Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 23, 4 June 1870 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.

Foreign News.

lWtoo report that three TOuujj n are at»out to enter Harand l/ni- % Ho*r.ird UniTersi»y is the iostitut)on y : 3sĒ u iiC ' h - c, ' r tend. k'WĒM Thc CAmmission€rs of Exctse hare ws«ed ;||3k annouocing the inteotion of Brwof enforcing the Sunday Lkjnor in New YorV. At the sarae lime they |SHpr<~'rnise thatthey will never countenance es-',|f|ror<-7.-i£re by malieiou? informer*, nor the eienforcememof technical points. f i: Apn! 27.—A terriWe calaroity thi? moming. The floor of the e :'i r 'f Appeal?, in the Sf.ite Capitol, ga*e lrriv and precipitaU>d the hundreds gathered 3*sembled to hear the decision in May ; niUy ca?e of and Cahoon, the Con«?rvative eaueu?, ihen sitting in thr Ih'; of the House of Delegates below. \ c r niin amount of opposition i» a great §e *■» mnn. Kifes rise against the wind ; 4r< nh- ad wind is better than none. No , fv.-r worked hū? passage anywhere in a : . Let nn man wajc pale therefore, be- " ..f oppoiiiion ; opposition is what he ami iriust hnve to he pood for anyHardship is the native soil of man- . 1 :md Felf-reliance.

T:»e lone projected improvements of the j>-n of Aitxandria, Egypt, are ia progress. A •■rfakwater, a mile in ler«gth, will protect īli' hnrVir. ihe superfices of whieh ia about >8,000 n"res. A dam, continuous to the ut >\stm of the railroad, will extend seaTpmr i :t.«KK) tVet,and thusfoTm an inner basin, «h i v...1 \r-trct in depth f and surrounded i r":: i (jiiays like tho?e of Marseilles. will !»o ini ver*ed by rail tracksand : 'ēb that ihe lagrst ves.«Hs will lmve ■ jp,y !)!})'j)ty m ladinir and unladinif. The : wiīl !>t/about §10,000.000. , s Ko<-k,the inost dan£crousobstruc_:'"3tī..[j S \n l r ranci!tco Harbor, vvas hlown up o , >.i:ur.lay, April 30. Twenty-three tons o: ; .wil. r wvre Used. When this immense i iMtitv nf pnwd**rwa« touched of, the water ««:>: :r' nfly 100 feet in dinmeter, was thrown t > t:i»• h< ot about 100 feet, the centre ]" :• nii. ii w»th Miioke and stones —the lat- ... i■- far aUiw the water. Between ' C T) i 'i-iii ;md *>0,000 people \vitnessed the ex- ■ ji'..• 'nn. It w,<!< «<carcelY perceptible in the ; on!y a deep thud acco«ipanied theblast. Wkak!n<; Falsc Hair.—A homhle inti.ir»Ti(iii cntiu's trom Charleston, Ma»-s. A , J.i i '*. w)io has Mi!li'rrd lately frunian inflamed I)'. k. li is told by her physician that it j> .Mii«fd by horrid ins«cts cnlled borers, inmni: tiiē Hindoo tmck braid of her chigShe ha» rast the chingon frotn her, nii i h.is her head.shaved as smooth as a bill-i.u-i K»!l (pardon the comparison), fearing M>fne o/ the vije insects had taken up their n!■■. lf m her natunil back huir. S.\n Fatk—Warmxoto Young Men.— ('.>!•• and Gorhain, the former a Senator in - ( oni:ress, and the latter Secretary of the Senate, were, at one time t two pronming \ mi'ii in this State, with decided evi- .? ti- nces of talent in their respective prolessions, ihe one a Uiwyer, nnd the other an editor. r** in an evil hour, thcy entered the politicui iU'-na. ncccptcd oHiee, and have fallen! The jvir;v bnnging them down lo offic'uil position, n w relors to them as u Two Dead Ducks," .t!i!. they arodrowncd and sunk in the filthy j> > I. Hut for jwlitics they might have ae- ? | ilred i:ood characters, and been esteemed m thc community as honcst men and good oitu!cns. It is better to be a tunner than a j>i>iitii'ian.— (Cala.) lleeonl, 11At»rKR s Hazar, trcating of the eflect of simplicity in the midst of elaborate and ex-p-nsive artit\ce, says : " Let a young woman wnh no hair but her own, and that simply | dre»sed, entera room, filled with those whose . iieads are elaborately huill up wiih a proius;on oi' purchased locks,and see who will be mo-i ndmired. It is a great advantage for v \ woman, in these days of artifice, to remain ■ h«'rself, and thus be unlike every one else. A simple dress, white or black, will produce ti>o etl'ect when surrounded by the iuost gorgeous costumes. These serve as it were t us fraines for the former, and women an oUen forced to confess that they have drajx'd themsclves magnificently, at an imā m» nse exoense, for no other pur|»ose than to i| hn£hteu ov contmst the t*uuty of a rival, In :,u t. they liave been wearing a dress whieh .very heeomini: to —others.'*

k Km:Lsio.N ov Enqush Lauiks from Komk.—Three English ladies have been cx-| }h lleil frora Kome under cia*umslances whieh are s»nid to hsive excited a good deal of iodigikuiou a£uinst ttie I'apal govemment. On tho 'J Jih ule., the ladies in question reccived a visit lrom three gendarmes nnd a poliee a«ivnt io pnvate clo:hes, who made a thorough >varc!i of their loi!gings. Two days »fterw:ml? ihcy received order? to quit Kome io , iwt>ntv-lour hours. Mr. Odo Kussell aud ~xi-. the British cqusul, Mr. Sevem, exerted themsolves ui the niat(er, aud Cardinal Aotonelli w.is communicated with. The Pope him-| m self xthB apjK<aled to,but all in min. At thc I<wpimiion oi iorty-eigbt houn, a respite of t\vonty.four hours having heen obtained, two of tho ladies left Kome and weiu to Naples. The otlier has resolred not to lcave until actually compelled. A rumor that th« ladies had tven engased in distributing unaothorluilian Bibles is con(radicted, and no rvason whatever for the expulsion appears to have been given. It is thought that the ordcr proceeded from th« Pope himself. Bikiis»Evk Visw of Nbw York Citt.— Populalion about 1,000.000. Ooe-half £ wcry hom io the United States, and the other - hall i» foreign countries, of forty different na- % tionalities. 4,000,000 harrvls of flour and ,000,000 busheh of wheat are brought in every year; number of animala received at & ihe iuarkets in a year, iiKluding beef cattie, B iniieh cows, sheep, tud swine, is 2,776.492; city meat hill lor one verr is #30,000,000. There are 700 bakere,*l,4oo butehers «nd 2,600 grocers who find oeeupauon in furnishing food for the people. Not onlJ īueai bui drixik must be had for our popula. tiou. An aqueduct, 40 miles tn length, costi ng $30,000,000, pours inio our reserroirs 60,000,000 ga)lons daily. Thc total length of the Croton main pipcs now hid is om 313 miles, and ihe water has been iatroduced into 66,925 dwellings and stones; 1,617 manufaciories; and 307 churches. The money apent for intoxicating liquors is rariouBly estimated frotn $38,(K)0,000 to $68,000,000 a year.