Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 26, 25 Iune 1870 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Foreign Misceilany. Loiuion prujx»ses to constru<n oue humlred and t\v.Mitv mik'S of street mihvnvs at a cost of £1,500,000. The Npw Vork \\\>rl>l regT€ts that the Court of at Yokoharua, oniy " susp»nded Captain Eyre's cominission instead of suspending Captain Eyre."
Fot»r thmisand tive hundred £:iai-.ses of beer \vcre drank in a Clevelaud beer garden one Sunday afternoon. Kansas College has aiuong its students cight inteiiectuai red men, who are fast iearn»ng to play draw-poUer and tear up sidewalks. Mauy a man grumhles becausc it costs as mueh pcr«day for iee for hia family as he pays for u singie drink for hiins>elf. Five more Japanesc students have arrived in New Jersy, one of them is said to beiong to the lmperinl farnily of that countrv. A man nt Lowell, Mass., has made a provision in his will that he must bc buried in a burg!ar proof safe when he dies. A Bangor man weeps for his fifth wife. To prevcnt misapprehension it should be added that he weeps berause shy is dead, not bccause he is in search of her. Herc is the pithiest sermon ever preached : 41 Our ingress in life is nakeei arui bare ; our progresi> through life is trouble aiul care; our egress out of it we know not where ; buc doing well hrre we shall do well there. M
British Consnl Murray gives notice of a reward of 825,000 gold ofiered by the Governor General of lndia for a inaehine to sepamte the fibre, bark and stem of the grass |>!nnt of China. There are in Ivansas 1,039 pensioners, to whom 5174,250 are paid. In the Union chere aru IS-3,120 peosioners, to whom 527,922.86*1 are anntinlly paid. The Sultan of Turkcy ha? promised his subjccts reforms in the civil po!icy, the developing of educutionand the fosteri»gof lrnde. it lve will only fulfill his promises, his eountry will regnm some of the povver and influeueo whieh it lost generations ago. A Methodist minister in Ohio had the paa*nts of a child pre?ent it for baptism, not long since. Ou being told thnt the child's name \vas he refused to baptize it. \vith the re!n.irk that lie ik could not give any ehikl the name of a traitor."
A Louisiana planter delighted his hands last week bv paying them in silver quarters. Une old negro exclaimed : 44 Federit money eome aud done go, and greenbacks is played out, but dis isthe stutT that rat s can't
ehaw. De old time is eome again t hoo-ray V 1 And then he went away and buried his money. Bad n? Paris is there are 300,000 women in that eity who strive to gain a living by honest exertion. None of them get wages equal to wages j>aid to the commonest servaut giri in thts country. Of these women about 60,000 etnploy the needle. The avcmge pay they receive is twenty cents per day, while some receive as high as thirty cents, but the majority no inore than twelve. The Loiulon Athaieum savs: " Kecent returns show that 30 per cent. of the population of Francc ean neither read nor write; while mon? than 70 per ?ent. ean wad but cannot \vrite." if our ar»thmetic is correct, the per*entage natned make op 100 percent. and therefore no person in FraiH.ecan read **nd wme. The says that in connection \vith tho new firm of \Voodhull, Claflin & Co„ a btmk is about to be established, and a brokemge exchauge for ladies, in the upper pan of the cify, \rhere women ean buy and sell stocks, and doa!l the tinancial business whieh they hu\f had heretofor» to transact through men» or run the gauntlet of Wall sttwu ln the town of Hyde Rirk, Massachus>etts, soine sixtv women, includtng one 44 Fiftecnth Atnendmetu, ,% voted at the Nst town tneeting, on the 7th inst., and had their votes duly counted by Syhtinus Cobb, Jr., the moderator ofthe meetiug, but not as part of the oflteial list. The ai!air included some of the u»ost fashionable women of the town, and was tvgarded by those who participated in it aa »n entire success, albeit the and surs«ings of the assembh\«e of the tyrant man discompo?ing aod dettfenirtg\" Savijk. Ban£s.—There are iu New York Stat« KJ3 savings banks» with deposits an»ouutmg to $194,500,000—being an incre« of 33 b*nks aml $24,500,000 wiihia a -y«r. ltr Ma**achusetts there are 131 such bank*, \vith a deposit of $114,000,000. io Conuectkut tl*« deposita in such banks ainounl to $50,000.000, aud in New Hamni»hire to fITOOO.OOO. '
Fbaxce.—Within tbc last century, or ' smx ihe estabSi»iimect of ihe Ameneaa (ioremment, FraDce bas been !\vi<re a monar*hy. twi«:e a repnblic, and twi:e an empine. Tvv;cc has i: pas®eti through these thn«? forais I of Government in the same orier. to wit: ! Mon&rcbjr f republic,erap»re; ag*io monarchv # repoWic t empire. The first and secood re-' pabJ»cs were both fmin<ie<i oo the ruin of a, » monarchv, and the fi«t and second empin»*; • were both founded on the rains of a rep'ibiic. | The Kings were aiways Bourbons, and bosh :of the Emperore bare beeo Booapartes. Ia the reguhr order of things, we may expect to be folJowed by a Bourbon monarch>% whieh j shuuld la?t ti!l it is snperceded by a republic, on the niio of whieh some Booaparte should establish the Tbird Empire. Thus tbe poliiieal rotation wou!d be maintained, by whieh France i? saved from stagnation. Some idea oi the extent of the Westem egg tradc mav bc formed from reading a paragTupb in tlie Toledo stating tbat • recentlv there arriired in that citv in a freight ; train on the Wabash Railroad, seven car loads of epgs. There were in eaeh car 125 fbarreis or S7o barrels in all. Ailowing 120 I dozen eggs to eaeh barrel, there were 1,260,- ; 000 egga on board thnt train. ! The.se are among tbe biessings ol the Pa« I cific Railw*av, as shown in Cbicago the otber Klay, upon the arrival of the refrigerator car: Salmo«, vveigbing from fifteen to thirty-five •; pounds eaeh ; lobsters of immense size ; soft | s*hell crabs, larger than any at the Atlantic jcoast; cauliflower, eneh- head from six to j fwelve incbes in diameter; ccler>* of mam- | moth size : new potatoes; ninety-two boxes j of strawberries. whieh cost in Califomia S1 per qunrt; nreen pe;is, fresh and very large, : and asparagus.