Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 42, 15 October 1870 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.

Ms>dv;— A :emm e?»meni pto- ; fes?oT vra; w*!k?ng :o hts "iemr* h «adden!t occ!jrrpd to h:m th*i h<? h*d left hts waieh *t bome. Atwi so be it oat o! h 5 poeket to se« \rbether he had t»mr to bic* aod g*t it, The eo oiiv rn £i Dtfn*uo caunty, Caiifornia, «oder Herr sk*hr»€ss f s« pn?gre*siog. Schoeii b»s jost receired. m f.\ceiieos t conditioo. «nd »5 haT»og thera »et out as isst as possib{e T 140.000 of (h? eea piant. He expects to hare at re»«t nte ot tea oo exbibit:on at tbe o<xt Sute Fa«r. ot" thts vear*s growth, t'rom the pfaots set oot Ust year. Tbe pic%iog of the lem 13 daoe duriog tbe m»oth ot Jūoe. therefore the plant re<juires b«t ūw'e }rr?gation. Herschel found witb his grcat te!escope that raanv of the stars whieh make up theMiiky Wav. judgīng lri>m tbeirsize. were : hveotv three hundred times as fir as tbe ; nearest fixed stars —bot bevond tbe.*e a stili ' niore remote and bleoded ii#bt eaeoe, show. ing the Milky Wav to be un!athomabie. — 1 Light, flying 190.000 niHes a second, n»o«t ) have been 10.0(H» years coming from those remote stars. (117* An American tuve!er in ltaiy has I du;nbfounded the Guvern»«»ent by senousiy . proposing to ieuie Mo«nr V'Vsuvrus. He snys ! he vv»ll n»ake ru;»<is a»»tj kiv owl grounds opon īts rockv ?ides. buiid hotels-and set up soda /ounta»/ia o«i iis sut»mit. and heip vjsit<>rs upand dovvn by machinery. To pay him for all tbis outi.»y. and ani!»ss a fortune i b*sfdes. he will ch;»r«p a Mnall adn»!ssion lee j from 01l who wi»h to step up and see the shuw. I The Chinese <joveru»ent. for the purI i pose ot p*«vtng a tr bute to the memory of I th« late Anson Buriinga(ne, has gtven 6 000 | taels for the purpose of defrny»ng the funerai j expenses, and 10.000 ta*is to the wido\v for | her own use. 11 lms aiso conferred upon nim ! a postbumous t»tie of the h>ghest ran!» outside ot the royai fimiiy. a taei is 51.50. m- As an illustration of the revoiution that has been brought »b«iut by tbe consfruc- ; t)on of the Union P:icstic K:»ilro;»d—the worid's highway tbe tvvogreat "ceans and to India—we m:»y niemion the f«ct that : iast \Vednesday evening's express train from Chicago on tbe Fittsbor<j. Fort Wayne nnd ' Cbicago Kfiiiroad carrifd tbe Britu«b liast India maii, con)pri-<ing fonv se;»ied siicks from Auckiand, New Z-aiand. Yokohsiina, Japan and China. all directed to the London (£ngiand) Postoffice. j O" The Engiish Govprment has deciined | to ratify the tre»ty concluded by Sir Kuther- | ford Aieoek with China. lt will be rememj bered this Brttish Minister not ioog ago ex- | pressed disparag : ng opinions respecting the j work and resuits of Christian missions in'that I country, whieh dre\v out a compiete nnsvver | from the inissi«m.tnts thtMusvivv!>. li w;is a | question whether the Bible or the opium tr»»de • wns to civiliz 1 Chinn. j l.\DKPtND e ..\ir;. — .\ir. D.»vis Hatch | publishes u curd declarmg that from convert sations held vvith Spanish officials in Cuba, he is satisfied th«t they regard the f;»ithfui isle "as irretreviably iost to the Spanish crown. lt has niready cost her more since the insurrection broke out than she everdrevv in any ten years from the Caban treasury. But this is nothing compared to the drain up- | on the population. M He adds; "l have it J upon the authority of her own officers that neariy, if not quite one-haif of the troops sent out from Spain s»nce the revoit have faiien victtms to exposure, npglect,and the ciiinate." | Missio.ns in xMadagascak.—The London i Missionary Society are sending out sixteen j missionanes to remforce the e.tisting mission | of tvvrive agents in Madagascar. Eightyoung ! men h«ve aiready sailed. and the remainder j wili be sent out at the earliest possibie period ! About twenty years ngo, ten of the sons of j the Maiugasy nobility. w*re brought to England and educated in Christian knovviedge, and ten more vvere simiiariy educated by the missionaries at the Mauritius. They are now the govemors of Madagiscar. and the Queen was brought up in the home of one of the missionaries. Accordmg to recent advic?s a form of ffovernment and institutions are being estabiist»ed near!y akin to our own

conslitution»l government, such »s trial by jury. Thb nkw Amf;r!Can Minister to Eng.— Tbe oppointmeat vf tlie Ha». Frederick T. Freiinghovsen, as Minister to £ngland, in plaee of Mr. Mot!«y. recailed, is creditab!e 10 the tdministratiou and grstifying to the country. Mr. Frelinghuysea is a liwer in Xe«rark. N. J.. a good scholar, a Cnrist»an gentlenian, and well fited by h»blts of thought | and obsemtion to fill a dip!oniatic ollee of | great iinpomnee. He is a oephew of the ; late Hon. Theodere Frelin2hu)*sen, a Chns- ! tian statesaaan who was more loved by the j ieligious people of this eountry than any other man of bis day. The nephew has w«iked in the steps of his iHustrious rektive, taking a |>rominent part in the religious raovements of the »ge. He ia ao eloqueot adrocate of the B»Ue and Tract s>ocieties t of African Co!om/iUoo, aod every good and great scheroe of pr*cttca! ptnbntbropy He has long been • d»st>nguished iawer t bas been Attorney*geneni! of the State of New Jemey« «cd Seitator of Hie United Sutes. Every oilKe he has he!d h is been distioguished bv the abi!ity and iniegrity with whieh he has dbch«rged its dutJ<s, *nd, n he accepts bis present oomin?itiou. he do houor and , t«nrice to ihe couutrv.