Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 14, 2 April 1870 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Ben Wadc. formerly Congre*3min, ?ays Cufxi rnus{ and ?hall be fnee. Nasbv says he made $32,000 last year by !ecttiribg. | lewa has giren ahoul ooe-fiAh of iis area| to aid raftro&d&. ! Geo Sigei Ueeiiow *be Sew-Y«k Aaae»-* orship to whieh be vras lately appointed by ihe Presidcnt | Charies Matthews, the Eoglish comedian, is to get «70,000 for bis two yeare engagement m Au«ral». An Ohio Joania! prints the names of its delmquent subscribers up«dde down f as a hint ihal thcy should sett!e up. Two paoper lunatics in York, Eng., reccntly scalded a fellow lunatic to death by forcing him mto a tub of boiling water. The keepers wcre at dinner. 'Hie Chica?o courts tried lastyear 723 divorce suits, and put asunder 469 couples. Of the succtsssful suiis T 305 were brought by the wire-s. The tr?al of McFarland for the skooting of Richardson, at New \ork, conies ofl in March. 1 Somn picitement has becn' croated in Knoxville, Tenn.. by a babv whieh has dejxsh<hl from the okl established rules governing "cotting teeth" by cutting its back teeth to ?(art with. It is $si'\d that'a new description of lava is being thrown from thc crater of Vesuvius .«•inee ihe last erupfion, consisting of crystal* i2ed jnlt. This beautiful phenomenon has heretofore been unknown in volcanic natural histor)'. Bishop Simpson estimates that it will Uike 3,000 years to convert the world, at the present rate of progrcss. The Bishop does not intend to stay and see the job completed. Some profoundly speculative minds are agitated by the enticingpossibilityof putting a steam engine and screw machinery aboard of an Arctic iceberg, and propelling the eoncern down to New \ork to sell for highpriccd iee in the dog day9. A little boy having broken his rocking horse the day it was bought, his mother began to scolī; when h» si!enced her bv inquiring, <4 What's the good ofa horse until its broke ?"
An American gentlemnn from Mantanzas, Cuba, where ho resides. says that in vīe\v of the emancipation of the blacks, preparations for importing a large number of coolics are being mnde. Ten thousand have arrived within a few days to work thc sugar plantations. Thc rumor thata marriage is contemplated by Her Mi»jesty Queen Victoria, with Prince Au£rustenbcrg, is reiterated, and received with more credit in London. lt is said that tho event will be shortly ofTicially announced. Thc challenge from the Tyne crew, brought over by VValter Brown, to tow five miles in a stmight-away race for 55,000 against the St. John Earis crew having been accepted by the latter, Laehine lake, Cfmada, has been decided upon as the placet3rthe race. It is
to eome ofT in July next. Orders nre received at Brooklyn Navy Yard to fit oiu the Tt'>mesaee, n scre\v| steamer of the firsi rate, mounting 13 guns. ft is understood she will be the flag ship of Vice-Admiral Porter, and will go to European wak;rs this summer. Humboldt had the peculinrity of using his i knee for a writing desk. This may in some | degree account for his illegible style of writ-! ing. Ho doubtless fell into this habit while | on his journeys in the wilds of Souih Amer- j iea, and he retained it to his latest days. From ihis peculiarity originates the bon mot, that in the "Cosmos" the word " God " does not appear, nhhough Humboldt wrote it from the beginning to the end upon his knees. James Sargent, who hasrecentlysucceeded in picking the best coinbination locks in the TreasuTy l)ejxirtment at Washington t has oflfered $1,000 to any one who will piek his ncwly patented sfltfo loek Within 24 hours, and a Mr. W. F. Ensign, of New York, has signitied his wilUngness to try. Hloiulin got stuck six yards froin the landing piaee while recently crossing a theatre with a ve!ocipede on a tight rope. The women screamed and fled from the house, but an attendant lassoed the performer and drew him in wilho\vt huH. Burnt cork troupes aro not traveling as mueh as formerly. The fact is, ncgro minstrelsy is playing out; evt?n bootblacks no longer gro\v fai npon it. The business, if it cTer had any digtnty, has degenerated to slang and stale jokes, and there are but few companies now on the boanis whose prb"tensions ean be called — ~ JoCR?fALtSTtC F- A Ut?RKS IN LONPON.—In London, as in some other cities, as somo men gct a l»ttle monev they n.rc cmv e\ther to managc a thcatre or to statt a newspaper. It is stated that nearly all the eheup etcning papers projected in
Lomlon sooucr or later rcsult in finnnoinl failurc. Maov 6f the new weekly papers nre oho in a drooping condition, nnd n corrc?pondent says that the uow prolitable k • 4 sportmg papere" wiH be niinea if the decrec b confinncd whieh closes the betting offiees—the ndvcrtisements of these offices haring been the m?iinstay and chief support of the sportin|r papewu * .
Mr. FretJerick Douglass, Jr t rtcently maniwl a daughter of Mr. A. Mo?yneux He\Ylett, of Harvnrd UniTersity. Some of the pa|vers have *tated that the bride*s father »s a whiie man aud a Professor in thc Coltege. This is not the case. Mr. Molyncux is a \ inukino. He was fonncriy a pri»>fightcr \ of consjdenWo repute iu £ng)and, and \ now instructor in gymnastics at Harvnrd, if he wcre whue, and his daughter and Douglass were suited to eaeh other, why sh&uld any fault be found with ihe marriage? C<Vjue&.—The Charieston says that a Chiue«e imiuigration agent has amr«d thero, with whoiu the pki>t«rs am roakiog ctten>\*e coatnietV % one ameing w takc tJSQ Üborers* and another 100, and others sma|lt r g*ugs. No pemoem whate*«r i* timde by the p|jutfef& uatil th« Chint« arrive and go to work. M Ttw oid idca of buymg aud wllini; and oontraetitig for and paying to f human s«u!s eftngs to the southemer with a tenacky ihat wouhi he pttiab)e if j| were not dangeroua.