Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 23, 4 June 1870 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Se Mele īnhile no 1870. {1«# j 8-6 iU luhik ! ka lobiie ! Ua pik c4i eu i Ca pau x*a makahiki e, Ke kaoalima oei. £ hui stfti na b<*& e f Ka hoaiahi bm, K*o&i a Hawaii aaai, Ma hsta lobik. £ bai a boo!»aba e, Wa lab3e oo n«i. E Jcaa ka !obi e maha mai, Ka, ku a hoomaikai. E baia mahaoli pa, lx>tbi no ka wa I lohi ai a laulun no, iloooii»keia la. Aubet bae e na hoa wi, Na Paionia e, I bai moa stai i ka nu maikai, Ka Qlek> e oiai ? Hoko o ka pooli oo Na kanaka wnei, A paka mai ka iana ao Ka oukou i kai mai. Aohea oakou, Takina sna, Wini, Binamu e? Mai luna ko oukou n&na, A bui ahaoe mai. Ua pau ka labt, ka lualua, Na hana nei apou, Ile lubile maa ko oukoa, lle maha mau lc»a no. Na haa nae, aole paa, Kia ke mau nei no, Na buke me« hoonaauao, Me na baibala pu ; Na laakini nani no, Na aha hoahanaa, Na bele kani a ouou, Na kula naauao. Uwe ak>ha makou nei, &!c na waiinaka pu No na makua, no olua e I koe me makou. A oli nae, o hui mai A lubile pu no, £ kali iki a hui ao Ma io iuhiie mao. Ka luhilo ! haaoli o No na kaueani no iie kanalima a oi ao 1 lilo no leeu. £ia kekalii mo kakou, Ka hapu nai nae, Aia iluna me leeu, Ko lakou lubilc. Na hoaloha luhi nei, lioomaha iki no, Aiaila ku a naue ao A paio no loeu. A pau na mnkahiki hou lle kanalima no, Maheo ka nui o kakou? Maanei anei mao ?— Mo na makua i hala o Ko luna poe maikai, A me lakou ia lubilo ? Me koonei poe anei ? £ hoi e, a paio ae, K nmu ko oho e, A liiki hou ka luhile Maanei a inaluna'o. Ina loaa bou i« niaanei, Pomaikai no kakou, Ina mao poumikai o !lo luhilo iuau no. llawau.

Jabilee Soag for the Year 1870» fTr*s«s»t>aa | S—6 Tbe Jabilce ? tbc Jabi!« T Borrts gi»*By oo ocr :— FqU vcar* hare |*«ed away: Tbe Mūeih oom«e wiih s»»)e§. Oaiōe brsthmi f m rm-ve b<ani before, G?®e eomnwiei oow «* ftoei Kaoai. from liawaii » »bofe f Coae oar Jcbilec. Cobk gBtbcr bere and rwt avbl)e, Tbe Jabilee regard, laj dova yoar borden§, oea«e toil* &tuad up aod bJe» tbe Come fatber bere and giadly T?*t, Tbe seaeoo haa bcen k>qg Id »rbicb joa 'Te toiied aod been opjjre«ed, To-d&]r a&ite io soog« But wbere ? ob tell aa bc wbo koofr§, Wbere are tbe Piooee» Wbo firet procteif&ed tbe jojrf«l wwa, SaJratioD, to our eans ? In darkiM«B decp a*>d gk>om profoai»d llavraii iay entombed, T3l light broke forth and ehooe &ronnd Bjr you io loTe bere boroe. Ob, wbere aro \Vhitocv, iong gioce gone T Thur«ton and Bingbain, wbere? From hcaven above jc re looking down, Your Jojous eouls are bcre. Your to»U bave ceaeed and all jour woea, Witb all joor eartbij sounds, An cndieee Jubilee is joura, A reet tl»at knowa no bounds. Tbe fruitB so pleaaant to our ejes, Tbej 6till with us abound, The books designed to niake us wiee, Tbe bibles 6cattered round ; Tbe temples witb their towere and epireB, The oBsemblieB of tbe 6ivints, Tbe bells whose peals deliglit our eare, And 6chools of various gradcf3. Our hcart6 eeem breaking as with pain, Our bcads are bowed in tears For jou the mothers who remain Of the lo?ed Pionecre. Yetjoin with us and jojful be, 'Tis Jubilcc to-day, "\Vait jet awhile, thcn eoarawaj To jondcr Jubilee. The Jubilee! oh jojfal be For thousands joung and o!d, Tbe fiftj thousand souls set frec, Reclaimed to Jcsus' fold. With us arc thousands toiling Btill, And thou6anils more relea«cd Witb Je6us keep on Zion's hill Their Jubilec in peaee. Yc fcllow laborcrs ricblj blcst, We'll rest a little while, Tl>en risc and onward we will pret», And for our JeBus toil. And when another fiftj years Have oome and pa«k)d away, Oh where ahali most ol' us appear ? On earth or iii tho«jkj?— With tlio fathere who have passcd awaj, With saints saved long ago ? Aud witb them huld that Jubilec? Or with the saints below ? Let eaeh return and lubor on In pationce hope and lovc, Till «notbcr Jubilee ehall amie, Ilere, or in hcaven abovc. 0 ehould we grcct it hcrc again Thricc happy sball we be, Yet happier far if keeping thcn Tlic fternal Jubilec. llawaii.