Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 10, 5 Malaki 1870 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

English Column.

Fact and Fancy.

A oaaw f>r a —A FT rt A } } kuA iA lK ! pc—tbē rm£ Kotiittg ;ftock—catt!c on rxjlwap. .Serpcni* <»n ibe lieanh —Eelf on * grjdiroo. A French phvskĪ3n wh»'ens iwi o'jtc«s <-'J eleo» .- tTĪcitv. Shv«ckiOg ? jVr> yfnj koow sny v>>nl ountainē *U Ihe; TO welē? rnqo<#:i«sablv. | Thc tncrchant bwn lbr kkbc lune bcot j on piciMirc t* at Urt bivkcīi. The Cardiff Giant in min»tare m coming in \ Tog«c u a park>r onuus«st. On wbat .xc&*ion did Gcorgc IV. girc hiinec!f 'aij¥? Wh«» bc baagbt a wig. A dcrgvman g*re thi§ onier to an eatir»-boo*e ] waiicr: H>«»t becf, well dooc» good aod faith-; fu! «emun. | ' The Po« cafl» the Biabop6 he ho* gatbcred at! }»w oc»oncil 14 ray cbikircn. M That i« right. Ile \ i* thelr rapa. j Fa»-hif»nabie ycmng ladic« are «aid to be snffcr- s ing xvith ahscw«« on their fcct, cau*d by Ux \ high Frcnoh b(»t-hccl« oow in vqguc. f Whr i« an orcrcrjat like a babr? Bccaapc one ; is whil vou "sroar t and th»? other is what you was. ; We saw r, horee m ti>c ftrcet the olhcr day eo ' T»or that thc owncr bad ticd a knot in hw taH to! keep hia ir>iv from #iippīng throngh the coliar. | Ma»sichafctia eonlainn a thicf who «to!e tbe 1 mrr* and towJine of om-of Uie lifeboats bclonging to it« liumane .Socicty. The late Manjuia of We6tminiater ieft aboat $5jK)0,000 in persanal• propcrtv. Thc value of iiin rcal cstnte has ncver bcen cetimated. W->roen havc the franchiec in Wvoming with-m-:rlctii>o, but in thc case of niaiea the usuaī! i« gubti ns rclativc to rei>i«Jencc, ctc., bo:d good. | A comcrnporary appnil» oystcr catere by de- * n;ribing thc oy?lcr a-> a marinc aeephaloun molluw: j of thc bmiili-hranchiate ordcr of the genus | t*trea. j f»ovcrnor Fairchil(b» rcav»mrDcnds that tbe ; inliuuie of WiM»nsin submit to the people a ; «x>nstiwtional amcnd«ucnt abo!ishing thc Grand. : Jurr fftstem. A Jiitle girl lost in Lmdon strcets. on being 'jUcstion«-<! ns to her jxirentage nml plaee of birth, rfplicd that \»ns Ure 44 child of $in,'' and wtts 44 b»rn in Wrath." A rf»j«ort lm.H hoen eprend in I'nris that the; b«iutiful t-hip Pnris Port <ie M<t, whieh sailed : Irom Faris direct, two months haek, has; bc«n !>.*t ofT tiic l'.ipe of f «lioil llo}>e. i At UhoiniH, rcccntlv, a robbcr was etruck dead :it night bv apoplexy in thc Cathedral, into whieh : he hud broken ior the purjx>(se of cttrryuig off thc Kieml vc!««»l8 and ornamentH. * ! A m*w culony hns heen founded in Syria eom-; pow*d of <.iennaiiK from Wurtcmbcr«;. 'L'hey liave i M!ttl« d uj>.»n tiie site formcrlv oect:picd by thc' uhan.K.neU Xctv Kngland colony. j Tho (!ov« rnor of O.hio inw j«rdoned a young man who wok H?nt to the State PriKon for man-; fl:iughter on condition tbat he drtnks no liquor' during thc time for whieh he was »cntenccd. Ilie f>ctroit Pnst annoueeH thc death of Mrs. t oune.ll in that city, nt thc agc of 110 ycars. Bhc luul heen in thc cnjoymcnt of continuou« good hcu!th up to tho prcjscnt wintcr. The 'l\ltfpaph, thc most cntcrpriM*ng of thc I«ndou jotimalti, hns adoptcd the Americun prnctico «»t intcrvicwin« di»tingiiitibed men. Auiong it> firi*t \ ictiniB Averc liit«marck and thc lvhcdivc. A hili i« bef.»ro tho South (.'arolina l<cginlaturc providing for tiic rclicf «>f farmcrei, by makiug advancc«, nnd thc app<jintment of iSuite agentB in eneh county to rceommend thofic worthy of ;i6«it>tauee. % A litt!c thrcc-vcar-old girl in Now OrleiuiN rc«*ntljr iwumi»hcd hcr mothcr, who attcmptcd to eorreet hcr, motioning hcr aw«y with a chuhby l»tt!c hand and ecomfully Kiying, 4 *Shoo, fly, don't buddcrmo!" A young gcnt!cumn at Char!cs City. lown, ecnt Hcvonty-fivc ccut* to Now York, reeently, for » melhml of writing without pen or ink. He roccivtxl thc followinj» iui>cription, iu largc tvpc. on n nird : •• Writo with a fK;ncil." iMi« K!i«c Uolt was «?omewbat injurcd byan nccidont in the Xew Orlcans A<ad<;my. A portion »f tho mnchhicry fell uj»n hcr, and prevonted hcr tilling herpart in the rcet of tho play,aB wae aniiouoced to thc audioocc. I>r. Mury Walkcr had a row in Kan«w lalely with a rnilroiid conductor abont bcr furo, aud «illed liiui a•• dirty, «tinking man." Sho then paid tho moncv, apparcnt!y hatw6cd in hcr own mtr»d thnt ehe b«d eooie ofl" victoriou». Tnc Detroit Adcrrtisir alludcs thus to the distingui6hc«» Benator Trom M<rachusctts: " Ile is the pcrpendicular of tho Senate and all opiniom» adverM> to hie nre too apt .to be aecountcd by him a« fativl ddlections from the rigbt line." Mrt«. Amelia Bloomcr, a name onee known throughout iho length and brcudth of the land, i» limg at Oouneil Bluff». Het poor heaUh she allegcē aa an cxcu«j for not taking a more prominent port in the fomt\!c wiffrago moveuient. An Eng!isb Bishopouerulously remarkcd to his Bcrvant that he was dying. «* Well, my lonl," t»kl the giH>d fellow, " you nre going toa bctter plaee." 44 John," ropliei! thc prclatc, with an air of couviction, a thcrc's no plaee like 01d Eng!and." The Boston Mmma! itist*« an unkind rcflcction on tho Woman*s liights moveaient, when ie ea\-8 • 44 A lady of this city—we ought to eay a spiiwter —rdtuarkB ?he don t c?iro a!»out female $uffm<m unleea it «rriw with it thc right to make propoeaU of marriagc, M " Kinetewi dre«w in tlirce day!«, and s!ie &iid at night timt t4io eoukl nos gi» tosupper, as she had not a rag to her !mck !" 44 What did Ciuwy eay?" 44 Whv, t!mt be cou!d not go eilber, aa he liad «o coat to hia stomach," An oUI author daintly remarks :~Avoid orgumcnt with ladiw. !n spiuning yarns among «lki» and eatinu, a man i« eurc to he wor?t«i nnd tw»ted. And when a man is worsted and twi»tcd lie may cotvidcr h\»uself wound up." 44 Nothing ean bc dooe well tbat is done in a hurry," oraculurly Uociared a ocrtain jx»mix>us msse«gcr in a railway carriage ono moruitig iately. "lhw abv>ut catdiing a train?" a>kwi a wag at his dbow. The oniele ww filcoced. Udv (who is canvassiag for a choir at tlwj vīlhge ehuwh)—-I hope Mrt«, (ii!c«, you wi!l per«iade your hu«iband to join u5. I an* to!d lie h«« a very *onowos v\>icc. M». G—A sion>us voice, aiauu. Ah! vou ehouhl hcar it a out <if n wiien 1h V #s!evp. one asked the |wt Lauiartine whethcr he not «ij*t*ding kw mueh inoney in adverti#iti<* h» puMioiiioiw. he an«wcrcd; 44 *dve£ aiv ab&dutrly nccx««iry. ETen divino worslnp iiewk adverti«<ng; othcrwwe, what i« the ofehurch hella?'* ln swdin* for a naw r»ilrc»d at the wc»t the ci»nto«ctar \ym to ctit ihroogh » neh Tcin of iron orc. Ue U*s mueh dm**a!a£tti by the haninea» t»f th« rock ait was Ute Oaliluniian who ah«u>doncd the iu <W|«ir l>ccau?*> he had to bia»t througti lliiee feet of *Uv«r to get at the go!d. An ordcr 1»« beea introduoed iu the eommon «oanei! at |). V\, " to pMhihit the of nH**|uit»« v ir. that «ty, aod iuith«« a pcmliy of dtiU.tr lo fi*yj ou everr nerwa who «haU aikw» any huekei, iub ©r other reeepuek. tvrntainio§ watcr. tu tbcir yardß witho«t h«Ttag the «ime wurc!y oovcretl, to wemu mo*juiU** froia pivp*£fthn£. It w &timated that iliei* anr ovtr 12,000,000 hesid tif eAtth? ia lVs>tu- aluoe, lnit prior to tlte'war that Staj* .iulv tmss-J and the catik thrt>vc durinr the wittl ihey have inw*a**l eftornjfHi<Ji-.