Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 6, 5 February 1870 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.


.N'ipieu 211 i*/W U» U>i crcr? rrcoing at, tc«oclofk. i Nc* fca!ao4 $730,000 pr ?-inum for a | mooihW line of «(«vmcr» u» 6an .» | A ha# ju"{ !xvn irnctitnl by a M«?x- ( io?.n gcnin*. ' ihe name of a hi.«trioni'- ?tir, ih>v fhiinn» in < ro«*e. ruMilh I m ci-(* f<»r wh of l»»>r C'aJi-: * jniii ; " ladics witit.tui re;rml t«> *<x " arc invite<l to ;i wonmn'» rigM>» meciuig »n a \Vcs»tern | t/.VTfK j \n Knglii»b tH>W6]<;ij*'r #erioti*!y inforrn* its, lh;»t a Tt*ar'H rcsiden<-c in ('hicago nititlcB; nil iuarrici oouple» to <livoree* u[on application. | A young ladv agod scventctn has lMim orrcētcd ' s io fi»r f>ig;iujv. SJkj umrnring nt j , the age of fourtcen. | is<|uib thinks he ehall applv to the I/Cgielature j for an inen-aao uf eapit;vi. Ile thinks he ha£. iric<l ino«t cvcry ot!tcr way. I An oM t'i!Ki<«) chcwcr find.-« that tlic liihle | •imain* liis {avorttc Iwihil. Ile quotca : " lle j tbat is tilthy, let hini be tilthy Kiill." * ; A WcBteru pnpcr savs the Hcv. Mr. BmitU. of, lliinoi*», wa« ac<juiitcd for dro\vniug iua \vife, 1 heenuee it waa hw firet offence of the kind. I A cru/»ty old hachelor eays he thinkß it ia L woman. and n<>t Jier wrong» that ougJiC to he! iedrei*cd. | A i;uly tcachcr was cndeavoring to imprees' upon itcr j>upilfi tlw tcrriblc cil'cct ot' the punish- j 1 incnt of .Nehuchadnezzar, raiyin«: 41 Scven ycars | he atc gr«»H liko a eow," when a hoy aakeel, i " Di<l he give milk? M j * % l winh you would not give nie Eueh short I weight for wy nioney t M said a euBtomcr to ui gn.»ccr, who hud an outatanding hill againet him. I " Abd 1 wiah you wouldn't givc me eueh long) tcaU for niine," rcplted tlte groccr. j Thc '* Alexandra limp M i» the late«t eccentric- s itv of fanhion. !t is produccd hy wearing a vcry j i«»gh lieeled hoot on one foot, and a flat hecled I l>Ot»t on thc othcr. Tl»e young lady waddles i ab\»ut iike a goot*>. ! Thc />ivcrpooi jicople arc horrificd at thc prev- { ah noo t»f iirunkennct=}} aiuong the wonien of that > « itv. ln a year, over 5,000 have l>cen committed | to jail tiiero for crimee counuitted uiuler the j of «trong drink. j It is eaid that Madamc Anna Bishop hns sung in no leiw than nine difierent languagcs—Engliah ( i Frcuch, lialian, ispatitab ( Swcd»bh, l)an»8h, llua- ; *«an, Hulieuiian, and (iomian. Partu of a skclcton lmve' l»ccn c3chumc<l at • Wiiualon, 111., whioh nmst liave l>;Jongcd to a \ww\daiuitc fpiadruj>ed larger tlian the maBtf)doii. 1 flie thigh hone of the fore lcg nieui>uretj more thiin tiirce feet in circumfcrenco. Au enonuoua pricc ha« l»ecn set on. Otffy naid he'd rather die in a railroad amaehup than on a Htcamboat burst-up, for thi» rcason;. I "If you off alive from a amaeh-up, dar you ', i«; but it you get's blowed up on a boat, whar; iayoo?" . Nantuoket W g»>no hackward within the liwt j i *ix year3. ller period of greate«t pronperity was , fmui 1S:;0 to 1840, when tho town had a popu-! lation ol' over 9,000, with over 800 vc«8el8. Xo\v i tl>erv arc but 4,300 persons in the to\vn, and, i 1,H2 of the.se aro over fixty y«\rB of agc. | A Moi.n. AnvKRTisKM)-NT.—An ;nivertincment i .»1 a «lit»iilicrv in a Phihi<iclphi;i pfij)Cr ( «umply »\>ntāsw of ihe n;iuto of thc iinn and a picture of' the umnufhetory. The proprictosv are evidently ' ?X'iiovet>J in wot kfs. and tho pictmv is intentlcd to i "Upi'l/ t!(0 i.iok of wonls a?« to tho quality> ot tlwir i\rtioie. Au r.uglish lalK\r\»rV wiie lately prt«cntcd her; hushaud with ftvo ohildrcn at ā birth—all of whow \vvmv a!ive nt last nooounts. The jxx»r woman )km twentv-t\vo ciiildrcn, ihcluding two of tripiot<». fbe ho» m?nt her .17. Tvrms hnvo Ihvu arnmg»l, hy mtn\na of mhle di9{x\tol?c-». Mr a moe Mwwn* .lamo« (i'ordon lknnott f .'r., with tho Aiuerkun y,»oia ])auntUss y utul A«*hb«ry'i» vaoht Cntnbrw s for a platc and 12Ō0, ft\>m 01d llead ofj KinMilo (.» isuuly liook, New Vork ; to start ucjit ; -lthofJuly. ; The lWiMeni kna eauml to Ik* isauc*l I iean Ministera ahrv>itd a c»re\ilar lettcr inijtrocting ; them to pr»>jx*e to the Cabincts to whieh thcy an» aivttHlitftl to a }>mt convention of the tuarttln>e j»\rers of thc world, to pn»vid« for the iiiMtcctioti and ueutrality of Bubtuar»ne eahlw. Tho lctter of in*tructions w j>rei«rvd and digucd : by t3w S.vrctary of >lak\ Tlic Grattd Opera haa ju»t t>ceji inauguratcd at j <«ruud Cain>. Two day» nHcr a CTocodik) waa i*ught, iu whoee intcrior waa found a pair of opem s by Yoightlandcr. Thcrt> is m duttbt t»ow ol tlic fute of Uie lureigo eorrwtt>ndeot* who wcut out hctween the aeu» of " Kiguletto" ! to huy at otnnge, and tiercr returiw\i lo hia atall' 00 t)»c op<*!\ing nig{<t. ; t C. V. llail, the Arctic cxjaorer, «avs tbe goat of I>]# aruhiti\>ti will not hat« heen rwcKxl until he ha* j4antod hi» foot on the Ni»rth l\>lo ' lle » »ow Rccl»matcd to Arctk lifc aod ihioka he - ■* r> s,r '' l, « r»w u>cat and drink oil aa kmg : *i>yK*iy, x\\d hkl de£aoce to King C«Ki, »» he 1 >a« tH>tc«* writtco with ihe nakcd hand when the tuiipcratuiv was w m»ty <%r*«* l*k»w »crv. * A Nw Oikw» Wifr, 1,(1 « t bo.« one mmw i - I *® r wh».. had txuim» Aawn lowo,~ ; *urptr«i n frkt»d , s c*cort to thc th<«tre Thc f*fc* dōewed tbat her hu*haad »hould oceupr the wcst n»t, arith aooiher thc o)f tua: «rs«jt Uumoow. Aa «uoti ajt wde n«a<ic thc * *** ******* «*«r aiwi wh*peml viek>u«iv: 1 " Chari«, wbo i» that hua»y roo ha«« with to« f" I \>f Uml Wow j«i ba** with*wu. M Tb«e «m no oeal of further expho»tioci. Mow ro K Lotr>,—Our mn e*vrr d«r hr «eeoa»» of kw«roe ***** «axpbdii* aui kUUa*, or «»mtr, u,v, and chtklrcn. A *hon)cS of the mttataw*!>fe te\turc oT the| M wooW jwnbabjr put au<» r & tKwiy aU the th* A* thc oil bun»dv»w o tn thc kiao f tte i thjod Uooarfy eoftmoM*i v aa%ht kr »iUofUm §?•»•** ia«ore tofoUow. 4eaS» ajad <k»utKiioo. A honhM) 'm ī 00l «*** to he dr«d*t. .W if tWU.p*w* to Iwni »<wv iJun balf wat moh ** Alwmrafcll Toorfauaa» } i no*crWl