Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 9, 26 February 1870 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

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E'rr<hant« crc now i;«d in l^-•?. bci -rc ihe pioūgb. P ia dcfincd anv of tnV>ught no arrangcd a« ?o &-ikc » oan or <ry. <)rznz& " &"iTxn <>n llie Fl>ri«h j <>f Mr*. Uarn<-t Boc-Wr Mowe," are for ?alc la Montgf*iucrT. AJ*ba:na. Cib>UChcPt«-, ytaS#iChWAr. C3Ugh? w>l »M fj5.C00.000 wnrth of s*-a in !*&•. t i*e baodred aod ien raei« 3nd <5,000 mw dkl the htiwn€M. Thc of thc Wr**?n»in eapilal Uiehr !khJ an «elnaw bali. Ilnw thf* wbirliog billiardNalL* muM bare k-«'ked frc*m the ba!coay ! "Hk? rmi prof«rtT «»f Richakood, Virgioia i? es~ timatcd at <Z'kMIWK and th" [*r*>nal 0,000. Porc!i*fter. Maw.. !»?.* hv nnnoxaint-« tb<- Sixt/fnlh Ward «»f \ hupe [••:riftM ha* Jx*on fi»un<l Fort Ai.a. ar>d it i« *upf*w*"d to hav«* hoen that whieh .\nri JiK» l':iplifl'giant. 'n,.. <wo *traw iemon at Shrovfp»rt are kept >m-v iu «*Tt». s,i iiig omigrant all !w»uDd f.»r I OMK'. S.iūn »lre-**"- n.''.v n\j ully g<>ing«)ut of fa»hi.iii ei' •['! f.-r «ltvrrj.iid uki Lodto* and d**wagcrv. }n- three placcs of l'niUnan «roi?hip, \*}f-r«- t!*c ar»' :»ll lnv. 'i'hi- !fiidwi.'»t«T \t.-iv <»f Nm«ra Kal!?» fr«n tlwī new hri<i'j** i* l said t<« vcrv fine. A i\»nt!»vti--ut h:is invcntctl a top that mn" t r-v *and weigh» *iv:t a pouu<ī. « fr,r •>! !h<- •* w«-!\ithy Auicricanr," who rec*'ntly an ar;-f<-mficy«»un{; buly at Milan, turnn uut i> U' a juurncyinan har}»er. A <k'u:in„: *--iety at \Valnut Bcnd, P»arren r )!witv, Kv.. h;ts «hwlM that 4 * all thc human faini' v n<<ijr.trih arc n<<t d«>rendanth<»f Ada:u and i;'vc." A .•>>rr' -[»olcnt of th«* lV»«ton Transcript a.*ks | a " t%rioui« «iuotiou." lt i* tliii«; •• Can any one j t» il whv tft<* *nil. w iiioh ccrtainly if thc individu-1 ;d, lU- 'nu ~r /, i> <-alicd // "r sh-' hy every | on»''.'" j Kr<»Mi tl,c ?iuit»ī»er «»f wedding* owurring about) ihe*- it wiil hard!ydu t<» siy that inarriagCB :(rr- cwtitracted. A j»crs.;n \v!iu ha«! j;<»t k>uii<* Mii.itleriiig «;f zoo- [ logi<"il lurc *-aid tuie <l.iv t-» a ii"vioc, that onw'o-1 • liN » wit.' <}ft»M» wn in tesirt». •' (»li, thut is uoth- ; m-." rt'ioiw-d thc novicc, " I h:nc oūen Hjcn | whaio* hluhh«:r." | *' When nieu hrcak thcir h<Mt ts ' rcnmi'ked a : i'vnieal leiuale writcr, " it is ihe Nune a* when u . lol<j-tor hn oit<- of its c-la\v.s—an<<thcr .*prouting ! »<ut i:unKiliately and growing in its plaee." ! Th>:kk'> tiik Rn«.—- •* lMain-Hiewl girls should j «lrc--s plainW," r»-njarks u ladv of authority on \ fa*hi.m. th«.*rc t:ver a youui: lady who woa williiig to ad:»it lhat ehe iiad a piain laee'.' A v«»uthful tn\voler, warecly in his tccn6, wlm h:ui uVten pnKHil hetwecn Ohioami Mat*achuhotts, hii.s takcn dowti the namea of nine huudrod lix*om«jtive engine.s whieh he has seen oti different niilnuul!». An cditor «lown S»utli, who scrved four daya on a jurv. n»jf lic'm so full of law that it iH hard 10 k» cp lrotu chcntin<; so:nehotly. Thc Now Vork Tun<t says the fashionahlc drinke iu Hot»t<m just uow aro n«ot hoer, Now Kughmd root hcer, old fasliioned ro >t heor, Ottawa! hcer, Chica«iw lH'er, C'li ( x:ta\v t»oer, e'hippewa., lK'er, niul neverul othcr kin ol bcor. Lager heer I is pruhihitc«l hy thc prohihitory law. | An lrtshuum being about t«» join a company fonning during thc late war, wa« que6tionc<l by 1 one of the otficerB : •' Well, sir when you gct into hattle, will you fight or run ? 11 An laith,' ? ro- i plicd the lliliemian. '• I*ll be after doin iw a n»a- ! jority av ycc<» docs." | An insuranc<* company in l'ortlaud, Maine, j \r»u> applied to for jH>liey u|xm a bousc in a village ! whieh luw no tiid enpino. 'l'he agent at>kcd j • 4 AVhnt are your facilitieB for putting out Cre?" •* It raiiiB Bonietiaics inour to\vn," replied thc npplicnnt, with siuiplicitv. A young Cunadian girl who ntn a\vay from home and \v«Mvt to l)etroit has hoen arre»ted for vugrnney. Wlion offercd ber liherty in case t?ho wou!d go back home, she ehoweil hcr good tasto hy tho lollowing rcply : Notnny, mister; 1 like the Statcs in prison bctter than Canada atliberty. l'll take uiy elmnee* on thiB Bide." Mark T\vain r\vk one of the mtx»t winning foaturc« ol i« thc |xiliteiiew» of the people. Oue is civilly tn*atc\l all. Kven an lrishman, p]ainly a du*illery iu tlisguise, after repeated and v;\in attenipts to direet hiui t«» his hotel, rctleoted awhile in paiul'ul jvrplexity, but su«ltlenlv Baid, " iīot it iu»v; might have th<»ught ol it hefore. l'U go alv»ug aml sho\v you mysoU'. M An«l he did. Tiio trunk of a l»erman itmuigrant fell to pieeen on the train ol' the nayt*»n, X«Miia aud Cincinuati lU\ilrvv\d, recvMitlv aiul pi\ thou.«and dollan< in was soattorod all over one of the pasw?nger v-.\rs. A jjononvl ccrainble ennuwl amongthe |xiB- - f>r thc privil»*ge of hiintlling thc eoveted tvin but everv pieee was n.\\»vere«l by the owner. j V\ith.—Kailh tlwel!s in the lK>nler land ofj id\udc, lH*tween the light and the dark. All light «ir all dark, there is no rooui for fuith. She is a j graee that men as trecs walking. Sho dis-! oenu» substaiKv, but not form ; shc rostB on evi- | «lenee, but m>t vision. lJotl bv the ct.»nomv of llis pnrtial rcvelations, ha» gi\en us tl is l>ordcr lainl f»>r faith. Aud fiuth lovec» it. She suyB,: '• On.this» !«ide I «Ht\on the other I e-an tmst,aud midwav 1 ean walk.aml ns 1 walk l ean look, not at niv path, but at his g\iiding eye." If aee»>r\ling to Hiv< revclations wp arc now. by viuil union with Citri*:, lxvometi sm« of («\»d, we will wait in c*\n6dciKV \vhat \ve bc when He who is our lifo apjx«r. Tl?k IH»V WHO W«»I Ll».\'t Tkil A LlK.—Bonie «V.\v> aftor ow of llie Knglij<h steumers huti lcft l.iveqvK»l, not U»ng a-?o, a bright looking boy, ! uUhi; cigbt \xv\rs o!d, wtw Lhiihl on b«x\rd, who ha i Ihvu «vnof«icvl in tlw \wscl since idie lcft port (whioh, bv the way, i<* quitc n eomuion c\vurrv:x\'A 110 was «juestioned by the ofstviv as to 1 1 >w he Cftmo t\vcrc. Ho htntcd t!iat he wns an orplmn an«i hnd an nunt li\iug iu llalifax, nt\d tlwt his uiK'lo in l.ivorp,v>l bciug p«.>orand unab!e | to jnipjv>rt him, he hia hinif« , !f m the v«wl ju«t: Wforc H\iHn«4, so that l>c might to Ha!»fi»x and | Hre w»th hi< aunt. lt Kv:uod like ihe old story i to the ois«vr« <»f tho v««ei and they accviscd bim! ©f bcing heljv«l bv tlic crew, aud t'rie*i there ut- i iuvfet bv v\vuiugand threatcning to make hiiu di» j vul£c that of thc eaiion* liaa taken him! aho»rd and gi\ cn him fvH>l. Ftut thcy availcd' nothiu*—thc Httie Wlow wouid tdl uo othecj frtory. At one of tl»e of6cct> feeiing 50.re that! the boy wns decciving him, «ei»evi him bv tl» arm w»th ti*» rcumrk ; ** I «m to mak'e vwi: tell thc truth aml taking him to what tWy eall Uh? hridgc, N»id: "In vnw half hour l &h&lf h&ttg \\Rt imless you tcll whiohol the Kiiloi# ha\c Wa l«?e\ling wu.** lt wa« tio u*e-~!hc!\)y wvHild not lie; aod when th« ōftoer told him Mont!r that he luml on!v two minut«« to iin\ thc little felk>w n«k<M, •* Sir,uttv l pr\y?"*-~4»t>;l imm«*d'»Mely sunk i ihi hU kneoi. auU {tiu<ig hi> iiujt» hands in ui attitude of pr»ycr, »4owW re|»outed th«? Un4'« i*raycr. aa>tdM thc c.pturuc»i faee« of Md cn?w of tlw who h«d anxioueiy ing the nawili of thc oSc»rV Mperiu»cnt. This was t«>s mueh for tlwir snd a iuv%t «eeue. The appturntlv nniih fellow bu**t iuto tww, auad caucht ilie Uttfc» fel- «* *ra* aad hu£ged htta m tliough in be h«d j*wt «*»{**! d«ih. AfW Uii* Cfē»t Uw briy wa* m young h«?tw in %ht *bjp. 11« *as pni«d «d trmt«it with eaeh ooe aiui9Us tn do <*iiaothing lūm; and wlhhi !»<» arriv«vl m lialiiaA ln* taken hv tl*e mme r w!to liud d »abtM him nml SttM*With q niee mit of olotW, and C3irr»stj ;«> hh* aunt, uith boarty t»'jd « bis fuiurt: cam.r.