Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 7, 12 February 1870 — The Ecumenical Council. Discord in the Aucuibly-How the First Meeting was Broken Up. [ARTICLE]
The Ecumenical Council.
Discord in the Aucuibly-How the First Meeting was Broken Up.
Hie truth übout fiivt mccting with closcd ticK»n», i«, 01» Uk* UUh,) i«« ooiuing out. Tt \v,u} a wno of ihe nrc;uo6t confusiou. lam ik»w toh! that the iuinoritjr was 130. lt wr\« tfu? Archtiishoj> of Teu»cspytir, in Crv«tia, it w now N*id, who wa.« makinea Litin spwch, prwtcsiing j ftgainet Uw fonns and arranqemcnt« as interfor-1 ing witlj the indepen«lence of tho KwhopP, when I tho R\ng nnd he wns oallc\l to onler. Thero- ■ upon, it »«»aihk\l, tho of llungarv oamo ■ to his aad it» hia hirn cnlk\t to order' in a like manner. l'pon thi? Dup!inliuii> njade a \ strong ob«?rtation in good French atid h-ft tho HaiJ t with the Archbtt4>op of and a hundml i ot]K x r«, in fect. brcsikir.g up tho iue«uug. All \ the BislK>pß eomplain thnt tliej nre ix>worless; ! that t!wy hav« had ik> txmo to 'kuow wh;\t tlu v • aro wanusl to do; thut thoy have oniy bci-Ii :\llowcvl eight daw to make one another'« ao«|uiintaiut*; fm\\y, ihai' tho Ual 1 » iniolen»blo. lhey are dvin§ of eold, and they ftiniK»t l:cnr one anotlkr. rhev s»v thc pr«®eut iu.vommodation' ««* utterlv inadoouāto; tlmt thor require manv :qv)xv rvK>uii», ami thow iargcr ihan wlwi have! 'wn in»pmviscxl iu and about St. lVtexV. I h«ir' tlu»t wtuc of thoui say tl>e C\>i,i>cil ought to bave l»oen ln*ld at Uh* Ulemn or the Quirau»], whore they n»ight have had a whole j«]aoo for the work, aud roo4u» for cv>nvorßktiot) aud other busiIHW4. They aw now obliged to find opportunitie« for muiaal inforn»tion tu»d «onft»m»w wherv' thev C9n, aud Omiiaak. aod other* wbo haptx>» u» lave mUeo» at thclr eummaml, arc l»oldW nightly Jatc rcunion*. V«y Ute ou«, too, I «wpoiM, for thc Btrects are getting xmsy at midwigbt, tso tban wben I c*me. Tbu» ihe fi«t up*tiog oi» tbe lOih eoded wtth au abrom «d>>urr»ment; and l canoot doubt tbat of t4>day ; l«as doue m alao. 'Hiii» is not very promising for ihe ptv«uiu«d ohM«t «.d the Oouneii. wbkh everv tUy rwden furtbcr iuto the limbo of vain asnilf the of fnfkliibilitT » it U mw «»id pot»UT«hr tbt >rcnoīi O>ncordat W at ooee wubdrawu, and Piiw IX. will 6ttd that witl» a new j**iUou new relaUon« *l*o \ wtu b*ve to be io stroug}y is thi« intcohon aunouucod tbat ihe 1W « friei)d« acvo«« Fm«cc oT d»ctating r and Frw*hmefl do i»ot d*tj tjw» iwpuuuwi», IV «naatiou ia botb «idw Montriss»mt; and aobody tJ»e w»y out of it % bv eootiottAl lill time itsr4f «u«y hiW awae «»rt of eaeai*. Bot &s for anv <xmdusious beiag co»e to and pfxiefcl»ed hy /aouar¥ 6th, *hat » |>ruuvmuecd imjx»ible.-~ 'iW*.