Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 8, 19 Pepeluali 1870 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Foreign Kisc«liany.
The woman qo<*tk>n —I* l* 1 rkh ? >femph;s arerage* one nsor>ier {«er week. nrr-proof furniturc w manufactured in ma^v, ciain>§ to have had a rtrktrdu dogfight. has now d ?mini n orcr '♦ # arrw of laivi. Maiiooe pefforßaioce§ in Xew Ork»n» begin a* ne.in >pioy detaife—»«nu&l «tatietīc? uf tbc Natm«g .Slate. " Tbe King of W urteaburg tak« threc hoar» for dīnoer. An oW !adj in Indiana baa pat 15,836 pieoo» int/> a quih. A fpraioed hiā ankk? aod becamc a laoie "on. M. (>lliricr, thf Frcnch PrrrnicT, is 44 ycars oki, and if thc i*on of a racrchiint. Thc " giaot'' ferm in Cardt!i', \~ew \ork, ha« lx*-n w>ld (<jt $3,500. ,\n oH inaH'p lotc lettcr ia cal!ed a romanoc of thc ruiddle age. A ftrc€t car » bcing nin in N'ew York that not nced railā. Napoleon 111. h&e pardoned Tibaldi t who ooee sttdDptc*lto kili bim. Strwart ha» <mld thi« «eawn twenty $2,000 hlawli» a«d oimj for $5,800. Kitc thou«irvd con-umptivc pnticntA rc«ort to cvcry yf«r, tbc cliuwte tbcrc i# «) f«T(.raJ'!c. Thc New V-«rk fumii»hcd lodginp* Ui 135,501 {«rs<jiv> ycar. !/**<» hy firc up in thc l*nitcd Stau» for tiif l i rcara £3*0,299,000. Thcrc arc 500 liccrwd veseclfl cngagcd in the oy.*tcr lit»ljerie«!fc>«ton «"oaiplainH tbafc the reccnt mild weat!jex ha* Mrarined rao«|oiti)«» into life. ** Tinie," w»ys llomee Smitb, 44 i« the ve!nclc tliat <rarrici« evcrything iuto notbing." A \Ve#=u*ni gir! likea to make bread heeauee it clcan« hcr so beautifully. T!jo King <»f Swedcn ia going to de!iver a nnml»cr of puhlie lc<"turc« in his kingdom, on tcmperaiwo. It \ras ('liiulcs Uusb w!»o said he did not like iiew new fnoe« or new ycam. A Pcnn*ylvani:i rc*taurateur is under arreet for making hw •' free noup" ofdog meat. l)eath claitucd 20 Knglish pcers and 11 memlK*rw t»f tlie !iou*e of Common« in 18G'J. Thc wife't» in:ibility t<i niake good bread ig a ground of divorco umong the Arabs. A *ign on an uj>-town avcnue in New l'ork reads thus—" Mrs. Rcverend Drct« Makcr." l)aily hulloiinp of the hcalth and pranks of Ku«;enie f a jx i t omng-outang are now i«sued. We talk «f •' spcuding our time, M a« if it were eo mueli iutercBt of a perpetual anmiicy. A too niuihle elown craeked a joke and his kueepau at the eame time, in ap; Eiiglieli circus. Almoist any g<xxl l<x>king man will eit for his picture, hut very few like to be drawn as juror«. A dead woman, eyc« widc open, and thih as a lath, wun found in hor rooiu in lA>ndon, Btnrmi. Jo!m Mc(V>.>!o, brotiipr of the St. Louis prizefightcr, ina memberof the Minnreota Ix;giBlaturc. The great pmpoiulemnee of iuale ovcr female l>irths iu iho l.'mted $tates jubt uow is cited ots a premonition of anothor war. An lndmna inan !i»b offcrcd $75 for the prfvilegc t»f o!Gciating iu» hangman at un approaching cxreution., # The New eall» Mrt>. Stowe'B new hook, •' A Fai!uro to Yindieatc Mre. llarrict lk?echer istowe. M (apo Mav refu«e« to he burnt out, and i« rebuift with new attraetions for the eoming iscn-tfide tK»i«on. < Thc coffin in whieh liiulia Grjpi w«\« lHtrictl, at the Pere-la-C!iais<j of Pari«, cobt nut lc«s t!ian 15.1KH) frnnee. llooe Collegc, Michigai),ha« a J;ipivuet*e student, nauieu Tugawa. When Jap meet Soph, then eotneo thc Tugnwa. ikhooi ha« rertchod its threc hut)dredth repreK?nt»»tion in Londcw, and t!ie i»cenery has bcen three timcs repaintcd. Ti»e robbery of Minister Motloy in lx>udon «ugge«t« to the Xow York Htrald that tho Aliihama pirate« arc on *hore. Wbat is at oneo tbe moal cnriou« nnd eoin-inon-plaee thing to l»c «een at tltc South? A knoe-gruw out at tbe elhow. A Lon.Km moreanti!e house has prohibiteil its
clerks lroiu we»ring mouebiches, und eertain Lundon guls tui? in«līgnant. i 'l'he British l\wt-officc Dejpartment mnde $23,- 1 (HH),000 nct lftst year, >vhilc thnt of Uio Uuit«l! J<ti»te« wcnt l*eliind $5,000,000. ,No fnuikiug in ' Knglaml. T\%in brothi»«», 17 year>» of agc, han» just been I \o l\\e Ma*sacU"uBetU biate lVison for fivc jrenrf, for burj»larv in Sj>ringfield. ! Two M>vereigns out of Bituntions, TsiMla of' Sj>ain and Knuieia Uio Second of Naple^, are now 5 refcuUng iu the wuie houw io Kome. j In \ovk, Pu,, Mro. F.li*a Met*el luu» luid out for hurtai, duriug ih« voar IS4U), 95 adulta awl 52 ehiMren, iu;iking iu idl 147 pewoue, A l«ttle girl sent out to huul for eggs eanie baek un*uewt*lui, coinplniniug that ** lots of hei>s wt-rv «tnndiitg :u>ntnd doing nothing." , A l'hiliuielphia photo£raphcr vra» askixl by a young btly to take hcr jiieturc vrith an wcpre«sion : iX \rujf eonip*.Msißg a powu. rherv ia an old uc«ro in iA>uisvilic 107 ycare ol age aiwl Mind. IIU Nvifc i* tvven ycars his jum«r, aad fupjiorb hitu by her own UK»r. A Kan.w City ei««niuaii («top{xxl hw> scriuou i thc ot lut J>nnday, and eauie oul iu front of the | ehupeh to marry an unfortunato «ouple on borw- ] back, A woman in s>t. l*aul has bccn iu a trance «tate for «ix weeke, &nd her busbaud rviu«» to seud for « doet«>r. Hr 6ats h« intend« to enjo* a lime m loog u poNuhle. l\wr4o who coufeeiīoaerv Dotr»a-daTB m»r i geacrally say wiili Oleopau*—' " ; " Xo* 1 ! WiJ» ax*\ poiwa* Tb«Wf are grcftt nurobei* of people out of e»-' plovmdot «U Mwitrcal, The hoaae» of industrv ! aud rcfuge are lui!, aini thero arc numeeoue ap* pliouite fi>r eWtty. llow about tbwc ekborato and eunuu® eombmation« of figurt» »o cum?ut U*t tw, whi&i wured indubiuihlT U«t NapoW» 'l». vould »bdicatc or di# in ? llon. Clnrk» O'Oaew, iawjer t of New York, w rtxwTmg $re*t attention f*Mta tbe pnOat«« and othw htgh dignitariea at Kome, lle bad a npeeial from tbe i\>pe. Thc Mayur of New York wui brvaigbt up a rawttKper m«n. Uemt a »hort &K£Nun «ikl rt*cj<>wy rwid ii» \Vbeu wiil oUwr rulcr«k«rn U» »em of bmity? A meinber o( Ihe !UgiUlature ac«k. ittjS U* <tustaitt a )x>int of onkr, jcrked hw eunl *< w4iibte taa» wtU Md ll«« dud< 4 ru tcyteh hiw that he ia out of onk*.- Ttie jvint su»tain«d. A laī Kwieh bkd* {fe*pairinglr »s»y*, *« I •» Ui U«a( l pniy a diittnpMntuM«it to make w* Uuu. \o ***** &*« tU dlMp»o«Uttient liwn «MW cxy**iaū<m ul Oui>. IW ®* •*?*» X l*cva» fktS thao wr.