Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 19, 7 Mei 1870 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

English Column.

Foreign Miiccll&ny. j

IThe Messneerics impenak» Metmers,wilh ! thc Ind»a. Chm* and Japan mails from Fr?.nce, now pass through tbe Stiez OanaL j Tbc arerare da»ly nurnber of Amenean travciers who ytoppcd at thcGrand Hotcl du . Lourrf, )a?t year, was 107 ; of Englishmeo f o2: and ef German, IS. 1 A Gprmsn woman livinjj in Chicago has j h»d foar hn»bands wiihin tbe period of 1S monih*. The first ran away, ihe «rond! tiarsged himself, the lhird shot himself, and { thc founh waa drowned. Whose turn oext?j A TT>issionary from China reports tbat thc i po?u!ation of that coantry has fceen greatlr j ovcr-est:tuated. In?tead of 400.000.W0 peo-1 p'e there are pnobabiy not orer 250,000,000.; adds that tbe late wars hare diminished | ihe number of the people. ! The Bi«hop of Metz is the prelate who pr'sented a pold pen to ihe Pope, as an oflerinjj from hi? dioc.«»se, and who, when Pius IX. j:racious!y remarWed that it shou]d be u»ed to «*gn the decrees of the eouneil, touched a spring in tbe handleand produced a tbousand ?r.ine note. saying: " Vou see, Holy Father, ihai my diocesans hare not forgotten to supm p)v th»? pap n r also. M | Th" creat ports of the Mediterfan«in, Ge- ' r <ci, Venice, Marseilies and Trieste, with <> in lbe Biack Saa—and, no doubt, ali '•; i [x>rts along with tho*e—have been : i wnh new hfe by tl»e Suez Canal,

.1 th" o! a large cotton trade 1 ♦ \-<»11 Bomb.iy an<l the o\d fiuropean WeM. • hns already ordered a magni6cent - ' • :• to be built at Jarrow, in Engiand, | .; trade. At a jcuuiiig rooni in Antwerp a tuan sat l d v:s ri!i(j woii 1000 (iuca«?. whieh he did '.r • up. It t«irncd <»ut that he i?as dead. o'i : <• f;. ni in chnrpe of the tnble tben faked .i!)•> gold. vjymL T that it belonged to the ; ; : i ik. ;is rto cugapeiiient could have been en- ; ?■ ••,! ;ntu with a c<<rp 3 e. The heirs of the . i irr no: roi»viuced of the soundntss : '!j:> niiil they nave commenced ( :ii i ion Jor thc n-r<»very of the.vtim. ! Si:ni»av \.kws" Lord Chelmsford haa in-l in! iti th«j Bnti>h Housc of Peers a biil! • mv;h' U:tter observance of Sunday. It| tr.iuis :md m >onie cases, cntirely prohibits|

t:• . "'i t!u* L'Wii's Dav. He read statis- : ■-»• .si.?wiuc: ti«at ovcr ten thousand shops i \ re kcpt (){«•» (»n Bunday in London nlone. 'l ,v- I,orJ <"h ii»c**Hor thought the bill \vould «• |'nv<- l ilx>r(Ts of rccredtion to whieh they : w Mit)tivd on tSunduy, und doubted ihe i w aiul uiliene)* of ihe incasurc. Tii.- Vicvroy of Egypt lms issued orders J >r \V'»rk to bci;in iniincdiately on the new ! r;ifi-Miion.H «f Alcxnndria. This, it 9ecms t > us 15 eren ivorse ihan purchasiug <ron- .\ i js, ati(J vvi!!/io douhtcaJl Jorth the pronipt {?it*TKTcnro of tfoe Sultan. The Sovereipn , ; iitrcver protes!ing ngninst the actions of i:,<- Khedive; the vassal re(urns ?auve nn- ' Mvcr>, proinises obedience w»th conditions ' nimoM impossible to tho nominai tnaster, I then on \vorse fhati before. An ] < j»m) ruptun» between Abdul Assiz and Ish- , «n:\ii Paeha is only a qucstion of time. IiIFF. Inm7;unck Business in Nsw Vork. j - -The «ixty-one lifc insurauce companics ' husincss iu the State of New Vork, 1 8 i»u~g re?ident and non«residenU return ; p'<Tth»* past yenr their prcmium receipts at ( L S<>.or»S.l29. Frotn this ineome nnd the intt'r,\st on their iuvestments they paid to in- ' •; Min-d, īn lobs«*s by deaths, tbe sum of $15,- ' - and in $15,692,132. ( : The nmount pj\id to the insured aud that i j'Hui ior clfecting the insuranco arc about ( <-ipial for thc vear, and both combined arc :i!H)iit thrce-eighths of the total receipts of 1 t!ie eompanioa tor prcmiums for the year. 1 l)esj*iti"hes from New York show that, in- i : >trad oi" tho extcnsive failures tha| have been , }>reduTed as a consequence of the fall in gold, | I u' importers and jobbers actually find it opi r:\tes as a stitnulus to trade. As the import tndeand prices hav«? steadily conformed to ' -ttie «;old Maiuiard, us hist as gold falls their t:o,»ds iali in curreney price. This is no'in- ■ .;f onvcuience to the iraptt>rters, as they get the =r;iip.o «;old prices as ii gold had not fallen, 4tn i, :it tho same timc, is a stimulus to buy%*t-. a5 the same sum in currency gt>esa great u.»v !urther in niakmg purchases. The secr< t oi makim» business br«k is to sell »ccordiu-: t<» noUl pnces, and fall as gold falls. At L \sr.-®The negro has proi»ressed from Hu slavr-ptin to the Scnato coamber. and i ui Stui Francisco tbe law has interfered |w ;T««t«vt tht» Chincse frotn the hsts and 'ls .»f Califoruia rowdies. The San 3fr.iiiciSvo Chroniek recon!s that one Curber #ho kiuvkcd down a peaeoiihle Ohinawonian *rhv> was pnssing nlong the street, aud at|fieinpk'd lo kiek hcr wheu down, was arrested ;Jlti i sentenced fo six months imprisonment, ;f|lie Poiiee Judge refusing to aeeepl a fine in \ #< u of the imprisontnenl, nnd proclaiming |||pis iutcntiou of showing that the Chinese vo r ' chls - who stmck a Chioese Mlis!i-peddlcr mciely to show that the peddler a ehinamen and that he wasan Ameriwiis a!so sent up for thirty days. jgp Ina Temperaßce speech in Philadelphia |||bn Frid<*y night, Vice President Colfax said |Bjlbat " this was the anutversary of his eonneo lilion with the temperance cause. TwentyB1P VC y<*are ago, when he wns just reaching Hipanhood. he assisted in the formation and of the ofthrer« of« dirision of the āKons of Temperance in the town where he Hoieu anU oow resides iu Indiaua. iie \ras Mftroud t» say that he had from that day kept pledge. He had found it duriug ihe vears to be a safeguard and atalis|||&»n, and when the ttroe eame for him to bc to hts f«th«ns he couid say th«it he! ljf|P*d ncvcr in thc days of his manhood tasted, handled thc intoxicating beverlßßr'Truks of Chixbse SMrGousics.—San g» rancisco Cosw>m Hou?« offieers|»f« to leok ||«arp f«r opium, whtch pays for MQuggling j |hßr aeeouni of « duty of o»e hu»dred per eeaL ] 9Khe lust Mean>er fn>m Chioa brought over, §Hp\enil hundred do)lars worth of opium whieh; 9K was intenM should pay no duty. It was 3flbund in a heary chest» most innocent look|Btg. whose thick sides were hollow and filled |Bfri<h the drug. A cousimituont of Chinese |Sbils was found to be mkdc of opium a sheli wood fonmt>g ihe outside of Befeml doaea pairs of s(toes gave up contents, oontained in tin cases iet into thick »les. , A bundle of feather dusters a lot, and ooe Mongolian was stripped ] |HB his high water-||oof boots to Vemllus )egs i tti ihe precious dru£.