Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 11, 12 March 1870 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.


A peu : tson for r*-c={:r. !;icn oi <- l»ir»gcrer.tf. ūg , &ed by 72. York. wa? v~-r.t iaio C.?n£rt s*. ia tbe ame, tt<* Vi.w prwat<sl a conjmnnicasii.vn frorn tie Ca?cas«a *^ mri i u»k:ng C>>rtgre» to n.<->g£:z« t-5c iaacptiiu«oce of popnlati«n liri&'bCo!-isib:iha« dwir.d;e.l oowu sri>u» m>*> U> ? W in tbe i%a ibnx- year?Jj c< *'> t-.ich £17 to fuēta:n ih* t- r '.on;as l»rof. N«r%raaTsts. <i«*<-wan u DaiiU' ha l Lwi '*"> U<-.- cf-nujrv he wo-ild bave JeS luris aod RobL E. Lwprcjßiacat pSac« ia b;s /r/frno. The Inman iiae bas concliidled an arrangem?nt br * bicb it* t>Uram«.T< will dow toucb at Hahif»x. on ibt'ir wa* boific, aod eali st i»OityQ, oa aa«i aiVr tbe l?t of ntxi JanuAry. A nt*»r of po*Sagc sfamps bas been decided up .n and wiii «oon Uc i«»sUtil bj il'u.*» USce I*epartment. The n*w *:anjps "wīi 1 be c»ae-tfairil |Arger tba« tfc" pres<*nt ."Umps an<i coa.«iit fDtirelr of profi!" bi:«t.«. Tbt» iW~.?t«.»n A;k'rils*:r bs. s bcen made into a f>?».*ek cornpaßy. of the }oriaer «,-<iitors and publ!-.Vr« >i\ year? aeo it so!d for 840.000. hisi w.'.'k- it bro..gM It i-5 one of tbe verr b •*; papt.'rf'i-i th*? co«ntrjr. Tbe I'-iState« llau' »'o-> on th«» ls!and; «f Circn»»ro. i» tbe I>ay of Sara%n j. IX»cvtnber liib.: 1569. T!w i;nited ijtatps b*v« a lease for 6fly ; veam at 8150.000 ayear. and are noyr in posse»ion. ■ T!h i A;r.»»rfcap frovernment bas paid tbe North (r-»*r!nan ii»e- "f ftrumi>tiip4 at tl»e rate of over $7(MiO 7>. r !"*> f"~ e.irryi;)jy \h- maiL-» : :t j:ist conciudcd a?i atran{t»*nv , !i! jt /lon*» f<>- $.}. r iU p<-r tun ; ;".r>: cia.v> «iu the ?iinie sle.'.iuers U carri 'i ī ;r S i<» p«*r tuu. i 'h'n-i i'«*ri»*y, at a rc?ent scssion of t!;»-> Supr«-rr.c Jii.iii.-iai «,'uiin ef N«-*.v Hamp*hire. ruled wficr«* pr.t{>t r:y i* tr.-in:-uorlc«l .»v»»r u r:iiī iiae c»>mp<»H'd »}i».?inct r<-»ud«. tbe or:cttul cottipany ul.km r«-ccsved ii i«> li *bie for the 10-.-i (»r ii;j(iry, a;:y o'.* '!ir. \*beiber lbe dam»xr i»t* f»n iU ow:i r« tt<l «,r auy other. Ti»? nne'lieu a s * to tb«* constiifitionaiity of th»j <-•- u' p;»rt ».f t!jc JM'-tri.:t <»f C«dumbia wific!"d**.4 Ai»'Xr.:i«lria to Virgioia is *«..o:i to bc 1»f• * ]•»-;».ff llie i\i!irth. <.'«-rtaiu whu h,»vc p;r|.; taxes tn ih<* Slatc. are to in>ti'«ute ;v Miil t'i re. «.ver, un the grouud tbat thev ate aiili iti ti-'c ]>js!ricl. Trnin di«).i'i lenow th.it Canada n*:is a fre«* cot:ritry :m> telegrapbed lo<»ov. Mtl'>.>:iald to fiud "Ut. Tae <».ivc: tiur i»>p«':jd».-il iu !he allinnative. vvh.*!'Mi;«..n < ju!»il:intly n'p'i>*.- ! : •* Th;iiii:s ! 1< eluie Quebt'C. M.»ntr»*nl. UiLiwa, Tiu*u!it >. I! oinilt*»;i, l.'»;idun—J.itiu.'.ry." Muy uut Canada, wiift pi»)priety. i;s freed<»m? Lu.ki. >'f irs.—-J/arpcr sn«nvs fitrure« to prore tliat iu 50 iiiiel fuiit> instimted again.st ncwspaperH in tbe va>t. during the liu?t lU yeais. the jirosd araount .»f tno/jcy colieck-d is only 53.0i)0. l'arties who have sitvd uewspapers ou llie l'acific coa<l have «l<ijie a liuie better than tliat. o\ving to ob-tusen«-vs or prejudice on the part ot jtuors. A lat«r vi>itor to ( hicago w*rites to his home new.«pap«T: •* 1 \vent lo bear Dr. llatlield preach and pray yesterday u(t4'i*no«>n. lle praved tfaatthe L«>r«l would r»'inovi» fr«>m Cliiea<r<> a!! intcmperance, . s »bbalh-breukinjf. licentiousness. trautl. prolanitv, cheating and every fortn of vice: and tben i did not henr the next few nenu'nee.-i I wuh ihinkinp wbat \vould be left in Cbicftgo. ?J The Hnohiiion h:is perpotrated its lirst joke. Honu* unknown and obscure person havin'4 tenmrkcd that Mrs. Stanton was tlie «alt. Anna l)ickinson the pepper. and Miss Anthony the vinej;ar ollhe female «ufrrnge movemetit, the fair editors'make the comment that th«-sc are 4 *t!i«* very eleiuetits to jjet tbe 'white male' into a piekle." N'ew York papers having eailed attention to tbe fuct that ail the actors iti tfie Ki( hardson-.McKarlatul tragedy origit»ally haile l Inuu |]oston, lloston rejoina that wbilo th«*y tern;vined in Xe\v Enphuul tbey were nll reupectabk' people. and that it \vas only alter they had becn br«mght under the irrtlueue.es of New York liie tlmt lhey went to the bad. Tbe simplest po.<«t oftice in tbe \vorld ia to be found iu the Strait of Mapellau. lt consists o( a barrel stispende<l bv a ehnin opposite Terra del Fnego. hverv ship that pass«*.s makes it a point t<> «>pen it and deliver tlie eontents um lar as ita destination will allow. L\k«;k I ; ji;i uks.—Atuerican dairvitijj now t*epreWMils a eapiuil of $700.000.000. The cheese pvoduct <.f 18f»t) Bold for §'«">,000.000, aud Ihebutter produce ot New York alone \vas ni'nrly 55.600.000 potind.s. nn«l thequftntitvi)f'cbee.srniude 72.000,000 pouuds. The va!uo of these products, ai a very moderate estimate was 850.000.000. SF.ntKTi> ok 1U: vlth — Firsf.keep warm : secottd, eat regularly imd s!o\vly *, tbird, m.\intain n»gular bodi!v babits; fourth. take early and verv light fuppers; Sfth. ke<»p a elean skin sixtb, get"p!enty of slevp at n?srht; .«eventh, keep cheerful and r«.*spectal>!e company : eight, keep out of debt; uinth, don ? tsetdown yfiuriniinl on thing.syou don't need ; tenth.mind youro\vn bnstness : e!e*venth, don't set y<iur«elf ttp to be a sharper of anv kind ; t\vellth, ?übdue curi<>sity ; tbirteentb. avoid drugs. Thk ( ut\.v M ,vk.-—(leneml Letona. a protuinent >paui:vrd u:idcr l>nlce. has published a paper in Cub.\ iti whieh he admits the ferocity of the vo'nnteers uiwanl the Cubans. fhe gencia'| crueltr of the the wivr. uidomitable will of thel ■übutis.ntid* the necessitv o{ a annv to overconie them. Hesavs the r«'vo!uuon eannol be by anythinglike IM.POO men,nnd llie picture he draivs is i*n th>» main f;vvorable to the insursen , .s. At>ont five thonsand Spanish troops have fr« v!>ly arrive«l out, and stiH tbey eome. Yet the rebellion extends. an<l is as carnest and bopeful a* at any period ot its life. Ihk rutss A\ti TttK rn.t'lT.—lt w:ts anuounced tlut Ibgelow h;vd been offerM $10 000 a vear :vn«l interest in the paper to take editoriaī control of the New York (.ireeley r*»cvMves 87.500 f«»r his s«*rvu*eson the an«i otber e«litors on tbe first-c!*ss pnpen» reeHve trom §3.000 to $7,000 —only twoor threein the natiou receiving somuch a< 810,000, Thert» are, however, oTer 100 prvucbers wbo rvceive from $3000 to 810,000 per annum for tbeir services, and yet tbey have only to \vork «>ne day m the seven. wbi!e tbe evlitor Uas to work si.t d*ys. Conwderiag th« lnbor therv is no eomparison in tbe rcn»uueration. A Sivt;ei,\R Moi>k ok lVuj>*tī tuk Hon?.— Vn exch*tise tb« followinjr sbgubir oi«tbv\d of tellinj: Um» ti»r of day ©r night. whkh we copv !or Uyc bene6t of tbow wbo w'isb to trv the experiweot : Se*t yoursvlf at a table. AtUcb a pīeee of (»y » sbnilo ff ) to « thread. Having nla<*d your *lbow on the tablc, bo!d tbe thrtud between U» tbua\b anvl f*r*-Bne*r.*ad «Uow tbe shilUng to hauK in tb<> ct»ntre of a eliss ti»mbler. Tbe pulse wH» itnmwSuueiy canso »be ahilline t«> vibrate like a peudu!um, aad tbe vibratioa will inereas* until tbf »aiUmg «trik« tbe side ot tbe gla» ; aa4 sup)>twng tbe tia»eof tbc experin»v>at to be »: tbe hour of 7 or 74, tbe pemiuhim wl\l strike tbe gbss timw aiuj then los** iismomennim and r*niro to the ; "»«' yo!i bold ihr thread a si»me«>nt leagtb »t time tbe e3Wn wiH U- repeate<i; not untll a suffcclent lpajftb of timc has e!aps«-tl oonvmco ihai sbe exfH'riment U eomplew. \Ye mvd »ot idd Mm\ tbe tbr«rad mnst be b,dd wiih a »te.tdr b;uid. «':»terwtse the \ ibratiujr wolkm wouM b<» At wb a sever hour of tb<» dar or ihe » \jv rimvn; ts uii«le. ibe %\\l be ihe satar. H«ytU Ha\ūen advict\*; *\*u< b*sld«s tbc outiawrT t »f «N»Uuvr a rewani 85.0«i io *old b offrtx4 fv>r h»s head 1* u a!so ucvtr*d tb*t *U otber ins»irpenu shall faii io giv* «p &rtas and Mibiett to revuluut«iary «utb«rtiie» wnbln 44? bo>nr» afte>r UwtS * tka °* *** ***" W ottt * l-«b. I.—'Tbe r»wt-AU-rrtace airived U.uU«-x vUU*v\fJa».3o. 0f bis mvib*r f ua * 4 " v< w «Ūsidiv», Vri!h ihe tuzitive# wbo ba4 by vbe Aa**rk*a f,>r *«d lbeuot» go 10 lV*Hajco, ' tro<«pf wb<» fo?«bt uadcr is»iaave at liw Us« *t C»«b* wUb C*br>l > amy. at whieh / **** wttb »inr4 »£.• > ¥5,b *** Wteatk>t} of ibc !uiWr£* 11 b tbe 1? ! i lU<setf. ?0 inUnlw. 01 .be * »> «'» 4eaJrd *hh dcn*io«i, •**« «««w*