Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 5, 29 January 1870 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Tfcr Waialoa keminan.
Tbc !or.cwing lact? rec3rdīnn lbe tioarve? of the Feraa'e Semmary 3; Waiaaw, now *uspeod«i. wiii be of iotercsl w the fneods oj tbit mstitauon. Thc aremge ooitiberof »cholars dorice th« tbrce raonti}S of Kho?img of lS65 t was 49. Thls was eqoal to schoo!ing 12 scholan foi a vear. Tbe »rrrage numl>T atleodmg doriog 1566. wa«5S; doring 1567, was7l ; dor. iog 1965, was 72; doring 1869, was 60. Thia is rqoal to the schooSmg for one year of 273 scboois. The rxpenses of the school hare been as fo!Iows : Krr for Hunning in 186.7— S5OO 00 .. « 1666. $1,000.00 1567. 1500 00 ISBS. 1.500 00 1869, 2500 00 Total for Kunning Expenses frorn Hawaiian Boinf — §7,300.00 Donation from Mr. H. Dimond - 100.00 " Ladjes Benevo!ent Soc., Honoiulu " 35.00 T<>tii for Kunning Expenses— 87.435.00 Fro«n thiiv (uml ail the expcn«>s of teachcr> «ther than the :>4iaries of the Principal nn<l hib wjfe and of thc I* AssistatJtTeach" < r. hnve bccn j>nid, and ail thc furniturc and ;»pjv»r.itu:> of (he purchnscd. This umounl of 57.-135.00 bei»g divided by 273, tho numbcr of y»»ars schoohng, givcs §27.23J !hc annual expcnscs f>f eaeh schoiar. Thc Expcnditurc for Tcachcrs l»een as f<>i!cm> : Moving Mr. O. H. Uuliek and famiiy frojn Kau • • • » $211.00 Saiar\- of Mr. O. H. GulicU and wife •1 ] yc.irs • • $450.00 —51912.50 isalary of Miss E. W. Lyons. -1] vears - • 5350.00 —81457 50 Tot»l for Tcachcrs— 53614.00 The Amouni of l\unning Expenscs 7435 00 Totii for Tcachcr and Run« ning Expcnscs— 811,049.00 This omount of S 11.049.00. divi«led by 273 gives as thc expense of sustaining a >oiioiar, mcitiding board,schoolingandsaiaries of tcachcrs §40.47. Thc expenditure upon the Waialua School I'rcmiscs have been as foilows : One year's rent* • • - 8144.00 Purchase of the Premises, - 1.200 00 Kepairs and improvements in 1865, 1,600.41 IN'ew Schooi House in 1567, - 1.200.00 Improvcmeuts in IS6S, - - 100 00 lmprovements in IS6S and 1569, 600.00 Total for Keal Estate and Improvemcnts — 54.544.44 Summary: ForKunningExpenses 7 435.00 •' Tcachers - - 3,614 00 " Keal Estiite - 4,844.00 Total Expenditure— 515.593.41 This sum of 815,893.44 divided by 273 gives as the whoie expense of a schoiar, including Kunning Expenses, Tenchcrs, and Keal Eiitate. SSS 22.