Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 13, 26 March 1870 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.

Miscellaiiy. A Toxrts jai;tory pieki a tvjjo!«.' j(i n ean. Evcrv Jashioi"iabh* yoiinir l:idy in New Y*-rk Kiys ?! »i) v."ith Prin': ( - Arthur. lI.'K. H. ilio i'nne*» of NVa!cs lins ln?come a Pjsi Gran<i .Ma.-:er of the Maso»ie Ur<Jer. 'I % iir wili oi* j!m.' iatc Hon. Htnry J. Kaymond. of iho Nr\v York Tum.<, lcaves £■150.000, nf wlii.:h auiounl 5250,000 is in reaS cs{;ite.

Lovers uf the ar(s will regret to learn thr»t Jli.-r.-tnd ī"s pioture of the Yo Semite w;i > the w.»rks (Jestroyed by /ire in ; Mr. Earle\s i,'allerv in Phikiilelpliia. j Ailmiml ISemfnes npplicd for the position j of presi<ieut of the Alahaina University. A neup' naii»e(l l'yrus Northrup was elected to ; t}se p'i iee. 5 A Liverpool woinan, doubtful whether thc 1 t'.re in her stove was out, poured gunpowder; ou ilw' cmlx'rs m order to ascertain the factJ ller doubts were removed, nnd so was she., Thert % are now ei>:ht Cliine?e Bunday j Srhoob regularly tauL'ht in San FraiieisfO,: whieh aru attended by upwards of 500 i Chinese, most of whom are adult males. 1 Kear Admiral Charles H. Davis has been i ordered to make a survey across the Isthmus ' of Darien, to ascertain the propriety of cut-! tinij a ean il across tiie said isthtiuis. I St. Louis received uearly 12,000,000, bushels of wheat, and inanufactured over. 1,000,000 harrels of flour last year. j A little girl repeating her Sunday School irnve a new version to a familiar jws-i sagc—" Ye cannot scrve God and mamma." j Oran<res u prown in thc Florida planta-i tion of Mrs. Harriet Keecher Stowe," are I for !»aie iu Montgomery, Ala. | The Byron ?candal has given rise to in-! nuu*.ernble arti«'|?s in the literirv journals of ■ (iermany. Mrs. Stowe is bitteiiy.denounced ! by the German critics, as guilty of 44 the \ mvatest literary criine of the century. M

A tnil man oan wnik upright down -the Hilh» r.f ihe Ktwse teieseope. A Tennessee prl, in order to make a sure f!iing of it. olloweU two youag men to take out n lirenise to inarry her. A without children h like a lnntcm an<l no candlv ; a garden and no fiower; a vine nnd no grapes; a brook and with no waier gurnling nnd rushing in its ehannel. h is said that bleeding a partia!ly blind !u»rse at the nose, will restore hin\ to sight ; so mueh ft»r the horse. lo open a man's eyes you inust bleed hiin in the pocket. The Lomlon is a government paj>er for co'irt and state announcements — nnd nothing else. lt is puhlished semioccasionally—whenever enough announeemenu accumulate to RU its pages. Capt. John Travis, a New York sport, has promised to shoot with a pistol an orange from a man's head, if he ean find the head. He onee prevniled upon an Indtan to !et hiin shoot an orange from his head. The eflbrt wns *uccessful. A man who hns served sixteen vears in the Uhio Statc Penitentinry, six vears at Jeirersonville and two years at Michi£»nn c*.ty. has jnst W»en sentenced to anotlier term of four ycars in the latter prison. It is a chronic case. •• l believe that mine will be the fate of Abcl." said a devoted wife to Uer husband one day. " How so ? " n?p!ieti her husband. " Because At>el \vt\s ki!led by a eluh, and */aur club will kill me if you eonlinue to go to it emy night.**

Ton years ngo, a mnn \vas ejerk for hjs broihcr at $000 per year. Not beiitg nble to suppon his fiunil\% it tvus raised Nō\v hc Ī5 Pr?sitlent of the United States, anei a good Presit!cnt 100. The«? is a feathcr in the eap of the rcpitblican idea.

The identica! $rarspangfo( Banner\tuich iloattHl ovcr Fort McHenrv when Kcy \vroie onr nntional sor«g īs offered for sale by the heirs of Col. Annistead, \vho commanded thc fort auii who kepl the historic bunt}nf. \Yaus c<Mnposed six hundred mul nsnetY-seveu hymus, und \Yesley six : aiiii ;tbout a tenth part of Vhem l?ve to thi? da\% and are sung m etery Ohristian church \vhcre the English langnage is used.

Sr,NsißLE.~The Manjuw of Bute is disiii> Scotch ecclesiasttcal patronage by it to p\rishioners to choose their ow» u.iiū'U rs, A vvry sensible pian.

The exjKnses of the Govemment in Caba atv now about t\vo mi!lions and a «fuarter of dolUrs a iuauth, and thvir Pewnue i»ot far fmtn iiothing. No \vonder that thev conf»>cate e*tat«n*, and \vaut to sseii their claiu»s to the i»laud.

Fanny Fern n»vj> : "!f one4ia}f ihe pirb k»»ew ths nrevious lives the men they t»»arry. the Ust of oid matdi would Ke «ron~ derfuiiy iner«»wi/* Wheeeupon Bo«tot\ i*»st asks: u!f ihe meu knew \vhat their futum iires \vcre to be, wouidn't ii iiKiease ihe liī?t of oid inatds >til! further."