Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 51, 17 Kekemapa 1870 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
J CoNTENTS OF To-DAY's rAI'ER. —On the i first page we continue the story of Knmau* | knmahiai, nnd news from the war in Europe. j The leading editorial discusses the proJ priety of government erecting a houl at a : cost of $50,000 to 860,000, und recommends 5 lhat before fmal aelion is taken on it, the ! people be appealed lo in the matter. j Another leader refers to the observance :of the Sabbath in Honolulu, ond vvhat »n ! intelligent Europenn says uf it and of the i King and people. | ! Rev. E. G. 13eckwith hns lntely preached ■ his farewell sermf)ii to the Second Congre!gational Church, San Francisco, and return* |ed E ist. Reasons of heftlth contraled the change. j It is announced from Berlin that the I States of Germany—Ftder.ited nnd Soutlijern—hnve agrced to name His Mujesty King i William of Prussia, Emperor of Germ«ny. j Poha.—A new lruit, know hs the Poha ; Berry, will shortly be for snle in small quan- ' tities in San Francisco. lt is unsurpassed for exquisite flavor. It is regarded in the j Sandwich Islands and tropical countrics as j a grent luxury, as cooked in the form of pre--1 serves, jnms, pies, or jellies. So says a Cnl- ; ifornta paper. ' The American Missionauies at Tung Chow, China, left their homes recently on : being warned that an atlack was to be m»de ; upon them. j The Germnn Wnr Fund collections whieh j hnd pnssed to Berlin through the h.mds of Consul-Generul JRoesing of New Y(»rk city i up to the c!ose of October, foot up :it $250,- ; 000. | The British Admirnlty have determined to grant a year's pay, as a gratuity to the ! widows nnd orphari of those who were lost I when the ironclad Capt'jin foundered. Pub- ! lie subscriptions nre also being mnde of them. i China.—A hornble report coines to us ; that a day has been fixed for tbe m»ssacre jofall tho Cliristinns in Chinn. We cnnnot believe thnt such a deed enn be perpetrated lin this age of the world. But wlien vve re|callthe scenes of St. Bartho!ornew's dny, i arid recollect thnt the French Roman Cathoj lics of that day were far more civilized than the Chinese ofto-dny, we may fearthe worst. •It is the duty of other countries to interfcre ; when things eome to such a pnss. i The Span'.sii Cu"'.vn —The rl"ctinn t>f ! the ltalian DuUe of Aosta as a cmdidnte for the throne of Spain meets the 'ipproval of tienrly ;iII 'the E r»|»an l'oweis. The following 11• • 111♦ • 111 ha.-< li n ninde to the Spanish Govlrnmeut by tl»e Morth Germnn jMinister: " The King of Prussia, hnving ! heretofore admitted the right of Spain to | cheose herown Sovereigri, holds to thnt admission. Germany declints to imitate the example ofFrance by interfering with Spain, ! and is ready to acknovvledge any act of the Spanish people regnrding its future Sove- | reign." j Koads.—The New York Timcs treats of |roads and road making. and snys: "A country ofsuch vast distances ns this, cannot, lof course, hiive first-clnss ronds in all direcj iions at onee. But t!iere is no excuse for innking in a beginning; and thnt beginning mny well be in the vicinity of gre;»t eilip?, where capitnl, labor, and populatiori are abundnntly adequate to the work. ln the race in whieh so many off of our flonrishing suburbs are now eng-»ged. we mny be sure, other things being tqual, thnt the gonl of sul> stantial prosperity will be first reuched by those th.tt huve the wisdom to construct ; thoroughly good and to keep them in ord» r ' when they are made." ' Sagacity of a Horsk.— An Ohio pr.per ; tells the fo!lowing story : "An okl family horse thnt had been runuiog nt will through the streets and conirnoiis lost. one of his shoes, when with the intelligence of a human being, he walked up io the blacksmith shop where he had been shod for the last twenty vears, and to the bcst of his abilify asked the smith to shoe him, by mising his foot and st«mping the groumi. 'l'he smith being busy, drove him nway severnl times during the dny, and thought nothing of it. The fol- ; lowing morning, on going t§ the shop, he found the old horse nt the door; ag.iin he drove him oif, but the horse eame back, and entering the shop, walked up to the nnvil, and theFe raised his foot, thus attracting the • particular notice of the smith, who examined the foot, and finding it vvorn off to the 'quick,' j kindly picked up an old horse-shoe, and fitt- ! ing it to his foot, nailed it on ; when the gratelul animal, frisking his tail by way of ;thanks, trotted ofTcontentedly." i ' Na mea hou o ke Kaua.—Aohe kannka Hawaii I lawe pepa, e nele ka heluhelu mau ! ana i na mea hou o ke knua ina Europa ; a makou e hoopuka aku ai i keia pule keia pu- ! le. Ke manaoio nei makou e loaa mai ana | na mea hou ano nui loa, a e puka ana ma ke [Kuokoa. Nolaila, e hele aku ina luna e | uku aku i na d*la elua no ka makahiki a e loaa no ka pepa'in oukou. | Makepono loa. —Ke manno nei mnkou o I ka nupepa o ka M. H. 1871 oia ka pepa mai- ! kui loa e hoolawaia aku ai na kanaku Hawali, Noluila. e ala a e kokua pu mai ia inakou ma (en hoala nnu i lilo ka nupepa i mea nani. He elu'» dnl-t wak* no na helu he 52 n i ole he hookahi dnla hoi ma ka luwe hapu ann, me ka uku mua mai.