Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 20, 14 May 1870 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.

S Fomgn KisoelUny.

IThe Br!tish n»ra! fq»iadmn in Paritk rori*ist« of 'en ve*se!s and I.96'iroen: that o: ?itc Wcst Indies, 23 ships and 3,545 men. Īlorso »s ftili foid in Faris. In the of Septetr.h»er. Octoberaud November, ]v-Q, xrrn' ?old 273.200!b*. from 653 horsea k. c d :c■ r tbe purpuse. A fu*inm in Paris is loallow mendicant« tn \*-z ia the Mreet« on New Vear"s Day. It UM = avoomin<HJ !h«re were morc than 2.000. an : th«? sum obrained by them 02.000 francs. The l"nued States Comm*i«sioner of Agri» u 4 ,ure a repon, m whieh he swtes 'X ;v.t tnc contitiued high |>r»ce of cotton has r l>: • -5 cuiture more profitab!«* tban at any | ■ r !•'.'!r;er peri<xJ. I i > ro;V-s«or I).irid.von. of the Uniled Stntes <Sjfv«v.. ha» di*covered a mouniain : ; L' f ī iroi oī" in Aia.ska t convenient to i - r,! -:. Xh*- rango i& 2,000 feet high , (:i t,;»Hmtied extent. Tr « Archh'>hop Primatcof Hungary, who - rpnrnat« in ChristemJom, the | » <•' :ion<- hn* rents, has re-1 - iro>;: , : »i« floirnei»9 the announeemenl! ' '. \n;iar«' «-jevation to Cardina). '•]?' At \ nai, whiie the 20th Rejfiment were , '■ ■■ *'?i -:r. :i th«i»der stonn eame on, four-! • • i iii'.'n <■■: the company were struck by! . _ •nK'iu. One man was kiiled and his rifle | ; ti.nr ot the me» were sent to hospitai. | J Af» < nr?huiiake was felt in Baise at noon ' - : February, and the peopie vrere j " i :.i'y al:ir<ued. The sshocks were wave like j i by a roiiing noise. Aj ■'- ! wa«i felt at seven o eloek next | ''>• i !<■ pr*-*ent Eari of Derby is disposing of | jf 1 ;ir.< r"s stnd, jut>t ns the iate Eati dis-; 4 i 1 <•:'hM tather's menagcrie. The mares ! li' • att<i in«pimtion brouj;ht 1.000 and i » ' / i'u !(}<»«s n i ."j)ectiveiy. Thirty horses ; • :<• --/i-i f<>r 4.8-10 gtiineas. i i thc elej>hant is made serviceabie | ■ :• n ~,'i;'aiitic piough. The impiement is ■ -.\ i»y tw«> men, and tnms up a huee ; :w\'[ forn\s n furrow three feet deep by : •=• i r aM»i a itaif !cet widc nt the top. Thi« is ; ; <!» <•;>.' vt -sub so»i pioughing we have anv j :: JUllt 01. i •■;' U•* e iiu*d att« ution sometime ago īn our| • i.iiioiN to tln i rtMi)Hrkabie conven»iou of ihe ! W • and many of her suft-1 | y «s t,, Ctiristianiiy. She ordcred aii the j •'>• i■ i• >» •* tn 1*« ti>'Mroyed in thc Royai tempies ; j i !-ut i<vii!i<'d to make it compulsory in private I •< < >;. pn*j'< rriojr to ieave it to the iniluenee : < : ::i" M«;iv Spmt. | Mr. (><>•-<, natunt!ist, oi 3lason sireet, }.*%•■ rp<7f•!. !arclv had a cor>signment of ser-; [ •■ :- : |v irom fh»? \Vest Indies, nnd among them ! i '• m ii' pytii<»n. whieh, whiist on its p;iss;i£re,! : birth t<> thirty-live young One . f :he ! serpetHs burrowed inlo a stable ..• ■ 1111! i ' i!o<i itse!f round a horse. 'l'heanimai f fi< < .1 itseif by eatiug the head of the serpent.) I n foh the Pocket.—" Whitehend's ' | I>sf nee o( Berf " is n new Austraiian ! ation, in whieh liie nutritious mafter! w i" "omlcnBed into nine pounds of ! ft «üb»tance. Thirty pounds oi' boef; | mt'entrated into one pound of iittle | eaeh nlwnt as large ns a s'tivcr dollar,' oitrhiutr haif an nunee. One of thcse wili mnke a bowi of good beef-tea. X ĪKE FKOM Exr.LA.ND TO AtJSTRALIA.— ; lritts»h Austrniiun Teiegn»ph Company 1 1 4»ut |aving a cable of 500 miles from ( porv to Batnvin, where it will join the ;, lnie whieh cro.>ses to the southeastern ; \ity of Jn\*n. frotn whieh point another'' of 1.163 tniics is to be laid to Port 1 n. A land line of about 800 miies i ojmect this with ihe Atistralian eoio- , There is nlrendy a continuous line ESnglaud to Singpore. i 1 ny precious stoncs are now found in j ustmlinn gold diggings. Beside dia- «. what is called gem sand has heen m cot\sidernbie quantities in the CudKiver. It contains stones of difier.»lors, nmi when piaced under a giass es with dininonds of minute form, lat £000 prr onnee. A compnny obi m u iew duys 119 diamonds, one of -the largest hitherto found in that f the world— weigl»ing up\vards of oi . It kdescril>cd as a perfect octnheJnd will scarcely reqnire anv poiishing i hands of a iapidar) ? . lt is now in e trial of Prince Pierre Bonaparte for urdcr of ihe editor» Noir, has resulted |uittal. evid«ntly to the astonishtnent 6f iris. Thnt there wns some prorocation :er wns proved, but makmg charitabie iiue for this the ki!ling still n»ur«d ihe ncquittal is n disgrnce toFrencii; At the close of the criminnl prose- ■ i n civil aetion was brought ngainst the * in the interest of Noir's lnmily, for )0 francs damages and a veniict for [) franci? aiiowed. The reports of this \hibit the French people in a most lu- . 5 iight. The procwdings in court weie • on a lerel with ourpoliee courts ; the ni was constantly ris»nff and denounc- : iincsses nnd the opposing counsel as ninl slanderers; Kochefort, who was it a5 a witness, «cted like an insane branded the nrisoner as an assassin in *ourt, and had to be sent to jail ten days >ntempt. As a whole the trial was at dignity, decorum or decency. York correspondem of the n Joumal describes a new invention i>piacing steam by electricity, and «-at lathes, planing m*chines,and other uiieai arningement« are driven by this \ To run an engine ol t\venty.horso, by th\s mvention would require onlv e 01 . thn * long,two feet wide. and The cost per day would be -five cents. Ou a steamship no eoai ! l>e required, and the »pace now u«ed «i and mnchinery eouW be us*d for The stubbom resistance of eiectricity ■ehanieal use heretofore h&s, it is be- , been overcome. A continuous b«tbeen secur@d and other difficaitnB ed, principally through the eoil of the et. if the inrention works as weli on rge as it does on the machinery ieh it is now apnlied, s!eamships wiil 'he oeean unuer the uew propelling . A maehine of grent oasacity is ucted and will soon heou exhibition in iork. The whoie thing, mighty euougii rrv a Cunanier to Liverpooi> ean be in a sronii mmk