vile foe alami, Long may he reign ! * l 2. Royal, distinguished name, " our beauteous diadem, ' Long life be thine ; < Thy wing spread o'er our land, > From -fivery wrong defeud, For thee our prayers ascend, Long live our King ! \ 3. Before thee, King of Kings, 0f whom all nature sings, Our prayer we briug ; Oh, let our Kingdom live, Life, peaee and union give, Let all thy care receive ; Bless thou our King ! ,